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  • Users: Enrique
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  1. Enrique

    Tinnitus Volume Increase, High-Pitch Ringing Especially Bad When Lying Down — Can't Sleep

    Hey guys, I'm going on almost 7 years with intrusive tinnitus after attending an indoor gun range with improperly fitted hearing protection. My left ear was left with mild hearing loss and moderate to severe tinnitus and my right ear was only left with some (about 15 dB loss in the 4 kHz-6 kHz...
  2. Enrique

    Should I Stop Taking Antibiotics?

    I was recently diagnosed with bronchitis/pharyngitis. I have been sick constantly this year from upper respiratory infections and have taken an oral course of penicillin in Jan 2017 and an oral course of amoxicillin about 2 months later, both for sinus infection/pharyngitis. I now have been...
  3. Enrique

    Stagnant, Looking for Advice

    Hey everyone, It has been a while since I've posted on TT. This month will be my 3 year anniversary with intrusive T and moderate HL. I wish I could say I am habituated but although I am not am nervous wreck like I was in the beginning, I still deal with hardships daily. I graduated 2 years...
  4. Enrique

    Does Anyone Here Work in the Medical Field?

    I just graduated college with a BS in Public Health. I had originally planned to go to medical school to become a doctor but I don't think the stress and time will be worth it now with T and hearing loss. I am now looking at going to nursing school then ultimately become a physician assistant...
  5. Enrique

    Applying to Jobs: When Should I Disclose My Tinnitus?

    Hello everyone, I am applying to jobs and i was wondering when it would be a good time to disclose my hearing loss (mild to moderate in left, mild in right) and my tinnitus. The job I am applying requires to be in an office half the time and the other half out on the field. Should I let them...
  6. Enrique

    How Are You Successful at Work with Hearing Loss and Tinnitus?

    I just graduated college and will start applying to jobs. I have hearing loss in both ears with the left being worse than the right. I do have hearing aids which only help minimally in quiet environments. I fear I won't be able to keep a job due to my hearing loss and tinnitus. Do any of you...
  7. Enrique

    Almost a Year, How Do You Guys Do It?

    Hi everyone, As the title says, it has almost been a year with severe tinnitus (May 20, 2015) and I have had many ups and downs. I started to habituate quite well back in January and these past two months I have been so anxious and depressed about it. I FINALLY graduate university this Friday...
  8. Enrique

    Need Ideas for a Campaign Raising Awareness for Tinnitus and Hearing Loss

    Hi guys, I am a Public Health major and need to start a campaign. I was thinking I would do hearing loss and tinnitus awareness since young adults and teens are experiencing an increase in hearing loss and tinnitus. I would like to raise awareness to people especially those in the college age...
  9. Enrique

    So What Is Life with Tinnitus to You?

    Hi all, Since I have accepted that T will be with me 'till death do us part', I would like to know what life with T is like to all of you? This question is more so directed to those that have had T over a year and a half and have habituated mostly to it. However, all answers are welcome. Even...
  10. Enrique

    Almost 4 Months In

    Almost 4 months in and I feel like a newbie again. I was doing fine but then it got to me. I feel I can hear the ringing all the time no matter what I try to do to mask it. I'm probably just so focused on it that I can't be drowned. I started school and I know that's a major reason I'm focused...
  11. Enrique

    Returning to School Has Not Been as Bad as I Thought It Would Be

    Hi guys, For the last 3 months I have been dreading the day I return to school not because it is school but because of the new challenges I would face, tinnitus and hearing loss. I feared I would not be able to concentrate because of my screeching ring in my head. I also feared I would not be...
  12. Enrique

    How do you concentrate at work/school?

    Hi guys, So I am glad to say that I am doing much better since my onset. Have more and more good days than bad. I am working full-time right now (during my summer break) but will soon start school in August. I am scare thinking that since I am still habituating it will be a struggle...
  13. Enrique

    What Else Can I Do in the Acute Stage of Tinnitus?

    Hi guys, So I have had tinnitus for a little less than two months. First of all I want to say thank you to all of you who have taken the time out of your day to help me. This forum is a lifesaver. Now, since tinnitus is best treatable in the acute stage, what treatments can I still pursue at...
  14. Enrique

    Pulsatile Tinnitus When Jogging?

    Hi Everyone, I developed T from shooting a gun and have had only a constant ring for almost 2 month s now (although louder at the beginning). I use to jog often (7mi-10mi 5x's a week). I stopped exercising after T onset and I have started to go jogging again. About 2 miles into the jog I start...
  15. Enrique

    Tinnitus and my audiogram

    So I have taken online audiograms and have different results. When I took one using a pulsating tone my 4 khz drops down to about 30db but when I take it using warbled tones it is at about 10db. I know that it is my tinnitus masking the tones but if I go get fitted for hearing aids do they go...
  16. Enrique

    I Feel So Tired

    So this week has been a pretty bad week for me. I have been pretty anxious because of my T and my small hearing loss. Took a self test and lost about 10-15db and in the 4khz. I can still hear fine but I do miss some things. I just don't know anymore. I am about a month and a half in since the...
  17. Enrique

    Update on My Tinnitus/Hearing

    Hello to all and I hope everyone is having a great day! It has been about a month and a week since my tinnitus onset. I am about 85% back to my old self. The first week was the worst but once I started accepting the T it started to fade into the background and I no longer hear it as much. Day...
  18. Enrique

    Will It Get Better

    Hello all, I am still in the acute stage of tinnitus (16 days in) after noise exposure. It was horrible the first week as my anxiety and depression were at its worst but I feel a bit more optimistic now. Although I have seen the ENT and I feel better each day I have a slight ring in my left...
  19. Enrique

    Newbie to Tinnitus and Need Any Help I Can Get

    Hello guys, My name is Enrique I recently experienced acoustic trauma from an indoor shooting range two weeks ago. I wore ear plugs but don't think they were in right. From that day I experienced tinnitus and hyperacusis. All I did the first week was develop anxiety, depression and suicidal...