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  1. realdougconnolly

    Gangster Rap Concert — No Earplugs — Tinnitus ALL GONE

    This... story... sounds... like... clickbait... BUT IT’S NOT!!! It’s a hundred percent real and it starts on a crisp cold day in the fall of 2019. It was my first day attending a dormitory at a real, public overnight college in the United States. I moved into my dormitory and had expectations...
  2. realdougconnolly

    UK Members, What Are/Were Your Thoughts and Feelings About Brexit and the Referendum?

    Howdy folks (American Accent), I'm your little Yankee friend from South-Eastern Massachusetts dropping by. Admittedly, this one has nothing to do with tinnitus or hyperacusis, but I've been thinking about it lately considering I've run into so many UK users on the message board. Just...
  3. realdougconnolly

    What Does Listening to Music Sound Like If You Have Hyperacusis?

    Hey folks, I’m new on the forum and I have very mild tinnitus (noise induced) with no hyperacusis. I suppose you could call this post an exercise in Empathy. Anyway, I have heard that apparently music sounds painful to listen to if you have hyperacusis. I’ve never had hyperacusis, but I’ve read...
  4. realdougconnolly

    Do You Think That My (Noise Induced) Tinnitus Will Go Away?

    Hello folks, My name is Doug and have been dealing with noise induced tinnitus for a little less than five months now. The initial circumstances that led to me developing tinnitus were a visit to a loud, high, decibel hip hop concert, without being adequately informed about the need to wear...
  5. realdougconnolly

    4.5 Noise Induced Success Stories and 4 Habitations

    Hi folks, my name is Doug and I am from North Eastern United States. I have been putting up with tinnitus symptoms now for approximately four and a half months (volume has decreased 85-90%) due to a combination of a loud concert compounded with wax buildup. It is no exaggeration to say that I am...