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  • Users: RaZaH
  • Content: Threads
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  1. RaZaH

    Random YouTube Tinnitus "Cures"

    Let's collect random YouTube cures in this post. Crackpot stuff as well as semi-legit. This one makes no sense at all... heheh This dude cured his tinnitus with D3? Ground Ivy?
  2. RaZaH

    Headache Tinnitus?

    It seems that my T has progressed/changed from bilateral EEeee T in the first year or two to some sort of High freq T in my left ear ,then to Brain T and lately it seems to be mostly a headache T ? Its literally such a physical type of Buzz that I feel that I have some sort of weird headache. I...
  3. RaZaH

    Wake Up Tinnitus

    I would love to hear some experiences about waking up. Me waking up is completely horrible and I want to understand if this is common amongst T sufferers. I can have bad T at night , bad to during the day and everything between but nothing comes even close to the T I have when waking up . I am...
  4. RaZaH

    5-Day Horseriding Trip in the Highlands

    5 day horseriding trip in the highlands, taking 50 horses . No electricity, just nature and horses.
  5. RaZaH

    Anyone Have a "Click" Sound in Their Ear When Walking or Talking?

    Does anyone have a "click" sound in their ear when walking or talking? I have this super annoying click when I talk, can also hear this when walking or jogging. Seeing a specialist about this in a couple of weeks.
  6. RaZaH

    Placebo Effect Podcast

    One of my favorite Podcast sites these days. This particular one is about Placebo.
  7. RaZaH

    Insane Morning Tinnitus and Tricks to Cope?

    My morning are always the worst ,I seriously feel like I woke up from a car accident or a bat to to the head. Absolutely blasting away , i would last a week if it were constantly like this. For some reason doing the valsalva sometimes helps with this but I am wondering if you guys that have...
  8. RaZaH

    Trobalt/LLLT/AM-101/ACRN: Post Here If You Experienced a Reduction in Tinnitus

    Please post here if you have had concrete reduction in T from any of these 3 "Methods/Treatments" Thanks.
  9. RaZaH

    Poll: Tinnitus in the Ear(s), Brain/Head, or Both?

    I am wondering if everyone with tinnitus has it in their head/brain as well?
  10. RaZaH

    My Trobalt Blog

    5th of December. I will be writing my experiences with Trobalt in this thread, it might get a bit schizo so bear with me. Started Trobalt a week ago, still on 3x100 mg per day, will be tapering up tomorrow. Had some really great experiences so far although today is pretty bad. Yesterday was...
  11. RaZaH

    Do You Give Too Many Fucks?

    Then read this . "The subtle art of not giving a fuck" Possibly the best article ever written, not that I give a fuck.
  12. RaZaH

    Why We Can't Solve Big Problems

  13. RaZaH

    I Wish

  14. RaZaH

    Head Massager, It Helps

    For real ..especially of you get someone else to operate it :)
  15. RaZaH

    Going to the Pool/Hot Tubs/Jacuzzi Reduces My Tinnitus by at Least 50%.

    Yeah, spending an hour or so in the pool/jacuzi seems to have a massive effect on calming down my T. The super hi brain T turns into a milder eeee T almost every time. Down by 50% volume wise but probably the annoyance is cut by 90%. I am not swimming around, just sitting in the pool , listening...
  16. RaZaH

    When the Body Says NO — By Dr. Gabor Maté

    Very interesting talk about illnesses , the body and stress.
  17. RaZaH

    I Feel Like I Am Done Here

    I know, been here long enough to know, this post is pointless, guess I am just venting . I just need a place where I can say this "out loud" as it were For the first time since this whole nightmare started I feel like I don't want to do this anymore. Not like I "can't" , I know I can ...just...
  18. RaZaH

    Valsalva Method and Squealing Ears?

    When I do the valsalva manouver , my left ear will squeal like a pig ..for real , you would hear it standing next to me. If I do the valsalva often enough it will stop and stay ok for maybe a day or so. Also , my T gets slightly better after my ear stops squealing. Anyone know what is going on...
  19. RaZaH

    Interesting Stuff About the Pharmaceutical Industry
  20. RaZaH

    E-Cigs and Hearing Loss

    According to his doctor the root of the cause is from the ingredient found in most e-cigs called propylene glycol. This chemical is known to be toxic to the cochlea or auditory nerve in your ear. Depending on how much exposure this chemical is in contact with your ear, it could cause harmful and...
  21. RaZaH

    Dealing With the Killer Called "Stress" by Captain Watson

    Dealing with the Killer Called Stress Observations and Advice by Captain Paul Watson I am often asked how I deal with stress considering I’m wanted by Japan and Costa Rica, I have a price on my head from the shark fin mafia of Costa Rica, we have numerous ships on the sea in dangerous...
  22. RaZaH

