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  • Users: marqualler
  • Content: Threads
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  1. marqualler

    Long Time No See — Very Mild Tinnitus Got Worse After Attending a Concert without Hearing Protection

    Hi all, I hope everyone is doing well. I'm back because, unfortunately, I had a relapse of my tinnitus last month. I originally got tinnitus in October 2014, triggered by an ear infection and likely exacerbated by noise, having been a musician for several years, particularly during those years...
  2. marqualler

    Five Year "Anniversary"

    Hello all. Today is the five year anniversary that my tinnitus started. I remember it clearly, waking up at 3am on Sept 30 and hearing an unusual ringing in my left ear that wouldn't stop. When it didn't go away by the end of the work day, I laughed. When I went to sleep the next night and woke...
  3. marqualler

    Tinnitus and Life Update

    Hi friends. It's been a while so I thought I would give a life update. It's been now almost been two years with tinnitus, and while it isn't gone, I hardly think about it at all. The only times it ever gets to me is if something else is stressing me out. But this summer in particular I have...
  4. marqualler

    Depression Lies: Woman Writes Plainly about Sister's Depression & Suicide

    Because depression is a bedfellow of the anxiety that comes with Tinnitus, I wanted to share this article written by a woman in Minnesota who wrote an amazing article about her sister's depression and suicide. These I think are powerful words. Although she did not suffer from Tinnitus as far as...
  5. marqualler

    NYC Police Dept Sued Over Sound Cannons in Eric Garner Protests It's unbelievable to me that the police, who are supposed to serve and protect its own citizens, are allowed to use devices such as the sound cannon described here: As tinnitus...
  6. marqualler

    Starkey Foundation Employee Files Whistleblower Lawsuit

    Interesting news here from the Twin Cities, MN, as a former employee of one of the leading worldwide providers of hearing aids, Starkey Technologies, is suing the company for wrongful termination. The claim states that the Foundation has overstated the # of hearing aids provided around the...
  7. marqualler

    Grimes — Musician With Tinnitus Producing Great Music

    You may have heard of Canadian recording artist Grimes. She has struggled with tinnitus for quite some time, actually back in 2012 cancelling some shows because of tinnitus: [EDIT: This tweet from 2012 has been removed by Grimes after @marqualler posted this thread in November 2015, hence the...
  8. marqualler

    Tinnitus and Birth and Rebirth

    A little over a year ago, I woke up with my tinnitus that started and never stopped. It was a Tuesday morning in the midst of the worst sinus infection of my life. Initially I laughed when my misfortune now included an alien noise in my ears in addition to the stuffiness I felt, like I had...
  9. marqualler

    Funny But True Article: How to Win Any Argument With Neurobabble

    If you want to win any argument with friends, research has shown that using "neurobabble" is extremely effective: I laughed at this part: So when we talk about...
  10. marqualler

    Generation Deaf: NBC News Story on Damaging Effects of Earbuds

    Just saw a great article from NBC News today regarding the use of earbuds and the danger associated with using them. The case study individual has tinnitus and has discontinued using earbuds.
  11. marqualler

    Poll: Do You Still Enjoy Listening to Music?

    (A hat tip to @JabbingJab who was the one who thought of this question in the chat room yesterday! Thank you sir!) I am a lifelong music lover and while tinnitus has made listening to music on earbuds very uncomfortable, I still enjoy listening to music at a low volume at my desk at work. It...
  12. marqualler

    Buzzfeed Tackles Tinnitus

    Interesting primer article about Tinnitus from Buzzfeed: Nothing none of us here don't already know, unfortunately, but nice to see a big online publication talking about it. And yet they...
  13. marqualler

    Another Good Month

    I'm almost 5 full months into having T, but I am not letting it stop me from doing things I love. Tonight I attended a very loud and very memorable basketball game in Minnesota (Kevin Garnett's return to Minnesota) and, with earplugs in, paid no attention to my T whatsoever. I'm sitting at home...
  14. marqualler

    Tinnitus Clinic Follow-Up Questions

    Hi Dr. Nagler, First off, thanks again for your expertise on this board. Your analysis and expertise are invaluable for me and for others on the board. Today I met with a Tinnitus clinician based in Edina, MN (the clinic where Dr. Paula Schwartz works) and learned quite a bit. I had an...
  15. marqualler

    Best Music of 2014

    Hey all, Tinnitus sucks but damned if I will let it take one of my lifelong joys away and that is music! One thing I have done since I was 10 years old (I'm 31 now) is rank my Top 5 albums of every year. Some years are in retrospect better than others (I'd say Radiohead's OK Computer from 1997...
  16. marqualler

    Need Advice — New Tinnitus Ear Onset in Second Ear

    Hi all, just wondering if anybody could offer some advice. My T started unilaterally in my left ear at the beginning of October with an ear infection and while I was a little uncertain if the T was in both my ears, as my ears unplugged, it became apparent that my T was really situated in the...
  17. marqualler


    Anybody here on Twitter? I am on quite a bit and would be fun to connect with you there. My Twitter page is Twitter is where I found one of my favorite comedians has tinnitus, Michael Ian Black, and he has some hilarious tweets about it...
  18. marqualler

    Hello & My Observations

    Hello TT board! I've been a member here for a month but been mostly lurking, but I thought I'd introduce myself and try to inject some of my observations and hopefully a little positivity. Just as some background: I first developed my tinnitus at the beginning of October alongside a sinus...
  19. marqualler

    Tympanoplasty on Patients with Tinnitus

    Hi Dr. Nagler, I have a question regarding tympanoplasty. To make a long story short, I started noticing tinnitus in my left ear about 6 weeks ago in the midst of a bad sinus infection. It has not gone away although it has reduced in intensity from the first couple weeks to today--both in terms...