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    Ginkgo Biloba

    Michael, In some other threads, you've said your tinnitus can be nearly silent at times. Could you think back a bit... was it always this way after your sound exposure, or has it improved since? Could it possibly be attributable to ginkgo?
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    Tinnitus Stopped 40 Years After Diving Into a Lake

    Wow. That is really something to think about.
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    Hyperacusis Success Story

    Yes, or the most common "trigger." Some have successfully treated their noise-induced hyperacusis, only to have it come back later, without any unusual sound exposure, for no discernible reason. For some people, it appears that various triggers can activate, or re-activate, their central gain.
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    Sudden Sensitivity/Shrillness After Wearing Earplugs to a Bar

    In addition, the human ear is not designed to be plugged. It is meant to let sound *out* as well as in. With plugs, really loud sound that does make it into the ear through conduction then becomes trapped in the ear like a bullet in a tin can. In some instances, people with hyperacusis can...
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    Hyperacusis — Can "Normal" Sounds Cause Damage in a Person Who Has Tinnitus and Hyperacusis?

    Joseph, When you were researching, did you experiment with colloidal minerals? Thanks.
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    Why Isn’t TRT the Holy Grail?

    Bill: People with normal hearing live under that same principle—noise doesn’t bother them, yet it can still be damaging their hearing. They just don’t know until later. Think of hearing health as represented on a scale from “Bad” to “Normal”. Many with severe hyperacusis might place themselves...
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    Dr. Wilden's LLLT Laser Machine Reduced My Tinnitus to 1/2 of What It Was in 6 Weeks

    Mandi, Did Dr. Wilden specify in what circumstances to wear ear plugs?
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    Vinpocetine Caution!

    I would like to add to the above post. There are many who claim positive results from vinpocetine, and with few or no side effects. A search of the Web makes the above article seem out of the ordinary; however, I posted it so that everyone could be as informed as possible.
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    Round and Oval Window Reinforcement for the Treatment of Hyperacusis

    Before you read on, please keep in mind that nothing is for sure, so please be careful. In my estimation, it appears that this procedure could help prevent inner-ear damage. The reason is that it dampens excessive vibrations that could otherwise harm the inner ear. If your second question is...
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    Round and Oval Window Reinforcement for the Treatment of Hyperacusis

    In one video, Dr. Silverstein mentions that patients who had LDL's of 60 to 70 decibels before surgery improved to a range of 90 to 100 decibels after surgery. On the other hand, the presentation package for the Chicago meeting says: "Preliminary analysis of the data reveals improved...
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    Round and Oval Window Reinforcement for the Treatment of Hyperacusis

    If the six patients in the presentation include the five in the video, that's one patient more. I think everyone was hoping for more information... As far as I can tell, the patients in the video, while highly encouraging, don't closely match the profiles of many hyperacusis sufferers who have...
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    Round and Oval Window Reinforcement for the Treatment of Hyperacusis

    Interesting, thanks. It appears that Gelfoam is a substance used to stop bleeding. Haven't found info on any adhesive effects. I did see an article on perilymph fistula, where the surgeon used fibrin glue to cover the new tissue and the round & oval windows.
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    Round and Oval Window Reinforcement for the Treatment of Hyperacusis

    Do you know what keeps these pieces of tissue in place? Why wouldn't they just fall off into the middle ear?
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    Round and Oval Window Reinforcement for the Treatment of Hyperacusis

    Thanks, Lymebite. It will be very interesting to see the completed study on this, and it's a good idea to wait for those results. The latest posted video of Dr. Silverstein and his patients makes the procedure look like a life-changer, especially his comment that people walk in before surgery...
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    Round and Oval Window Reinforcement for the Treatment of Hyperacusis

    Thank you for the good explanation. Are you still considering?
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    Round and Oval Window Reinforcement for the Treatment of Hyperacusis

    I've been looking at videos of similar procedures to see how this is done. Are they cutting into the side of the ear canal 'before' the ear drum, and then pushing the drum aside to access the round window? Also, it appears in the Silverstein video that only the round window is being reinforced...
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    Round and Oval Window Reinforcement for the Treatment of Hyperacusis

    Since Dr. Silverstein does just one ear at a time, does anyone know how much time is required to pass between each ear surgery?
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    Round and Oval Window Reinforcement for the Treatment of Hyperacusis

    Thanks for the link, Lapidus & Lymebite. Dr. Silverstein does touch on reactive tinnitus at about 48 minutes into the video, thinking that the procedure might help reactive T for those who have hyperacusis. After viewing the video, it seems to me that the procedure could help prevent new sound...
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    Round and Oval Window Reinforcement for the Treatment of Hyperacusis

    Is there any info on how the procedure affects the reactive tinnitus that so many with hyperacusis have?
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    Round and Oval Window Reinforcement for the Treatment of Hyperacusis

    Can you point us to this video? Thanks.
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    Why Does Tinnitus Spike?

