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  1. _Patrick_

    New University of Michigan Tinnitus Discovery — Signal Timing

    Dr. Shore's device is the one that has given me the most hope, but also the one that has frustrated me the most, because it feels like I have been hearing about it for decades and have been waiting impatiently for it, without seeing anything on the horizon. It's a great opportunity to have her...
  2. _Patrick_


    Yes, I am looking for a cure, but no, I am not expecting a cure from this device (and never did). If it can lower my tinnitus, I would be more than happy. I just hope I will not describe this attenuation as a 2% decrease, that's all.
  3. _Patrick_


    People are not doubting it works, they doubt how much it works. And until we get our hands on such a device, this question will remain unanswered.
  4. _Patrick_


    Can't wait for trimodal neuromodulation that uses both nerves! :LOL:
  5. _Patrick_


    Unless I misunderstood, Neuromod was founded and/or funded by millionaires who wanted to get rid of their tinnitus (someone correct me if I'm wrong). If that's the case, then I guess they won't settle until they find the holy grail for everyone (or at least for them).
  6. _Patrick_


    Then anything is possible! Thanks.
  7. _Patrick_


    I wish you had said 42, but at 39 I might still be eligible...
  8. _Patrick_


    It would be interesting to know how old @kelpiemsp and @Clare B are. I'm almost 40, so when does the brain become "too old" to adapt? If you have to be 20 for it to work, it greatly reduces the window once again. There is still reason for hope of course, but those testimonials clearly are a...
  9. _Patrick_


    It’s not about their lack of enthusiasm, it’s about the fact that the device didn’t do much to their tinnitus.
  10. _Patrick_


    Fuck, didn’t need to hear that tonight... We need to stay positive, but that’s not easy...
  11. _Patrick_


    I have mild hearing loss in one ear only. Does the “healthy” ear compensate for it? Is it important to only hear the signal or does it have to be specifically heard by both ears? So many questions...
  12. _Patrick_


    I never quite understood this perception thing. In my case, some tones in the right ear can flare up, or disappear. When they do (disappear), even if I lock myself in a quiet room and try to carefully listen and look for them, they are not there, purely and simply. In other cases (most of the...
  13. _Patrick_


    That’s good to know. Although if nothing happened to me within 12 weeks I think I would start to freak out.
  14. _Patrick_


    Yes I remember, although one may think that the more tones you have the more complex your « neuronal situation » is. But yes I will stop overthinking, you are right. That’s my biggest issue in life lol. Thanks for the answer.
  15. _Patrick_


    I'm not sure I do though. I have multiple tones in each ear, not a single tone. My tinnitus can change from mild to high (although it's been high for a few months now), and it has some somatic properties (when I clench my jaw, or yawn, it makes a part of it louder, but not all). Would that comply?
  16. _Patrick_


    Sometimes, I'm quite excited and optimistic about this device. At other times, I feel anxious: "and what if it works for everybody else/a lot of people, but not for me?" I've tried a bunch of stuff, and every time, it seems like everybody has found something to ease their pain: sports, diet...
  17. _Patrick_


    It’s killing us all!
  18. _Patrick_


    I wish that was true, but we can’t know. Maybe bimodal neuromodulation works for you, maybe it doesn’t. If it doesn’t, not sure tweaking the device will change anything. If it works but not greatly, than maybe tweaking it will provide better results. But again there is so much we don’t know...
  19. _Patrick_


    There is a new device coming out. It looks promising but some are skeptical for various reasons. It won’t work for everyone though, but seems to work for a majority. Nobody knows when it will be out, probably this year. I think this sums it up.
  20. _Patrick_


    Same here. It would be life saver.
  21. _Patrick_


    We don’t need another Q&A, we simply need that device ASAP!
  22. _Patrick_


    Guys I don’t understand the need to be negative about this. My tinnitus was kind of manageable until a couple of months. Since then it became very loud, and I’m totally freaking out. Didn’t know this could happen. I was looking forward for this Neuromod device, and am following this forum every...
  23. _Patrick_


    That’s certainly disappointing, but as always I think you mostly hear from unsatisfied people more than happy ones.
  24. _Patrick_


    I don't think their CEO would've spent that much time putting together an interview with @Steve if we weren't part of their target market. Plus, I don't know who's going to reverse engineer this stuff, because if it really works, it would be the best 2500 euros we could ever spend on anything...
  25. _Patrick_


    Guys I feel like we're going off topic again, maybe we should go back on track...
  26. _Patrick_


    I guess it’s the usual stuff where any answer will lead to more questions... As frustrating as it can be, we can only wait until it’s released and tested and pray for it to work. And god help us if it doesn’t...
  27. _Patrick_


    Never saw Chris Martin do anything to help our cause, he just talked about it a few times and that’s about it. 99% of his fans probably don’t even know he has tinnitus.
  28. _Patrick_


    I thought so too. Until it went haywire a month ago... Now I feel like I have to start everything again from scratch...
  29. _Patrick_


    Yup same here. I really wish this would work. How life changing would that be...
  30. _Patrick_


    Can we get one of the guys from Neuromod to come and answer our questions in this forum? What do you guys think?
  31. _Patrick_


    Well, if it is the case (which I wish more than anything else) they would be the first company to deliver a product on time!
  32. _Patrick_


    I hope soon and I really hope it will work...
  33. _Patrick_


    He said in his last interview that if we raised enough money and created a dedicated tinnitus research center, we would find a cure within 5 years. If not, he hopes within 10 years but he isn’t sure it might be enough.
  34. _Patrick_


