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  • Users: Karl28
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  1. K

    What’s It Like Wearing Earmuffs at the Dentist?

    I haven't been to the dentist in ages but back in the day I used to wear earplugs and when they did that ultrasonic scaler thing it would sound so loud and intense because of the earplugs and the muffled effect inside my head. Is it as bad with earmuffs?
  2. K

    Leeches on Ears for Tinnitus Relief? It Helped Hitler

    I read that Hitler had tinnitus during WW2 and that his doctor put leeches on his ear which helped his tinnitus. I also found a study on leeches and tinnitus:
  3. K

    Sometimes It Feels Like My Tinnitus Almost Stops When I Bite My Lips

    I have this bad habit of picking bits of skin off my lips. I usually do it with my fingers. But sometimes when I use my mouth and teeth and not my fingers to bite or pick my lips. I’m not sure what muscles are getting pulled in my neck or face when I’m doing that, but sometimes I get this...
  4. K

    Weird Tapping Feeling Behind Ear

    My tinnitus has been going weird lately but the last few weeks I’ve been getting this strange feeling that comes and goes. It’s my right ear and I get this tapping feeling behind it. It’s like as if you tap the back of your hand with a finger once or twice. It doesn’t sound like anything just...
  5. K

    Would a Shower Mat Make the Shower Less Noisy?

    You know those mats that are supposed to be so you don’t slip? I find the water hitting the floor in the shower loud, so would a mat like this be any better?
  6. K

    Is an Eye Test Loud? Are There Any Loud Clicks or Bangs?

    My long vision is bad so I need glasses and an eye test done. However due to my tinnitus and sensitive ears does anything with the test make loud noise? I just ask because during that test they have your face right up against that thing and was wondering if there’s any loudish clicks or bangs...
  7. K

    Keep Waking Up Every Hour

    So I’ll go to bed around 10 every night. I’ll sleep a straight 3 hours then wake up around 1:30. From that point onwards I keep going back to sleep fast but waking up again every hour. It’s annoying but I do still feel rested by the morning. I think it’s because my tinnitus has been worse...
  8. K

    Is the Antibiotic Keflex (Cephalexin) OK to Take?

    I have a damn sore on my outer ear. I didn’t do anything for it and it’s gotten worse. My doctor was concerned and said I have to take this antibiotic. Is it ok? My tinnitus has been so shit this last year. I couldn’t stand for it to get worse but I have no choice now.
  9. K

    Can Jaw Issues Make Tinnitus Wore? Can't Open My Mouth Wide

    So I had my wisdom teeth out back in 2005 and I swear ever since then I haven't been able to open my mouth wide. I can only fit two fingers in one on top of the other which is small and isn’t right. However I’ve never had any jaw pain before or TMJ like issues. Would it be worth checking out?
  10. K

    Dentist without the Ultrasonic Scaler?

    I haven't been to the dentist in years and need to go. I don’t think I have any cavities just lots and lots of plauqe to scrap off. However I know the ultrasonic scaler is loud and high pitched so if I ask would a dentist just do manual slower scraping instead? I tried picking some off with...
  11. K

    Otocomb Otic Ointment. Has Neomycin. Safe for Tinnitus?

    I got these two scans on my outer earlobe as they are not healing. My doctor gave me this cream but I read neomycin is bad for tinnitus? It’s just a cream though.
  12. K

    Well That’s It I’m Going to Die

    This might be a bit of an upsetting post but I need to vent a bit. My tinnitus has once again gotten worse. It now sounds like a loud alarm going off in my left ear instead of a constant ring. I’ve been struggling so much the past year and I’ve had many increases with new noises but this is...
  13. K

    Anyone Tried Belsomra (Suvorexant) for Sleep?

    My doctor gave me this as I’m having trouble falling asleep. Is it safe for tinnitus?
  14. K

    Parents Are Demanding I Take Lexapro, I'm Worried It Will Make Tinnitus Louder

    I've been in a terrible place this month. A new noise that comes and goes making sleep hard and it’s been stressful for everyone. My parents and doctor are demanding I take an antidepressant, Lexapro, as it will supposedly help with my mood and how I’m handling this crisis and management...
  15. K

    Emergency Crisis State

    I’m in a very bad place. My tinnitus has spiked and I’ve got a new noise in my left ear which is like a rapid on off loud whining. It makes it impossible to sleep. Seriously a constant steady ring is much easier to tune out then this. Anyway because of this I haven’t slept in 4 days I’ve been...
  16. K

    Do You Think They Can Cure Tinnitus in the Star Trek Future?

