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  • Users: Andrew_89
  • Content: Threads
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  1. Andrew_89

    My Success Story

    Hey all i just wanted everyone to know how much better it gets. I'm going to tell you the full story the good the bad and the great . When I first got it I was in the same boat as a lot of you are scared senses going crazy body in fright that feeling that doesn't go away the constant urge to...
  2. Andrew_89

    It Gets Better!

    Hello guys, My name is Andrew Thomson. I am a professional musician from Australia. And I'm here to tell you a few things and lessons I learnt and how to stop your little sound from taking over your life like I did it mine for about a year. Ok so let's start shall we: 1 — YOU ARE NOT ALONE...
  3. Andrew_89

    I Want to Play Gigs Again

    This is a question I'm abit weary of asking on here . At what point do I give up playing live music for this sound in my head. I have taken time off playing gigs about 6 months to be honest . My T isn't from acoustic trauma or playing music to loud it's from cipro both ENTS I have been to have...
  4. Andrew_89

    Hey guys having a spike and need some abit of help and kind words

    Hey everyone I got T from taking an ototoxic drug . My hearing hasn't been affected as such I can hear perfectly but my T is getting worse it started out as somthing I could hear somtimes or only when quite but now it's gotten to. Point where even at my work place I can hear it all day . I try...
  5. Andrew_89

    For those new to this demon

    Hey guys as i was 5 months ago to how I am now . Guys I won't lie to you on how much it sucks a majorly. BUT . We all have a turning point mine was the fact that I have a stupid amount of friends that have the same problem working in the industry I do ( heavy industrial ) people younger...
  6. Andrew_89

    I'm Three Months In Now and Doing a Lot Better

    Hey everyone :) I made this post as a thank you to the people on this site that helped me through this from the beginning. I'm three months in now and doing a complete damn load better. All I can say is I love you. Three months in and well I'm doing a lot better and although it is annoying I...
  7. Andrew_89

    Anyone Here from Australia?

    Hey guys Just thought I would ask the question :)
  8. Andrew_89

    Etymotic HD 15 Ear Plugs

    Hey guys I thought you might be interested I recently required a pair of these ear plugs so I can continue to play gigs and earn a dollar on the side as well as chasing my dream . BUT THEY ARE SO MICH GREATER THAN THAT . They have a switch on them that has a gain so say your in a room With...
  9. Andrew_89

    Snuggling here

    Hey guys I'm new to T and completely struggling my it's a high pitch ring they have given me lexapro to calm me down but it takes awhile to work and I guess today it is crazy louder than what I normally feel and yeah what are some things I can do ? MEANT TO SAY STRUGGLING
  10. Andrew_89

    Can ciprofloxacin cause tinnitus? Can Lexapro make tinnitus worse?

    Well I'm not too sure when it started but I started getting T about 3-4 weeks ago it's a high pitched whine in both ears. I was taking an antibiotic before that ciprofloxacin and I'm almost certain that's what it's from . My question is can cipro bring T on ? I have also been given lexapro to...
  11. Andrew_89

    Hey Guys :)

    Hey guys thanks for having me on your forum . My story started about 3 weeks ago . 2 weeks before that I had a course of cipro I think I remember waking up and there being this high pitched noise and ever since hasn't gone away in both ears I think more in my right ear but it seems to be pretty...