    Waking Up With Absolutely Stupid Tinnitus

    This has always been an issue for me , when I wake up its like I got hit on the head with a baseball bat , and seems to be getting worse ? I mean that quite literally , does not even feel like tinnitus , my whole head just resonates with this insane buzzzz , not a beep or tone just this massive...
  23. RaZaH

    I Did Something Incredibly Stupid

    Being a musician I have been asked time and time againg to re-enter the scene and play live. In some sort of an effort to regain my life I have played a live set 3 times since I got T. Using earbuds and leaving the venue after my set I have been fine so far. Last Friday I played a live set ...
  24. RaZaH

    Why Does It Take So Long to Find a Cure :)
  25. RaZaH

    Gut Feeling.

  26. RaZaH

    Brighten Your Day

    This is guaranteed to make you smile.
  27. RaZaH

    Feedback Donating to Tinnitus Talk?

    I am a "benefactor" as I did donate at some point in time, but lets assume I would still like to donate, how would one do that?
  28. RaZaH

    Squealing Ears When Doing Valsalva Maneuver?

    When doing the Valsalva Manouver my left ear squals like a pig until it seems to pop into the right place !?Other people can actually hear it , its loud ! After doing that it seems my hearing gets slightly better. Its not a quick/short squeak , its duration is like 2-3 seconds. Does anyone have...
  29. RaZaH

    The Panic Attack "Miracle Cure" ;)

    Panic attacks and anxiety. I was reading some posts here about anxiety and panic attacks and I thought I would share my experience as I am confident that this will help people with attacks if they take me seriously on this. So here is my opinion and I certainly do not intend to belittle...
  30. RaZaH

    Do You Get Silent Days?

    Just wondering , been almost 3 years now and today is my first 98% silent day ? Yesterday I hadnt slept for 24 hours , blinding headache and screaming T. Today I got a lot of sleep and took almost 4 hours between asleep and awake with complete silence, it was heaven ! Then I woke up properly and...
  31. RaZaH

    The Best Album I Have Found for Masking Tinnitus

    I am in love with this album on so many levels, not only do I love the music itself but it seems to be the perfect masker for me, lots of water sounds, forest and bird sounds as well. The album is "Vapor" by Yosi Horikawa and canbe listened to on youtube. Highly recommended ...
  32. RaZaH

    A Guy Walks Into a Bar

    I enjoyed this short story. You might too.
  33. RaZaH

    Making Tinnitus Your Best Friend

    I wonder what kind of insane amount of self control and discipline would be needed to decide to love T? Could it be done ? Without taking LSD or having a lobotomy ? After all , this life is just a ride , why so serious ? I imagine you would be a seriously strong person after achieving that ...
  34. RaZaH

    Can You "Feel" Your Tinnitus?

    For me that is the worst , I can actually feel my T, sometimes I even dont really hear it but can still feel it. I wonder if that is "normal" ?
  35. RaZaH

    Someone Should Do This Kind of Research

    Why has no one done research with ONLY audio professionals ? (Maybe it has been done ?) A lot of them have T and they are well versed in the audio profession, familiar with frequencies, super aware about their hearing, what changed exactly when they got hearing loss, very familiar with the...
  36. RaZaH

    Neural Therapy

    Stumbled upon this post in a forum : "I had tinnitus for several years. I couldn't sleep, I couldn't read and all the rest. I went to different doctors, and all of them told me there was nothing to do, I just had to learn how to live with this problem. When I came to Basel I went to a doctor, a...
  37. RaZaH

    1.5 Years In... Not Getting Any Better Whatsoever

    I'm slightly frustrated right now. I have soaring noise when I wake up, gets a bit better after an hour or so but I can hear it clearly all day. Its a constantly modulated noise/very high frequency that changes every 5-10 seconds.... I simply cannot ignore it and I have had at least 16 months to...
  38. RaZaH

    Tinnitus and ADD — Concerta

    I have been diagnosed with adult ADD and I am sitting here with my medication Concerta and I am too scared to take them . My T has been with me for a year , its been hell to say the least as I havent taken any drugs the whole time. I pretty much hate drugs as Im convinced the Rivotril (Benzo)...
  39. RaZaH

    Left Ear Tinnitus or Right Ear Tinnitus? Or Both?

    Question is , which ear is ringing , left or right ? If Bi-lateral , which is the dominant one? If anyone knows of any data pertaining to this topic then I would love to see it. Thanks RaZaH.
  40. RaZaH

    Returning Hope — Stem Cell Treatment in Asia

    I'm new and don't know if this has been discussed before. I'm looking into this medical center in Asia that does stem cell therapies. The cost is immense $18.000, but for me at least I would pay twice that to regain my hearing and get rid of tinnitus. For that amount you get accommodation for...