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  1. uncle vikin

    Percentage of Deaf People With Tinnitus

    Dr. Nagler just curious if T is caused by hearing loss it seems all people that are deaf would have Tinnitus. Has there been any study on deafness and Tinnitus,
  2. uncle vikin

    Possible Full Recovery From Tinnitus

    6 months ago I went to the Shea clinic in Memphis Tennessee.I was given a slew of hearing test. The Dr. looked in my ear with a light and gave me some info on tinnitus.I was a mess I drove 200 miles back to Nashville TN.I just assumed for 6 months that I had tinnitus.I as many of you searched...
  3. uncle vikin

    Trip to the Dentist/Antibiotics/Now Tinnitus Is Down to a Low Hiss

    I went to the doctor 4 days ago.I had 3 teeth filled one tooth was a really deep cavity .He asked me if I wanted to take a round of antibiotics as I had told him about my T plus that I felt I was getting a cold or flu.After 4 days of taking CEPHALEXIN 500 mg 4 times a day, my T has been slowly...
  4. uncle vikin

    Neck and Jaw Connection to Tinnitus

    I have read so many post on here about pain, stiffness, cracking ect. in the neck and jaw area.It seems there is a big connection to tinnitus.I have also heard people myself included state they can change the pitch or loudness ect when they tighten their jaw and or neck or open their jaw wider...
  5. uncle vikin

    Signs of Habituation

    Dr. Nagler, I was right on the verge of contacting Ann L Rhoten in Lexington Ky. about TRT this was last month but recently something has changed and my tinnitus which is a high pitch 6700hz and it is a hiss at times but recently it just doesn't bother me like it use to and I sleep better and I...
  6. uncle vikin


    Dr. Nagler, I am from Nashville TN .I am very interested in using TRT .It seems as if it is a key component in reaching Habituation .I believe William shatner used it successfully .As I know you had success with TRT .How expensive is it and are there any good TRT clinics in...
  7. uncle vikin

    Taking Anxiety and SSRI Meds Until Habituation... Good or Bad?

    Dr. Hubbard, I've had tinnitus right ear subjective due to hearing lose around 6700 Hz tested Sept. 15th 2014 Shea clinic Memphis...
  8. uncle vikin

    Those Who Have Had Tinnitus for at Least 1 Year: Does It Get Better at What % Rate?

    I would like to see the % rate of people's improvement after (1) year with tinnitus, based on their feelings. Improvement only. Not % change for worse.
  9. uncle vikin

    Question About Habituation

    Does hibituation to tinnitus happen in time automatically as the brain evenually learns to cope with T . I went to a clinic in Memphis TN Shea Ear Clinic my doctor tested my hearing said I had subjective tinnitus and did not prescribe any meds but ginkgo and meletonin and said to have MRI...
  10. uncle vikin

    Has Anyone Had an Increase in Sound When You Stretch Your Neck?

    It seems mine is coming from nerves in my neck area. Anybody have the same experience? Could it be a nerve in my neck?
  11. uncle vikin

    Well Here I Am With a Lot of People As Well. Where Is the Awareness of This Condition?

    It seems like alot of the dr's are just not that concerned about tinnitus with all the vets coming back with ear tramma they better get to learning how to help people manage with tinnitus my PCP had to do research on the computer cause he did not know that much about treating it and the ENT...