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  1. chelledoggo

    Hyperacusis/TTTS Symptoms Now in Both Ears Instead of Just One

    I don't really have the mental or emotional energy to re-type my entire story, so I'll refer you to my introductory post HERE which describes how my symptoms began and developed. Anyway, for the past couple weeks, I've been noticing that the same symptoms I have in my right ear (fullness...
  2. chelledoggo

    Tonic Tensor Tympani Syndrome (TTTS): Some Success with Chiropractic Treatment Followed by New Issue

    Okay, quick backstory. I got a nasty ear infection in February of this year. I took antibiotics and it cleared it up. However, I found that my right ear had episodes where it would throb every few seconds. It was incredibly distressful. It was specifically triggered by yawning, burping...