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  • Users: Ozzy
  • Content: Threads
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  1. Ozzy

    Poll: How Depressed Are You Now?

    Please answer the poll. How depressed are you now? (Due to tinnitus and/or another reason) (Note: Name of the voters will not be shown )
  2. Ozzy

    Positive Mental Attitude Against Tinnitus

    Have you watched Academy Award winner of Best Short Documentary : `The Lady in Number 6` ? It tells the story of Alice Herz-Sommer, a pianist who was the world's oldest Holocaust survivor. (she was 108 years old when the documentary was shot) I found her interview made by Anthony Robbins. She...
  3. Ozzy

    Poll: Have You Found Out the Reason for Your Spikes?

    Have you find out the reason of your spikes? For example, I always have a spike when I have a flu. (I think due to dysfunctional eustachian tubes, which change the acoustic of the ear somehow) But sometimes I also have a spike when I'm not sick. I do not know exactly what is the reason behind...
  4. Ozzy

    Stress & Tinnitus Connection

    I was doing fine, but due to some vicious, relentless and evil colleagues in the office, I got very stressed again last month. They really pisssed me off. And by that period my tinnitus increased once more. This is another spike! Do you think it is a coincidence, or does stress really cause...
  5. Ozzy

    Poll: Describe Your Tinnitus Sounds

    Please indicate what your tinnitus sounds like... You can give multiple responses.
  6. Ozzy

    Poll: When Do You Hear Your Tinnitus?

    Please indicate when do you hear your tinnitus. (You can write multiple responses)
  7. Ozzy

    Tinnitus, Depression and the Sound of the Crickets

    My name is Ozgur. I'm 40 years old mechanical engineer and I live in Istanbul / Turkey. Background About 20 years ago, I went to a country side. It was a windy day. I still remember that cold wind. And that wind was blowing right to my ear. One day later, I noticed a fullness and murmur in my...
  8. Ozzy

    LET'S MEET Together for a Celebration When a Cure Is Found!

    LET’S MEET ALL TOGETHER somewhere in the world for celebration, when a CURE is found ! Sooner or later there will be a cure for tinnitus. We hope that this will happen in a near future. I suggest that when a cure is found, let's meet someplace in the world for a celebration. (of course, due to...
  9. Ozzy

    Key to the Cure: Finding out the Actual Mechanism of Tinnitus

    After reading many articles, I found out that there are many hypotheses which explains the mechanism which creates the tinnitus; I mean in the case of damaged cochlea issue (due to sound exposure, stress, ototoxic drugs etc). For example: When hair cells are damaged in the cochlea - maybe in an...
  10. Ozzy

    Difficulty to find people who really understand us :)

    We all have tinnitus, and as you know, no matter how we try to explain what we go through, it is difficult to find people who can really understand us! Below, you can find a funny story about this situation. It is a story of a famous man named "Nasreddin Hodja". First, few words about him...
  11. Ozzy

    What Is the Cause of Your Tinnitus?

    (You can choose multiple answers)
  12. Ozzy

    Secret From the World's 2nd Richest Man

    Andrew Carnegie (1835 – 1919) was world's 2nd richest person of all time (after John D. Rockefeller) with a fortune of 298 Billion US Dollars. (Source: Richest People in History ) (In fact he was coming from a very poor family.) Being a philanthropist, after amassing that incredible fortune...
  13. Ozzy

    Listen to music on the iPhone without hearing your tinnitus between 2 songs!

    I have a severe tinnitus and I was complaining about hearing my tinnitus between 2 songs when I listen music at my iPhone with the built-in music player app. As you know, at play mode, after a songs ends, the other one starts few seconds later. And in these seconds I had to hear my loud hissing...
  14. Ozzy

    Hyaluronan (Hyaluronic Acid) + Cortisone Injection to the Middle Ear

    Hi, I have been suffering from severe tinnitus for about 10 months. Therefore I visited a a ENT clinic in Heidelberg / Germany and got information about a new treatment. It is: Hyaluronan (Hyaluronic Acid) + Cortisone injection * Therapy consists of injection of this mixture directly to the...