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  • Users: Louise
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  1. Louise

    Root Canal Needed — My Tinnitus Is Worsened by Noise

    Hi, Just wanting to know if anyone has any advice for me in how to reduce the noise of having a root canal done? I had a small filling 2 years ago and the noise of the drill made the Tinnitus permanently worse. The only alternative is to have the tooth out rather than root canal. All I can...
  2. Louise

    Recommendation for ENT in the UK?

    Hi, Can anyone recommend a really good ENT? One who is thorough and properly investigates all avenues? Thanks.
  3. Louise

    Pulsatile Tinnitus — What Should I Get Checked?

    5 days ago I had PT start very, very suddenly. I can hear my heart beating in my ear loudly. Sometimes I get a pulse banging and thumping in my ear. From what Ive read there is a physical cause for PT and its normally vascular. But there seem to be so many possible causes. What should I have...
  4. Louise

    Help — Sudden Pulsatile Tinnitus

    I've had screechy, screaming Tinnitus for over 5 years. I had a severe worsening at Christmas which I've been extremely anxious about since then and feeling desperate. But now things have got worse... this morning I was laid on bed an very suddenly out of nowhere I could hear my heart beating...
  5. Louise

    Anyone Endured a Second Worsening and Come Out the Other End?

    Is there anyone out there who has had Tinnitus for some time and then had it get a lot worse, permanently. Maybe through a secondary noise exposure some years later. Who have then come to terms with the worsened sound and louder noise? I'm looking for stories of hope and information on how to...
  6. Louise

    Prednisolone/Prednisone: What's the Best Dosage and How Long Can It Help After Tinnitus Onset?

    I've had a severe worsening of 'my' 4.5 year old tinnitus. I think from a noise exposure 2.5 weeks ago. I can see that Prednisone seems to have worked for some people, though they may have taken it sooner than 2.5 weeks after a noise event. I've got some Prednisolone from my doctor, a 7 days...
  7. Louise


    Well, tomorrow is the one year anniversary of me getting tinnitus. One year ago today I could still have stopped it happening. How many times I've wished I could go back in time and not go to the pub with the rock band. I very nearly didn't go. Its been a year of pure hell. I know a lot of you...
  8. Louise

    I'm Gutted tonight - rejected for ANM as I'm too anxious...

    Scored 2% too high on the anxiety questionnaires. So I was tipped out onto the street crying with my T screeching. But that's the life of a T SUFFERER though isnt it? Just part and parcel. Anyway, got back and turned TV on and flicked around to alight on the Music Channel (which Ive never done...
  9. Louise

    Chill Out Music as a Masker

    Just thought I'd mention that, for me, I've found that chill out, lounge type music is a really good masker for T. It has constant noise (so no quiet bits) and a constant rythm that is actually relaxing. it doesnt 'challenge' my T like classical music does. I found with classical music the T...
  10. Louise

    MSG — Monosodium Glutamate

    As we know this is a neurotoxin and something that tinnitus sufferers need to avoid. I found this link that lists other ingredients that have the same effect as MSG...
  11. Louise

    TMJ Massage

    Thought I'd post this for people who have TMJ issues. I've used her self-massage for lymph drainage of the ear and its really good. I havent tried this one myself yet.................
  12. Louise

    Calling all Farmers

    Just wondering how many people who have tinnitus are/were farmers?
  13. Louise

    Pregabalin (Lyrica)

    Does anyone have experience of using this drug for tinnitus?
  14. Louise

    Moves Like Jagger

    I was just in the pharmacy and the song 'Moves Like Jagger' by Maroon 5 came on. I have a lot of good memories about that song, pre-T. My sister and I loved the song, the christmas before last I put it on and was dancing around the house like an idiot to it and we had such a good laugh. I...
  15. Louise

    Article on Tinnitus Mechanisms

    I was sent this as part of something I was investigating and I think its really interesting. I need to re-read it to understand it fully. It suggests the answer to why some peoples T comes and goes. Apologies if everyone already knows this stuff...
  16. Louise

    Worse Again — Central Tinnitus

    So, its got worse again. Last night I woke up after an hour or so sleep with T raging through my head. Its no longer limiting itself to my ears. I think its because its come into my right ear now so strongly (that ear didnt have any noise for the first 5 months) that its merged and seems to be...
  17. Louise

