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  1. Ahriette

    Hey Guys It's Me Again!

    Hey AnneG welcome back, im new here i don't know you really. How old are you and on which age you got T?
  2. Ahriette

    Tinnitus Since My 18th

    Hello i come from Macedonia and im 22 year old. I have my tinnitus 4 years when i was 18y old. I don't know the reason why but it can be singing or loud music, cuz i like to sing and listen loud music, it came suddenly when i was laying and watching tv. First i thought its just temporary that...
  3. Ahriette

    I'm Depressed — 18-yo with Tinnitus

    Been drinking and clubing in this 4 years. My tinnitus is same, nothing worse nothing less. I don't visit doctors anymore, they puts me in depression. But if you want to be more careful, then stop drinking and stop goin on concerts, you can live without it. :)
  4. Ahriette

    I'm Depressed — 18-yo with Tinnitus

    You guys should forget that ringing in your ears. You are not the only one who got it at age of 18. I have it too since my 18 and now im 22 i have it 4 years. I'm ignoring it as much as i can. The best cure for it its ignore belive me.