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  • Users: dan
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  1. dan

    Looking for a Phone with Adjustable Low Volume for Video Calls

    Can anyone suggest a cell phone that can be adjusted to 0 dB during a video call? My inexpensive Samsung A10e cannot be turned down to a comfortable volume when starting a video call, which is why I can only use it for voice calls. Are there any cell phones that don’t blast sound on...
  2. dan

    Loss of Sense of Smell from COVID-19/Flu — What Are My Chances of Recovery?

    I came down with some form of flu—possibly COVID-19, though I’m not sure. On Day 5, I lost my sense of smell, which was replaced by a phantom smell (not surprising). What are my chances of regaining it? Are the chances approximately the same, whether it’s COVID or the flu?
  3. dan

    How Loud Is an Airbus 321Neo? What's the Cabin Noise Like?

    Anybody had a chance to fly the Airbus 321Neo? How loud was the cabin noise compared to regular Airbus and/or other jetliners? Was there any bad noises anytime during the flight?
  4. dan

    Rugby Legend Ben Cohen's Tinnitus Is So Bad It Can Make His Eyes Water

    'It's tough' Strictly’s Ben Cohen reveals his screeching tinnitus can be so unbearable it makes his eyes water and ‘will only get worse’
  5. dan

    Car Mechanics, Shout Out!

    Any car mechanics on the eastern US seaboard who could install a balance shaft chain tensioner and guides on my car- would very much help me out a fellow severe T sufferer. Please let me know.
  6. dan

    Living with Loud Tinnitus

    Is there anybody here who estimates their T to be around 50 decibels, and still has a life?
  7. dan

    2 Million Incapacitated?

    The number of residents in the U.S. affected by tinnitus is estimated at 37 million to 40 million.[1,2] Given that the U.S. population is approaching 296 million, about 12% to 14%, or one in seven to eight Americans, is affected with tinnitus. This condition may affect 30% of adults.[3] Experts...
  8. dan

    4 Year Tinnitus Anniversary Celebration

    After a gruelling 4 years with catastrophic tinnitus, rivalling only to Viking's (according to qEEG), I am proud to say that I am still alive. And now I celebrate with a little catchy russian song by a popular Chansón band: (I did my best with russian translation) Something happens...
  9. dan

    2004 Jaguar X-Type

    Anybody drive/drove this car here. Any good? Problems? Thanks (3.0L v6 Automatic)
  10. dan

    Toronto Doctors Test Brain Scan Technique That Could Predict Alzheimer's’s/ar-BBlMIjN?ocid=mailsignoutmd
  11. dan

    Quebec Anybody?

    Anybody here from Quebec?
  12. dan

    That Ringing in Your Ears? Don't Assume It Will Just Fade Away

    That ringing in your ears? Don’t assume it will just fade away. By Joyce Cohen July 13 If you’re unlucky, all it takes...
  13. dan

    Bluetooth Speaker (No Beep/Quiet Beep on Power On/Pairing )?

    Hi all, Does anybody have a bluetooth speaker that does not beep (or beeps very softly) upon power on/pairing? I bought a Marley Liberate, its an awesome speaker but cant use it as it makes a powerful boot up sound. Thanks.
  14. dan

    Something I Can Never Have by Nine Inch Nails

    Did I hear it right? - He says Ringing in my Ears....?
  15. dan

    Tinnitus Is Pain of the Auditory System
  16. dan

    Crunching in the Throat

    To add to my troubles, yesterday after some rigorous exercise with shoulders/upper body, I developed a sensation of crunching/clicking when I swallow. It's like the cartillage in my throat is rubbing against each other in the up and down swallowing motion. It is causing discomfort and pain. I...
  17. dan

    Faucet Test

    Can you hear your tinnitus over a running faucet? (like a modern kitchen faucet) (If yes, please explain in more detail how you hear it, on what strength of stream and if it's constant or periodic phenomenon), thanks.
  18. dan

    Is "Insert Drug Name Here" Safe to Take?