    Tinnitus Loudness When Listening To Other Things

    One of my biggest problems with T is that when I try to relax and watch TV in the evening the T gets in the way. what I mean is that I can hear it in the lulls in conversation etc of whatever I'm watching. Its sort of like I can hear it over the top of the TV programme. Last night I turned over...
  18. Louise

    Scenar Treatment

    Has anyone used the Scenar device for T? Especially the Zephiloyd technique?
  19. Louise

    High Frequency Hearing Test

    Does anyone know where I could get a hearing test tht goes about 8khz in the UK? My investigations so far have drawn a blank. Thanks.
  20. Louise

    Alcohol and Its Effect on Tinnitus

    I was wondering if anyone else has noticed a positive or negative effect on their T from drinking alcohol? Its the only dietary thing that I've noticed which affects mine. Adversely. Very adversely in fact :( It goes back to 'normal' when the drink has worn off but until then it ramps up.
  21. Louise

    Started Off in One Ear and Now Has Started in the Other

    When I got T in June '12 it was only in one ear (my left). Over the past month I've been aware of it starting in the other ear and over the past week its been worse every day. I've been having some pain and something that feels like fluid movement between my ear and throat. Now, I've got that...
  22. Louise

    Old Drugs

    Whilst googling Retigabine, a Potassium Channel Modulator,I found this list of drugs, with some trials results, that can help T. In the Potassium Channel Modulator section it says "These results suggest that potassium channel modulators may represent new therapeutic candidates for tinnitus...
  23. Louise

    Book Snippet

    Whilst googling something I came across this book which has a lot of pages free to preview. Just thought it might interest some out there (Karl, Im thinking of you here :))
  24. Louise


    This substance is said to be a very powerful antioxidant that our bodies are capable of making. It can be bought as a supplement but one of its components is Glutamic Acid. As has been discussed in other threads Glutamate is thought to be responsible for excitotoxicity in the auditory cortex...
  25. Louise

    NAC, Melatonin & Other Stuff For Tinnitus

    N-Acetylcysteine on N-Acetylcysteine on (first-time customers get $5-10 off of their order) This is probably old news but I've just read it........
  26. Louise

    Does Anyone Else Have This Type of Noise?

    Just wondering if anyone else has this type of noise going on as I'm scared its only me! The noise is not constant in tone and pitch as in its not a constant Eeeeeeee or hum, although there is Eeeeee in it. Its sort of has movement in it, like sliding up and down in pitch and it can move sort...
  27. Louise

    Tinnitus Got Worse After Attending a Live Performance

    That was me Karen!! I've been to the theatre loads before T so didnt think it would be a problem. I got another hearing test after it as well and it hadnt got worse. But there's something about noisiness (normal levels) that makes mine worse and it stays worse, not a spike. I went to a...
  28. Louise

    New Sufferer, Self Inflicted!

    Markku, this is a must-have. I have so often thought 'I wish I had known' when reading about things on here that are only applicable in the very early stages after noise trauma. Joe I think it was made a post too about stuff they do in Japan in the early days after noise exposure. You might want...
  29. Louise

    Tinnitus Noise That Moves

    Hi, Does anyone else have a tinnitus noise that seems to move around? Mine started as a single tone with no variation. Now, it has become an electrical background noise with little bursts of electric sounds that go up and down in pitch. It feels like tuning a radio as it gets closer to a...
  30. Louise

    Hearing Aids

    I'm wondering if anyone who has tinnitus caused by noise-induced hearing loss has any experience with using a hearing aid to 'cure' tinnitus? The use of hearing aids to reduce/eliminate tinnitus is something that the Hearing Specialists sometimes recommend and I am thinking about going down...
  31. Louise

    Tinnitus Getting Worse After Moderate Noise Exposure

    Since my tinnitus started (through excessive noise exposure) it has gotten worse twice. Each of these times it has got worse through exposure to what you would consider normal noise. Once its been made worse it does not go back down to its previous level. So I dont consider it a 'spike'. Is...
  32. Louise

    Feeling of Fullness in the Ear?

    Hi, Along with my tinnitus came a feeling of fullness in my ear. It feels sort of full and blocked. There isnt anything in it (that's visible) as I've had it checked a few times now. During my research (endless trawling of the Internet) I've only seen one or two mentions of this feeling. Does...
  33. Louise

    Really unhappy

    Hi, I got tinnitus 12 weeks ago this Friday. I went to watch a live rock band in a local pub and the 'music' was very, very loud. I realised part way through that I had been stood next to the side of one of the speakers to my left. I was there about 2 hours. The next morning I woke up with...