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  1. Nick NY

    Tinnitus Stopped in My Left Ear for 2 Seconds...

    I had this happen to me this morning, and it has happened a few times in the past (but very irregularly - like maybe once every 6 months). Lying in bed and it just completely dropped out in my left ear (my worse ear) and I had *total* quiet for about 2 seconds. My ordinary tinnitus in that ear...
  2. Nick NY

    Is Anybody Else's Tinnitus *Helped* by Aspirin?

    I ended up taking the Aspirin first in January when I had a stabbing back pain from sleeping in a weird position one night (went away after a couple days). I'd avoided it before because I knew it to be ototoxic and sometimes associated with tinnitus. What @EarHair says makes sense about it being...
  3. Nick NY

    Is Anybody Else's Tinnitus *Helped* by Aspirin?

    Also should note that it doesn't do anything for the constant tones for me, only the really annoying high pitched pulsing/oscillating whine I have in my left ear.
  4. Nick NY

    Is Anybody Else's Tinnitus *Helped* by Aspirin?

    I have posted here a few times since my tinnitus really went crazy around 2 years ago. I have had a constant tone tinnitus for a really long time (around 10 years, since my teens) but about 2 years ago started to have this much more annoying oscillating very high-pitched metallic hiss/whine that...
  5. Nick NY

    Cicada Tinnitus

    Thank you for these follow ups. I am surprised to hear that this exact sensation is the same as you have (since it isn't what I had for most of the time I had tinnitus). My professional/education background is in computer science and software where you can deeply know everything down from what...
  6. Nick NY

    Cicada Tinnitus

    I’ve posted here a couple times in the last year since my tinnitus became dramatically worse in late 2016. I’ve been trying to manage it with a sound generating hearing aid, which has definitely helped keep me off the brink, but I’ve been having some thoughts and making some observations that I...
  7. Nick NY

    Hearing Aids

    Hey @Alan Roger I am actually wearing the Signia Pure Primax 7px right now. My audiologist mentioned that there is a new successor that has real Bluetooth LE ( which will be for sale in early May and if I decide to stick with Signia overall I will probably...
  8. Nick NY

    N-Acetylcysteine (NAC)

    @Cal18 Yes, the neurologist I saw and her resident looked in very close detail at the MRI I'd had and ordered this new MRA(w/ FIESTA protocol) specifically to screen for a vascular loop - I have it next monday. They said they want to hold off on the tegretol until that has come back. My attitude...
  9. Nick NY

    N-Acetylcysteine (NAC)

    @CDNThailand Unfortunately, it has not, but my attitude about it has become a little more accommodative and less panicked. The symptoms are essentially unchanged for me, though. I am going to see a second neurologist later this month and ask to be evaluated for microvascular compression (MRI...
  10. Nick NY

    N-Acetylcysteine (NAC)

    Hey @shasta0863 I don't want to start a baseless conspiracy theory here but I am also shocked enough by what you reported and how very exactly it aligns with my recent experience that I thought I should post. I have had T for over 12 years now and taken NAC after every episode of noise exposure...
  11. Nick NY

    Loud Tone for a Few Seconds — Fleeting / Transient Spontaneous Tinnitus

    Update: I have found references to this phenomenon on this forum and others:
  12. Nick NY

    Loud Tone for a Few Seconds — Fleeting / Transient Spontaneous Tinnitus

    I have been living with tinnitus in both of my ears and partial fullness/poorer hearing in one ear (my right ear) for the last 10 years (since age 16, am now 26). I have seen more doctors than I can count, some highly regarded and as close to domain experts as seems to exist (including House...