    In another thread Dr.Nagler stated his opinion: Sure, [a drug] might aggravate tinnitus in x % of cases. The only way to know if it's going to aggravate your tinnitus is to take the drug and see. Maybe it will kick your tinnitus up a notch (or two or three); maybe it won't. Maybe your tinnitus...
  19. dan

    Additional $200M announced for military mental health programs over 6 years

    OTTAWA - The federal government has announced $200 million over six years to support mental health needs of military members, veterans, and their families. The Department of National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces also announced Sunday that an additional $16.7 million in ongoing funds...
  20. dan

    I Have Some Trileptal — If Anybody Is Interested

    I have 600mg x 58 tablets if anybody wants to try a short course. It is a safe version of Tegretol. Some people respond to it. PM if interested.
  21. dan

    How Many Times a Week Do You Shower?

    I've been having an argument with a forum member. So please answer the poll.
  22. dan

    Dan's Corner, aka Ask Danik

    Another thread has inspired me to open a thread where sufferers can actually discuss "do-it-yourself" TRT. Or any other tinnitus related questions I can answer. I know a lot about TRT and the theory behind it. I've talked to TRT clinicians, I've been there done that. Seeing as this has never...
  23. dan

    In Loving Memory of David Craig Muller

    A friend of mine from our Tinnitus Skype Chat group, Craig Muller, has killed himself yesterday, after 2 years of suffering from severe tinnitus and accompanying ear pain. He was 53 years old. Craig's sister posted on facebook: IN LOVING MEMORY DAVID CRAIG MULLER 3-13-1961 - 9-26-2014 Rest...
  24. dan

    Severe Tinnitus People — Describe Your Tinnitus

    If you rate your tinnitus an 7 or more on a 1-10 scale (10 being suicidal), can you please describe your tinnitus - How does it sound like (places you hear it/maskability, # of sounds) and probable cause (noise, drugs, head trauma). Mine: 9+/10 Cause- noise trauma Characteristic - heard...
  25. dan

    Anybody Speak Spanish?

    I need to find out if Mexico has Troblat/Potiga. I found a number for a pharmacy in Guaymas, Sonora, Mexico. 011 52 622-224-2683 Please make a quick call and inquire for me, I would be very grateful. Thank you.
  26. dan

    We Need More Research Into Potassium Channel Modulators

    I propose to write up a petition to the American Tinnitus Association to start investing a better part into potassium channel modulators. I mean why aren't they doing round the clock testing of every postassium modulator known to man? Almost every pre-clinical Potassium modulator trial is/was...
  27. dan

    The Story of Gaby Olthuis

    No matter what this story says there is always a better way. There is a whole world out there to experience, full of amazing, beautiful things. If anybody thinks that they can't go on, talk to somebody: (Above added by the staff of...
  28. dan

    One in Five Teenagers Has Permanent Ringing in Their Ears, According to Study

    November 13, 2013: Tinnitus and hearing loss jeopardizes the future of teenagers One in five teenagers has permanent ringing in their ears, according to study. Many teenagers are surrounded by excessively loud noises in their daily lives. They go to concerts, festivals, parties, etc. and they...
  29. dan

    Scientists to Seek Ways to Treat Battle-Related Epidemic of Tinnitus

    Scientists to seek ways to treat battle-related epidemic of tinnitus By David Kirkwood On August 9, 2011 PORTLAND, OR–Anthony T. Cacace, PhD, and Jinsheng Zhang, PhD, both leading researchers on tinnitus and professors at Wayne State University, have received a $1.5-million grant from the U.S...
  30. dan

    Oceanfront Property

    Does anybody own oceanfront property here?
  31. dan

    Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) for Tinnitus

    This study will test the safety and effectiveness of deep brain stimulation (DBS) for patients with a big or very big problem with tinnitus (a sensation of noise in the head). First received: November 13, 2013 Last updated: February 3, 2014 Last verified: February 2014...
  32. dan

    When Everyday Sound Becomes Torture

    Here is a radio interview from the author of the buzzfeed piece about hyperacusis. For anyone who missed it, here is the original piece. Well worth reading and it does not deny the horrible reality...
  33. dan

    What makes a bad/good TRT candidate?

    A poster has brought up an interesting argument about 90dB tinnitus that is no longer TRT-able. I am wondering what the approximate threshold of this loudness is? Is there anybody here with that knows his/her loudness match and did TRT with success? What was your match in dB (sensation level)...
  34. dan

    How Long Does It Take...

    Hello here. 33yrs old. I've had noise induced T since July,2011. I had 2 noise exposures within a span of a month-a fire alarm and fireworks display. Woke up with T following fireworks. My T is very loud I can hear it clearly outdoors. Ringing, tonal 7khz and hissing. I am still...