    That holographic doctor on Voyager can fix anything!
  17. K

    It's Gotten Now Critical :(

    3 Weeks ago my tinnitus got even worse in my right ear It felt like another bad case of eustachian tube dysfunction as my right ear is kinda blocked up and I cant pop it fully and it really crackles and crunches on that side. And at the same time I got this loud new humming noise on that side...
  18. K

    Right Ear Blocked Up... Crazy Loud Tinnitus

    So the past week my eustachian tubes have been a bit funny. Crackling and crunching when I swallow but a bit worse then usual. So I took some prednisone to see if that would clear it up a bit but after 3 days all that did was make my right ear block up 100% Its so crazy loud right now. And...
  19. K

    Doing Awful

    So my tinnitus has taken another turn for the worse and now its loud and super high pitched in both ears. These past 5 months have been the worse ever for me but now I feel like its getting extreme. The past 4 days I can't sleep now at all which is a new one for me. I look back and can't...
  20. K

    My Mum Seems to Believe Antidepressants Are the Cure

    I've been struggling with my tinnitus alot the past 4 or 5 months. My mum strongly reckons I need to be on antidepressants although I disagree. I'm not clinically depressed just annoyed and stressed alot of the time. My tinnitus has gotten louder, changed pitch etc.. and its been hard to deal...
  21. K

    Extra Tinnitus Tone I Only Hear When Laying Down

    I have tinnitus in both ears but it changed back in 2014 and developed a new noise in my right ear but I only hear it when I lay down in bed. I lay down in bed to go to sleep: My left ear is on the pillow and my right ear is facing up. For the first couple of minutes I can't hear any ringing...
  22. K

    Anyone Got Tinnitus Worse in One Ear Than the Other?

    I got this this year. My left ear is now worse / louder then my right. Its so annoying because its like my tinnitus is now uneven.
  23. K

    Are Vasodilators Like Vinpocetine or Ginkgo Biloba Safe? Do They Help?

    I'm thinking about trying a bottle of vinpocetine to see if any improved blood flow to my head helps. Has anyone tried vinpocetine or ginko biloba etc... ?
  24. K

    Just Keeps Getting Worse and Worse :(

    So I've had Tinnitus for a long time now. Ever since 2001 when I got it from listening to music via headphones too loudly. I was so stupid at the time. I remember maybe 2 or 3 times after I was done with the music hearing the ringing and thinking "Oh whats that? thats weird" but then it would...
  25. K

    The Effect of Korean Red Ginseng on Symptoms and Quality of Life in Chronic Tinnitus Looks interesting?
  26. K

    Vitamin B12, Link Between B12 Deficiency and Tinnitus?

    So after some blood tests done a few months ago I have a vitamin b12 deficiency. From looking on Google there seems to be some links between tinnitus and vitamin b12. Some even say that tinnitus is more common to happen to people with low b12. Has anyone here taken vitamin b12? I'm just...
  27. K

    Really Struggling Now

    So right now I'm going through a really bad time :( 3 weeks ago I had a cold which made my ears fill with pressure for most of the day which I just couldn't pop and it was like that for a week. I was freaking out because I had never experienced that from a cold before but I was relieved after a...
  28. K

    Wondering If I Should Take Prednisone?

    So about 2 weeks ago I had a cold. And with that cold I had this bad pressure in my ears for almost a whole week and most of the time they just wouldn't pop although sometimes they did with a little bit of force but I mostly left them alone. Fast forward another week after that and I felt...
  29. K

    Is Popping Your Ears Dangerous?

    I recently had a cold and while now 6 days later I feel fine I still find myself having to blow heaps of mucus out of my nose and my ears are still blocked up. I get a lot of pressure building up in my ears which I have to sometimes pop with a bit of force. But I wonder is this safe?
  30. K

    Awful Cold — Blocked Ears

    So I've had a cold for the past few days. However the past 3 days my ears have been completely blocked up and I cant pop them at all! I've always had problems with eustachian tube dysfunction but it seems like this cold has made that already existing problem even worse! Nothing unblocks them...
  31. K

    I Deprive Myself of Foods

    Chocolates, chips (also the loud crunching in my mouth), Ice-creams, sweet things, lollies, biscuits etc.... I don't eat any of them because I worry they will make my tinnitus worse and I only ever drink water. It really sucks
  32. K

    Experiences Taking Prednisolone?

    I have a bad case of eustachian tube dysfunction where my ears crackle and pop which makes my tinnitus get worse. I've tried nasal sprays but they didn't work for my doctor suggested me taking prednisolone to help clear up the blockage or any inflammation. It's a steroid and I've read it can...
  33. K

    Tinnitus as a Super Power

    I was thinking what it would be like if you had tinnitus but as a super power? Now I know what your thinking. How could tinnitus be used as a super power? Well for good it couldn't, but for evil... I'd imagine walking into a busy shop or train and then activating my tinintus which would then...
  34. K

    Anyone Had a Nasal Endoscopy Before?

    So alot of my tinnitus problems comes from problems with my eustachian tubes being blocked. Lately it's gotten alot worse with all this crunching and crackling when I swallow which makes the tinnitus worse due to the fullness and my doctor suggested going to an ENT specialist and having...
  35. K

    I Feel Embarrassed to Complain

    So we just moved into a new office last Friday. However in the room I will be in we needed 8 desks and PC's and there was only like 2 network points already in that room. So we got a network switch and put it in there but the noise it was making was noisy. Not at all loud but loud enough so...
  36. K

    CT Scan?

    I want to get a scan of my head but I’m too afraid to get a MRI scan because of how loud and long it is. However I’ve read that a CT scan is pretty quiet? So would it be worth doing a CT scan for tinnitus instead of a MRI? What’s the difference?