    That's a good question. Without looking at "why" it happens, it's likely that Tinnitus goes up and down like everything else in your body (whether there's an obvious reason or not). Its just that the sensitivity or "volume" is cranked up to a point where you can now notice and hear that it's...
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    Spike After Cinema

    Looking again at the original poster's concern... Days ago, he went to a movie he described as "bloody loud," and even though he wore earplugs, he has since had increased tinnitus. That is a red flag that this person may have reactive tinnitus. Which means that loud sounds--and even sounds...
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    Spike After Cinema

    Ed209 wrote: "I don't think it helps to google things like "movies too loud" because you are going to find negative things without a doubt." ---- I wasn't trying to find "negative" things. I was trying to show why I wouldn't make blanket statements about the safety of volume in theaters. There...
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    Spike After Cinema

    Ed209: Please type "Movies too loud" into your Google search window, and have a look at the news articles. Also, please provide the evidence you speak of that suggests movies are not harmful to the ears.
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    Spike After Cinema

    I would never make a blanket statement that it's safe to attend the movies, even with earplugs. There are way too many variables, the most important being a viewer's degree of prior hearing damage. Each and every time you set foot in a theater, you're on your own. I was at the theater...
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    Is Sleeping with Earplugs In Dangerous?

    When it comes to tinnitus, few things can be proven. However, I've heard a number of stories like yours. Wearing earplugs all night is certainly unnatural, and the less sound your brain can hear, the more it will turn itself up to compensate. If you do this long-term, there is a point where...
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    Is Sleeping with Earplugs In Dangerous?

    If they did it long-term, it might crank up the central auditory gain, which would bring tinnitus and other head noises up with it. That is hyperacusis sound therapy "in reverse," and sleep is one-third of a person's life.
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    Open-Field Treatment of Hyperacusis

    This study claims 100-decibel loudness discomfort levels in 9 weeks for participants with hyperacusis. Has anyone here tried this...
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    I Thought I Was Strong Enough to Endure This, I Was Wrong

    Can you point us to more information about this, such as scientific articles, etc? Thanks.
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    Do You Use Earplugs at the Gym?

    You do need to be careful when working out. Years ago I read of a tinnitus epidemic after workouts in the presence of loud sounds or music--especially aerobics classes. During exercise, blood is forced into the working muscles--and away from the inner ear. This reduced blood flow somehow...
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    Transdermal Scopolamine Patches Give Me Relief

    You mentioned that when your tinnitus is bad , you wear the patch for three days. Are there side effects if you wear it longer? When you wore the patch regularly for six months, did you experience side effects?
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    How Long Did It Take To Get Your Life Back to Normal?

    Under the "Success Stories" heading, you'll find a lot of information about this.
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    Losing All Hope, How Can I Cope?

    Get around people as much as you possibly can. Go out and talk to the mailman if you have to. Make yourself converse with the cashier at the grocery. Chat with an elderly neighbor. Say something you think will make them feel better. Even if you think it could never help, and that you'll be...
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    How Long Did It Take To Get Your Life Back to Normal?

    Michael, Your statement, "....although it didn't seem loud to me..." is significant. There is an element to TRT and hyperacusis recovery that are not discussed: It is possible to make a stellar recovery, and to improve sound comfort levels to such a great degree that it can become dangerous...
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    This Is Destroying Me

    For a lot of people, tinnitus takes off with increased fluid pressure in the head and inner ear, and it often happens soon after reclining. Your clenching could be contributing also.
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    This Is Destroying Me

    Michael, What effect do you think nighttime masking has on the brain that makes it effective?
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    This Is Destroying Me

    UKJohn: Do you think your T is triggered by reclining and the increased pressure in your head?
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    Round and Oval Window Reinforcement for the Treatment of Hyperacusis

    Michael, While you were doing TRT for the hyperacusis, to what degree did you protect yourself with earplugs when you were out?
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    How Long Did It Take To Get Your Life Back to Normal?

