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  • Users: Scruffiey
  • Content: Threads
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  1. S

    Research on the Origins of Hyperacusis and Potential Future Cochlear Imaging TL;DR: The brain increasing gain in the cochlea after hearing loss appears to have been proven in mice. Researchers also developed a new imaging tool to observe the cochlea in real...
  2. S

    Finally Had My Long Overdue Breakdown — Regret, Loss, and the Unbearable Weight of Tinnitus

    I just cried like a baby for the first time in I don’t know how long. In the span of four months, I’ve lost my dad, my chance at any kind of normal life, and my well-being. And I was so fucking stupid to think tinnitus wouldn’t get me. Even after I learned it existed, I kept pushing my...
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    How Do You Learn to Cope with the Uncertainty?

    I am four months in now, early days I know, but thankfully my tinnitus has gone from an unbearable loud sweeping siren to a 3.5 kHz buzz and a quiet electrical sound. I could do without it entirely, but it is not the end of the world, and for that, I am grateful. But the raw ear feeling, the...
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    The Need for Early Awareness and Guidance on Tinnitus, Hyperacusis, and Noxacusis

    I am fairly new to the tinnitus experience. Personally, I always assumed it was caused only by continuous exposure to excessively loud music or sudden, extremely loud events like gunshots or concerts. I thought gradual exposure would come with early warning signs, such as some degree of hearing...
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    Are Any of My Symptoms Related to Hyperacusis or Noxacusis? How to Proceed?

    Quick backstory: Last year, I often played guitar through headphones for about two hours at a time, as I always had. I did not think the volume was particularly loud, but sometimes after a session, my ears would feel a little off—maybe slightly full, and some sounds seemed a bit louder than...
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    What on Earth Have I Been Through? From Muffled Hearing to Tinnitus, Dripping Sensations, and Vertigo

    Hello everyone, This is going to be a long introductory story, but I hope someone out there finds something in it useful. Perhaps someone has had a similar experience or has some theories to share. So, my story… Last summer, I noticed that my right ear, which had lacked the clarity of my left...