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  1. J

    Considering Legal Action After Store Alarm Caused My Tinnitus to Get Worse

    Another Sad Story: Two weeks ago, I was doing my shopping at a large international grocery chain, not a small mom-and-pop store or a five-and-dime shop. I picked up my groceries and went to the self-checkout till to scan my items and pay. There was a supervisor nearby, keeping an eye on...
  2. J

    The Frequency of Some Electronic Devices Bother My Tinnitus and Hyperacusis — What TV Set to Get?

    Let me start with the good news: by good fortune I bought a small radio years back which has a very mellow sound and I listen to it pretty much morning noon and night -- I use the afternoon to go out and so some shopping. If there is occasionally a problem, it might be due to these telephone...