    Michael, Just pondering some of your posts... Did your tinnitus happen to worsen in 2008 because your earlier cure caused you to let your guard down? Or was there an unexpected noise event?
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    How Long Did It Take To Get Your Life Back to Normal?

    Would you mind sharing the cause so others can avoid this? If it's too personal, or there are legal issues--understood.
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    Katy Perry Concert and Earplugs

    No one can tell you whether you'll be safe at a concert, because no one knows all the factors involved.
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    Chronic Tinnitus Cured by Raw Food Diet

    I don't doubt that fresh nutrition can help heal tinnitus, but wouldn't you think the effect would be more gradual? This person says that he woke up one morning after 10 years, and the noise-induced tinnitus was suddenly gone. Just trying to connect the dots here...
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    Kevin Hogan Recovered After 2.5 Years

    Not to negate Kevin Hogan's knowledge of tinnitus, but wasn't his from nerve impingement in his jaw (TMJ), which he ultimately solved? Also, considering his success rate with others, I'm a little perplexed that I've been unable find real-life accounts or testimonials anywhere. Can anyone point...
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    Perilymph Fistula

    Telis: Your symptoms do sound like most everything I've read about perilymph fistula. I'm not knowledgeable about experts in this field, but you'd definitely want an expert. I understand that some people heal on their own with no treatment (taking things really easy), some with a month or two...
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    Perilymph Fistula

    Can you describe the nature of your tinnitus? Do you have any lower pitches, humming, beeping, roaring?
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    Perilymph Fistula

    A lot of people likely have these symptoms but don't realize it may be a perilymph fistula.
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    Road Trips Roaring in Ears

    See what happens, now that the doctor has treated you. Please post here what happens. I wouldn't be going to any more concerts...
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    Road Trips Roaring in Ears

    Are you experiencing any sensitivity to sound? Does anything in your world sound louder than usual?
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    Road Trips Roaring in Ears

    How long does the roaring and spike last?
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    Earplug-Induced Hyperacusis

    It's theoretically possible that overuse of earplugs might weaken any natural defenses against loud sounds, leaving one susceptible.
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    Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) for Tinnitus — Experiences (Dr. Wilden, etc.)

    I have an observation about laser therapy that I've not seen addressed... A number of people stress that the therapy takes a long time, and that Dr. Wilden recommends wearing earplugs to protect the hearing at all costs (on the street, in the car, etc.). However, I know of quite a few people...
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    My Tinnitus Is Fading 4% Each Month

    Are you taking any special steps with sound exposure?
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    Earplugs a Must for Movies?

    Natalie, Since you can't pinpoint an obvious insult to your hearing, your case sounds similar to other people who've had their central auditory gain suddenly increase (for unknown reasons), which greatly amplifies head sounds, like tinnitus. The tinnitus you're hearing now may have been there...
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    Earplugs a Must for Movies?

    Recent medications?
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    Are Vasodilators Like Vinpocetine or Ginkgo Biloba Safe? Do They Help?

    Vinpocetine is often mentioned as a treatment for tinnitus. But be very careful about this so-called "safe" supplement. The listed side effects seem minor, but take them seriously; they can last LONG after discontinuance. This is a powerful supplement that affects many brain functions, and it...
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    Earplugs a Must for Movies?

    Natalie, Did things sound loud to you in restaurants and movies earlier in life, or did this just recently start with the T? Do you know the cause of your T?
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    Round and Oval Window Reinforcement for the Treatment of Hyperacusis

    More suggestions Re: Your hotel: Ask for a room away from the road, in an unoccupied wing (if available), away from the ice machine and other vending machines.
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    Round and Oval Window Reinforcement for the Treatment of Hyperacusis

    Just wondering... How did you determine that your H is from faulty dampening? For anyone on this forum considering the procedure, the first question might be, "Is my hyperacusis caused by faulty dampening, or is it central auditory gain from some other cause? And how would I know? And might the...
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    Round and Oval Window Reinforcement for the Treatment of Hyperacusis

    What I am getting at is this: Is the procedure intended to dampen excess vibration, or is it to act as an earplug of sorts, to actually reduce the volume entering the inner ear?
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    Round and Oval Window Reinforcement for the Treatment of Hyperacusis

    Zmichael, Do you have the kind of H in which: A. The volume of the whole world is cranked up. B. The volume of just some frequencies are cranked up (coolers, motors, car brakes, etc.). C. You experience pain. D. Some combination of the above. Which symptom(s) are you most looking to...