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  • Users: dfl
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  1. dfl

    Disulfiram (Antabuse) — Anyone Experienced a Reduction of Their Tinnitus?

    I don't mean to break the rules (i.e. I've never tried the drug), but a friend of mine told me she had friends on Antabuse for Lyme's disease and it helped their tinnitus symptoms.
  2. dfl

    Information on Dieting and Dry Fasting in the Treatment of Tinnitus?

    Dear Dr. Nagler, Have you seen any information on dieting, dry fasting, etc. in the treatment of tinnitus? In regards to inflammation, it seems promising. Wondered what your thoughts are.
  3. dfl

    Lenire — User Experiences and Reviews

    Dear Tinnitus Talk forum members, I am currently halfway through my treatment with the Lenire. I must say I had a very stressful and busy month with moving, travel, and work on a new television series, but my time with the Neuromod device has helped a lot. It’s hard to quantify — sometimes I...
  4. dfl

    Liam Boehm — A Scammer or What?

    People - I paid $5000 to a TRT specialist in NY -- I was terrified when I first got tinnitus - I thought I couldn't do my job - I arranged with production to clear out an afternoon to see a TRT specialist - I was praying it would change my life. I won't say who it was - but she met me for ten...
  5. dfl

    Liam Boehm — A Scammer or What?

    Hey forum friends. I met Liam Boehm here in Los Angeles and he was so kind. Like all of us, I’d love relief from this tinnitus. If fasting and cold water therapy helps, I’m down to try. Since I started a months ago, my tinnitus still fluctuates, but my health is so much better. I am no doctor...
  6. dfl

    Guys, Any Words on Encouragement?

    thank you all so much- I did a video for Dr. Josef Rauschecker (who did an amazing Ted Talk on Tinnitus) to help raise funds for his research- he really understands this malady- BUT you are all so right- there is pressure put on people in my line of work never to show you have an ailment of any...
  7. dfl

    Guys, Any Words on Encouragement?

    I could use some - this thing is getting to me today - I have so many other underlying health issues to get to - I know it's just a symptom, but a batty one - thanks.
  8. dfl

    Support Dr. Rauschecker's Tinnitus Research — a Man Who Really Means to Make a Difference

    Support Dr. Rauschecker's Tinnitus Research People with tinnitus hear a ringing even when there is no sound. The prevailing theory blames a malfunctioning auditory system. However, it seems that abnormalities in the brain's limbic regions, which determine the...
  9. dfl


    it's now been just over a year since tinnitus struck, I was standing by the window of my apartment, wondering if the gathering storm was causing some barometric disturbance in my brain, when it came on, suddenly. I define my life pre and post tinnitus in essentially BC/AD terms. There's been an...
  10. dfl

    Does Anyone Have Experience with General Hearing Aids/Tranquil & TRT?

    hey @Atlantis I have the general hearing sound generators (GHI) - I wear them day and night, but I can't tell if they are helping at this stage- my t really seems to have gone up a notch in general- more of a full brian swirling electrical sound- my TRT specialist said there is a chance it can...
  11. dfl

    Does Anyone Have Experience with General Hearing Aids/Tranquil & TRT?

    hey @Sgguy46 I am a few days into it and trying to get used to wearing sound generators (that are like hearing aids)- don't know why, but I think that in general my stress about having t is high and so it is a burden- have to remind myself- even with TRT- it's about giving time, time and not...
  12. dfl

    Nicotine and tinnitus

    I quit nicotine cold turkey a week ago (heavy user, too) and my T has spiked a lot since then-
  13. dfl

    Looking for Help from My Tinnitus Talk Friends

    Update from LA- the hypnotherapist and I decided my brutal dependence on nicotine had to be addressed first before I try and deal with my tinnitus- so i am day four kicking nicotine- my T is spiking- but I am sure its from the anxiety and the kick- but the overall health benefit will be...
  14. dfl

    Does Anyone Have Experience with General Hearing Aids/Tranquil & TRT?

    thanks all for your replies- I am back in LA for the first time since I have T- hanging with my children for the first time since I have T and it is fascinating- they empathize as much as they can, but I can tell they are a bit tripped out by the place that T can take me
  15. dfl

    Does Anyone Have Experience with General Hearing Aids/Tranquil & TRT?

    I am actually going to give TRT a try (meeting is in NY on Tuesday) with Dr. Susan Adams- she says they like to use general hearing aids- has anyone every tried noise generators & TRT? (excuse if there are a thousand threads dedicated to similar questions)
  16. dfl

    Looking for Help from My Tinnitus Talk Friends

    thanks all for your kind support- @marqualler there is no way in hell I could have handled the intense train of Terriers if I had T back then! part of what is scary is going from a place of complete confidence in craft to complete fear! glad you all are here
  17. dfl

    Looking for Help from My Tinnitus Talk Friends

    Hi all - I am admittedly a newbie to the world of tinnitus- it's just been three and a half months. My day job is a bit unique (I am an actor on a show called Gotham), but just like everyone else here- I have to do things at work on a day to day basis that demand focus and laser attention. I...
  18. dfl

    @Markku was having a rough t day- just reaching out saying hey and thank you for running this...

    @Markku was having a rough t day- just reaching out saying hey and thank you for running this forum- it's a valuable resource
  19. dfl

    Hi — I Am New to Tinnitus

    hey @awbw8 thank you so much for the kind words- trying to adapt to this (climbing towards three months) and doing my job has been an interesting challenge. This forum has been helpful (thanks @Markku !) We have to shoot weapons etc in my job, so I get nervous around being around loud sounds...
  20. dfl

    Cautionary Tale

    Who knows what ultimately causes T, but before mine started, I visited a healer type guy who a friend wanted me to meet. He said my "head looked like it was sitting strangely" and did some pretty painful cranial sacral manipulations on my skull behind my right ear- The following week was a...
  21. dfl

    Hi — I Am New to Tinnitus

    hi- all- thanks for the replies- it's so hard to know what started the t- I had been going through a lot of anxiety and had some real high blood pressure episodes. I was taking meds (which may have played a role) & also saw a "healer" and he did some sacral cranium work (that kind of hurt)...
  22. dfl

    Hi — I Am New to Tinnitus

    thank you so much for replying- means a lot
  23. dfl

    Hi — I Am New to Tinnitus

    About seven weeks ago I first got tinnitus and learning how to live with this new thing (now that some of the vertigo has died down) has been a challenge. I know that I am not alone though