    What I meant, is that if this fails, they might bring it back to the lab to make it work. They won't just throw the baby out with the bathwater, there might still be some changes and improvements to be done that could make it work. And btw, that's what I believe they will do nonetheless, to...
  35. _Patrick_


    We don’t know that. Maybe the treatment fails because the technology needs some fine tuning. There are so many parameters that nobody knows exactly what’s the optimal way to use it. Everyone is doing neuromodulation these days, so there has got to be something going on around that tech, we just...
  36. _Patrick_


    Yup, as long as we don't make it worse! It's "funny" though how tinnitus changes after a certain period of time, and before then, they don't notice anything. It's like it's evolving by steps.
  37. _Patrick_


    Something is happening, that’s for sure. Whether it will be enough and whether enough of us will benefit from it is still unknown. But we never had anything so tangible until now, so we need to wait and see for ourselves.
  38. _Patrick_


    That's exactly what I have. I think I understand what he means by intensity, sometimes mine are intense but the volume is not perceived as louder (it probably is), in a way that I can hear it "everywhere" and it's almost as if my ears were hurting. And sometimes it's loud as hell. Watching the...
  39. _Patrick_


    Same here, exactly.
  40. _Patrick_


    I agree, let’s get back to the topic. But at the same time there’s not much we can say until the device is released and we try it out.
  41. _Patrick_


    Yup, I never got why none of the high-profile celebrities never did anything to raise tinnitus awareness. Chris Martin to start with.
  42. _Patrick_


    If their device works, I wish them to be millionaires to be honest... they would deserve it.
  43. _Patrick_


    We had high hopes in different molecules in the past, some had promising results in first stage studies, but then revealed themselves ineffective or too dangerous in following stages. I'm not sure about other promising activities that are happening apart from Neuromod and Susan Shore's device...
  44. _Patrick_


    Yes, I know too well unfortunately... I agree, I really want to be optimistic, and I think we have all the reasons to be, but past experiences have taught us caution. So let's wait and see. Not soon enough, it never is, but yes we're closer than ever it seems.
  45. _Patrick_


    Guys I'm seriously counting the days. This is going to be double or quits. Either it works and we get our lives back, or it doesn't, and it's back to square one, with practically no hope in the short term... fingers crossed for everyone...
  46. _Patrick_


    I hope you’ll count on mine as a positive one!!! ;)
  47. _Patrick_


    I don’t think any of that matters anyway, so let’s focus on what’s important, does this thing really work, when will it be out and what will be the price. The first question being the most important one IMHO.
  48. _Patrick_


    Relax people, they said their priority was to bring the product to the market as soon as possible for everyone. They will probably be dispensing the device at first to bring it to market ASAP, but no doubt they will send it over to distributors/partners and such. The most important thing for me...
  49. _Patrick_


    Nobody knows. Do you have any reasons to believe it’ll be out early in the year?
  50. _Patrick_


    This sounds great. And if it actually worked, I think it would create some special bonds. But let’s not get our hopes too high for now. My tinnitus is so loud right now it’s horrible, it’s been up for a few days and it’s debilitating. Really wish it would go back down to manageable levels...
  51. _Patrick_


    I’ll probably fly in as well! Unless it’s available in Europe pretty quick... maybe we can do this together ;-)
  52. _Patrick_


    Yes I probably would, but I would be afraid talking about tinnitus again and again, just might bring it back... Anyhow, we're not there yet!
  53. _Patrick_


    I guess just like any treatment, we will most likely hear from the ones on which it didn't work. Personally, if I was cured from tinnitus, I would get out of the tinnitus world as quickly as possible. Sounds selfish, but this thing is debilitating enough to have to endure more.
  54. _Patrick_


    Thanks. Are you sure about the “early” this year? I really pray I won’t be part of the 20%... generally I’m the type of guy with whom nothing works!
  55. _Patrick_


    Hi guys, I’ve been trying to catch up a bit on the forum, also since my tinnitus has skyrocketed a few weeks ago and making it very hard for me to cope with. This device seems to bring a lot of hope. Are there good reasons this time to be so excited? We have been disappointed quite a few times...
  56. _Patrick_

    New University of Michigan Tinnitus Discovery — Signal Timing

    Does anyone know if they are looking for participants for the trial? And if yes, do we need to be in the US (I guess yes). I'm desperate to try this device asap...
  57. _Patrick_

    Saffron Cure for Tinnitus?

    I'll give it a try but the saffron I bought doesn't seem super fresh, it's pretty dry, is yours too? Has anyone tried supplementing with saffron?
  58. _Patrick_

    Video Series: Do You Believe Tinnitus Will Be Cured? (Part 4/4 — Winfried Schlee)

    I wish he wasn't so young to say "once in a lifetime"... ;)
  59. _Patrick_

    Autifony Therapeutics Phase II Study for AUT00063, for the Treatment of Hearing Loss and Tinnitus

    It has nothing to do, those are two different sentences, one of them answering a question someone asked me, which was, what do my ENT think about AM101 since he is a very well-known tinnitus specialist and participated in the AM101 study. Slimy in a way that it is too dense and too hard to...
  60. _Patrick_

    Phosphatidylcholine Is Working for Me

    I almost jumped the gun on that one before I realized this is nothing more than what you find in egg yolks, and I've been eating at least 4 a day of them for years... Probably won't do me anything....