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  • Users: 2131e
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  1. 2131e


    Hi all, I just wanted to update now with my story in case it helps with any of the new sufferers out there and in case I don't go on this board too much in the future. I got T about six months ago after listening to music too loudly. For several months I wasn't sure I'd be able to go on with my...
  2. 2131e


    Hi Dr Nagler, I spent a long time researching AM-101 and even signed up to the trial. However, after keeping the diary for a couple of weeks I am more and more struck by how much I'm not currently bothered by my tinnitus. I first got it around 5 months ago and was so distressed I was on anti...
  3. 2131e

    Changing Tinnitus?

    Hey everyone, I hope you're all having a quiet day. I've noticed in the past week or so my tinnitus has got quieter. I couldn't say why - nothing had changed in my regular schedule, except being *totally* obsessive about wearing earplugs most times when I leave the house (necessary in London)...
  4. 2131e

    Fainting/Syncope During Custom Ear Plug Fitting

    Dear Dr. Nagler, Thanks in advance for your help. I went to get custom ear plugs fitted today and I fainted when the putty was put in both my ears. Googling my symptoms (sudden extreme tiredness, nausea, feeling of 'hotness' in the head) I read that fainting comes from loss of oxygen supply to...
  5. 2131e

    Safe exposure to noise

    Dear Dr. Nagler, I had a question about safe exposure to noise. Trying to work out possible causes of my tinnitus, it seems to me that a possible culprit is a temporary hearing threshold change after exposure to loud noise... the ones I can think of corresponding to onset include listening to...
  6. 2131e

    Minimum Masking Level?

    Hey all, I know a lot of us here are really distressed by our tinnitus and others not so, I guess I'm trying to work out if I'm blowing all this out of proportion..... I've had mine a month and a half now and have spent most of it scouring the internet for cures.... I'm wondering do others know...
  7. 2131e

    Don't Know How to Handle Bars and Restaurants

    Hi everyone, My hearing problems started pretty recently and I went to a restaurant and bar for the first time since the tinnitus to see if I could handle it. I felt like I was literally in a torture chamber of sound --- I could hear the conversation but everything felt way too loud and I just...
  8. 2131e

    Ears Hurt

    Dear Dr Nagler, Firstly thanks so much for your involvment on this forum. Your 'letter to a tinnitus sufferer' has given me hope that if my tinnitus never goes away, that still I might be able to live with it. I have a question: I see an ENT doctor in 10 days, but right now I am noticing that...
  9. 2131e

    New to This. How Loud Is Your Tinnitus, Have You Tried Meditation, Problems with Hyperacusis...

    Hi everyone, I'm so grateful to have found all of you guys here on this forum -- I've had tinnitus for the past month and it has been increasing and driving me crazy. I used to sleep pretty well but I've been lying awake at night just freaking out about it. I went to the GP and she just said...