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  1. Mike Alanson

    Music and Tinnitus — Important Video

    To Erik: We have talked before - it's good to see you gain. YES, re approaching music is very important for several reasons. While the cochlea transforms physical sound waves (acoustic energy) into bio-chemical compounds, the auditory nerve sends complex oriented electrical signals to the...
  2. Mike Alanson

    Music and Tinnitus — Important Video

    To WalkThroughWall: (posted above) The human hearing range in Hertz values is approximately 50 - 20,000 Hz. Your Cochlea has about 25,000 - 35,000 inner and outer hair cells. Hair cells in structure are like microscopic blades of grass organized in adjacent sections. Each section of hair cells...
  3. Mike Alanson

    Is LLLT for Tinnitus by Dr. Wilden a Scam?

    Chronic Tinnitus and/or Severe Hearing Loss, like many other medical conditions, is certainly challenging in many ways. If one reads / studies much of the information at: ATA, NIH and TRI there is much to decipher through. In choosing a selective treatment for Tinnitus there is much to...
  4. Mike Alanson

    Is LLLT for Tinnitus by Dr. Wilden a Scam?

    The "Harvard study" is displayed on Wilden's website like the Holy Grail. This study has been used by Dr Wilden as a bite, to "lure more suffering people" into paying him money for a self-proclaimed "cure" that does not exist. May I suggest that if you are going to share a discussion here then...
  5. Mike Alanson

    Is LLLT for Tinnitus by Dr. Wilden a Scam?

    The HARVARD Study below has absolutely nothing at all to do with LLLT and Tinnitus. It only indicates potential bio-chemical processes in NEWBORN MICE; under a clinical controlled laboratory environment, the Blocking of certain molecular activities showed to induce hair cell differentiation...
  6. Mike Alanson

    Is LLLT for Tinnitus by Dr. Wilden a Scam?

    Some comments if I may: I think that matt89 (posted above) has expressed in most realistic terms and in a pragmatic way the "dark truth" that surrounds Dr. Wilden; I agree with him 100% and Wilden simply runs a business for money, he is not a devoted research clinician, he is by no means a...
  7. Mike Alanson

    Is LLLT for Tinnitus by Dr. Wilden a Scam?

    I thought I signed out for good in this thread discussion. However, I was up late last night reading articles at NIH Pubmed; I thought I would add the following information which is insightful. Regarding the NIH Pubmed article: Pre-conditioning with near infrared photobiomodulation reduces...
  8. Mike Alanson

    Is LLLT for Tinnitus by Dr. Wilden a Scam?

    Clarification: "While using the device the characteristics of my tinnitus changed - there were changes in frequency tones, pitch levels and volume." These changes were not positive or negative nor permanent; they occurred during sessions. As I stated my tinnitus was the same as before I...
  9. Mike Alanson

    Is LLLT for Tinnitus by Dr. Wilden a Scam?

    Bobby B, Dr. Shemesh in Israel did absolutely nothing but offered expensive capsules supposedly made up of vitamins, minerals and some herbs. That's all he did - absolutely no effect - false hope / false treatment. That's it.. I most likely caused my Tinnitus from loud noise intrusion from my...
  10. Mike Alanson

    Is LLLT for Tinnitus by Dr. Wilden a Scam?

    No, I am not familiar with the recent Harvard study. May I make a comment about clinical studies; A singular isolated study does not serve as absolute evidence. When I read a clinical study I look for the fine print; who has financed the study, who is directing the study, who is doing the...
  11. Mike Alanson

    Is LLLT for Tinnitus by Dr. Wilden a Scam?

    As I've expressed my tinnitus is beyond the five year mark. Through this time period I have tried several treatments seeking improvement. My use of LLLT was during the second year period. Since that time I have purchased and used treatment therapy methods that are for the purpose of management...
  12. Mike Alanson

    Is LLLT for Tinnitus by Dr. Wilden a Scam?

    HENRY 1492, I want to seriously thank-you for uploading your correspondence experience with Dr. Wilden. I have read many of the posts & discussions about low-level-laser considerations for treatment of Tinnitus. Additionally, I studied many of the clinical studies shown at NIH Pubmed, I have...
  13. Mike Alanson

    Dr. Shemesh Israel Clinic — Scam or Genuine?

    To: TinnitusSurvivor, You have posted an extraordinary personal experience regarding your onset of chronic tinnitus. Unfortunately, you too were emotionally and financially harmed by Dr. Shemesh. This man who hangs a medical shingle on the wall, is beyond human description and he's taken...
  14. Mike Alanson

    Dr. Shemesh Israel Clinic — Scam or Genuine?

    To Martin69, Yes, a discussion about Tinnitus, which includes the subject of potential suicide is perhaps depressing or very sad. However, it needs to be talked about; an awareness of the fact that (T) can cause suicidal thoughts may help the patient seek proper psychological support and/or...
  15. Mike Alanson

    Dr. Shemesh Israel Clinic — Scam or Genuine?

    Eric, Now, in respect to the fact that I'm not a physician, however I am well read as a layperson in the field of tinnitus study I will say the following. The very nature of all activity in the human body is physiological, bio-chemical and electrical. In tinnitus the abrupt noises that we...
  16. Mike Alanson

    Dr. Shemesh Israel Clinic — Scam or Genuine?

    Erik, I know the challenges of creating a personalized "tinnitus management protocol" ,which is not easy and most of the clinically indicated tools / mechanisms are expensive. With much trial & error, even on a limited budget, most tinnitus sufferers can put into effect a process that will...
  17. Mike Alanson

    Dr. Shemesh Israel Clinic — Scam or Genuine?

    Dr. Shemesh Alleges Tinnitus “Cure” / Fake-Cure False-Hope “Fallacy” My commentary is a discussion about my trip to Israel in an effort to find the “secret cure” for intractable chronic tinnitus. Yes, there is a correlation to my story as told in the movie “Jules Verne’s, Voyage to the Bottom...