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    New Here, but Not to Tinnitus

    With your experience and success, what advice would you give to people who have just recently developed tinnitus?
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    What Helps You With Your Anxiety?

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    Looking for Help from My Tinnitus Talk Friends

    This is one of the best paragraphs ever written.
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    How Bad (in dB) Is Your Hearing Loss/Tinnitus?

    Im interested how many dB people have lost in each ear (as measured by an Audiologist) and how loud their tinnitus is. For me, Hearing loss: 20-30dB in both ears Tinnitus level: Audible at most levels, but is drowned out of focus with TV or music How much it affects me: Still coming to terms...
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    Need Help, I'm Feeling Very Hopeless

    Thanks everyone for the support. My mindset has come a long way in the past week or so. I'm still quite depressed about it and have short bouts of giving up, but for the most part I'm determined that time and positivity will one day let me make peace with it. I will try to post back and let...
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    Need Help, I'm Feeling Very Hopeless

    So within a week I've gone from living my normal life, to developing tinnitus, to being diagnosed with hearing loss and told I will have tinnitus for the rest of my life. I also read a lot on these forums and the internet in general that people are suicidal even after 5 years of developing...
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    Does It Actually "Go Away?"

    Khala don't copy paste throughout the forum. Just start your own topic. You may be scared but spamming the forum doesn't make people want to help.
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    How Many Days Does Temporary Tinnitus Last?

    If I've had consistent tinnitus for 5-6 days (consistent volume and always there), is that pretty much a permanent thing? It makes very little sense to me, as I have been careful with noise over the past few months and my tinnitus was pretty much gone. It had been a reactionary thing at night...
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    How Many Days Does Temporary Tinnitus Last?

    I'm just wondering if anyone knows how long your average temporary tinnitus lasts, and after how long is it becoming likely to be more of a permanent thing? Thanks
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    Has Long Hours of Driving Started Off My Tinnitus?

    I am in the same situation as the OP. Van driver, fine for 5 years but then tinnitus at night progressing into tinnitus 24/7. Would love to hear how the OP has progressed, or if anyone else has a similar situation.
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    Is This Permanent?

    Just checking in to say hi and thank heavens for this forum. Developing tinnitus and dealing with the uncertain prospect of this being the new normal is very difficult, but having such a supportive bunch in the same boat certainly does help! I've had ringing at night now and then since being a...