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  1. Jptsr1

    Need Some Advice on Sleep

    I use one of the many noise apps in the iTunes Store. Don't want to name them by name and appear to be promoting one other the other. They are all mostly the same. Just pic one that lets you blend your own sound so you can experiment with what works for you best. For me is a blend of crickets...
  2. Jptsr1

    Got Captured in Hospital

    Sorry so late, haven't been here for a while. Hope you are better soon.
  3. Jptsr1

    Open Eustachian Tubes at Will?

  4. Jptsr1

    Open Eustachian Tubes at Will?

    I know its an old comment but me too.
  5. Jptsr1

    New Sound

    Hummmm. That's a new one on me. If it doesn't go away shortly I'd probably see a doctor.
  6. Jptsr1

    Anyone Got Tinnitus Worse in One Ear Than the Other?

    I have tone T in my left ear (2 tones actually) with tone and pulsatile T in my right. The tone in my right ear is single and faint.
  7. Jptsr1

    Tinnitus for More Than a Year... the Probability of It Going Away for Good?

    This time of year is tough on people, everyone is "going through it". We all have different ways of dealing. You just have to ignore negative people and stay positive.
  8. Jptsr1

    Ear Pain

    My own ENT in the Bronx is good with ear infections but unfortunately he is in the "you have to just deal with it" camp when it comes to tinnitus. Same with my regular doctor. I did get a recommendation for an ENT here in NJ. Seth Kanowitz MD...
  9. Jptsr1

    Tinnitus for More Than a Year... the Probability of It Going Away for Good?

    As well you should. There will always be members here that push only their own negative view of recovery. I feel it is based on their own anger and frustration which they have every right to of course. Their projection however can be unnerving. It often manifest itself and presenting opinion as...
  10. Jptsr1

    Ear Pain

    All ENT's are not created equal. I'm not sure where you are but here in the states I start looking for doctors using . Then I google their names to see if they pop up in any local forums with recommendations or horror stories. My neighborhood has an awesome forum where I get the...
  11. Jptsr1

    Ear Pain

    If your doctor is just looking into your ear canal with a otoscope then he/she is only seeing a fraction of the picture. Plenty of structures behind the eardrum that can be subject to infection or disease. Perhaps ask you physician what criteria are they using to rule out some sort of inner ear...
  12. Jptsr1

    Tips and Tricks to Get By

    Here's one that I think is extremely important. Do not start eliminating everything from your life because someone else tells you it makes tinnitus worse. I think this is one of the key factors that drive people towards depression. This is not to say that if you are under the care of a medical...
  13. Jptsr1

    Favorite Alcoholic Beverage

  14. Jptsr1

    New Sound... Panic Again

    My flat tone I think I may have been born with. I don't ever remember not hearing it. My high pitch tone developed around when I finished undergrad in 92. It's the one I am talking about whenever I'm discussing T and is really the bothersome one. My pulsatile tinnitus I just got with an ear...
  15. Jptsr1

    New Sound... Panic Again

    Mine fluctuates quite a bit, tone and volume. Every once I a while I get a tone that is downright tolerable.
  16. Jptsr1

    Anyone Without Anxiety Here?

    Other side of the coin could be (and I'm also not trying to be rude) that you are in denial regarding your own anxiety. Your ego could be telling you that you are somehow different from the people you are talking about. "I'm not crazy like them, my T is real". For myself, I don't think I suffer...
  17. Jptsr1

    Tinnitus from Gunshot

    You should definitely get yourself checked out by a doctor. I'm not 100% sure where my T came from but I believe shooting had at least a part in it.
  18. Jptsr1

    Does It Really Get Better?

    For most it does and for some it doesn't. 6 months with T seems like forever but its shorter than the majority of the "its finally gone" stories I have heard. Try and stay positive, it might still go away. It is harder in the beginning.
  19. Jptsr1

    Help — Ringing Going on for 10 Days Now... Is This Permanent?

    Have you seen a doctor yet?
  20. Jptsr1

    Tips and Tricks to Get By

    Got this idea from another thread. I thought it might be good to have a thread where we could talk about the extra little things we do to get relief from tinnitus, either regularly or just every once in a while. There's plenty of good stuff all over the forums but I thought this could be an...
  21. Jptsr1

    Headphones — White Noise Generators and Tinnitus

    Thats interesting. I would have thought the opposite would be true. Sort of like how you don't really feel a shirt on your back unless you think about it because its there so often your brain kind of blocks it out. I read somewhere that the brain blocks out most of the sensations that come in...
  22. Jptsr1

    Tinnitus for More Than a Year... the Probability of It Going Away for Good?

    Good point. You are not likely to find people that have been completely cured to be hanging around in these forums.
  23. Jptsr1

    Tinnitus for More Than a Year... the Probability of It Going Away for Good?

    You are looking for a number no one can really give you. There are so many variables from case to case and even if we had answers for all of them there would still be unknown factors. But if you are looking for hope there is always that. I believe what is more likely than your T going away is...
  24. Jptsr1

    Headphones — White Noise Generators and Tinnitus

    God I hope you are right! I would love to be rid of this but since I've been dealing with it almost all of my life my best hope is for just better. I've only had to change things up during spikes. Unfortunately I'm in the middle of one now but for the longest time it was rare that I needed a...
  25. Jptsr1

    Headphones — White Noise Generators and Tinnitus

    Again....opinion not fact. Except the high volume part, on that we can agree.
  26. Jptsr1

    Headphones — White Noise Generators and Tinnitus

    Thats loads better! I hope you don't take me wrong to be singling you out or questioning your motives (which absolutely seem to be an honest attempt to be helpful). In your original post you appeared to be stating your opinion as if it were fact. In the second one at least we can see that you...
  27. Jptsr1

    Who Are the Tinnitus Experts?

    Winner Winner chicken dinner! Very well put.
  28. Jptsr1

    Embarrassing Question... Can Ototoxic Meds Pass Through Semen?

    I would think if it were even possible the amounts would be so minute they wouldn't even approach the levels already in your system via other means.
  29. Jptsr1

    Headphones — White Noise Generators and Tinnitus

    Just a suggestion but perhaps you should put "in my opinion" or "in my experience" somewhere in your post or link to some research supporting your statements?
  30. Jptsr1

    Headphones — White Noise Generators and Tinnitus

    My constant tone T is in my left ear and my pulsatile is in my right intermittently. I wear one earbud every night playing my mask at low volume so maybe ill be a case study at some point.
  31. Jptsr1

    Are Celebrities Ashamed of Tinnitus?

    Tinnitus is just not viewed as being as important/severe as cancer. You can make your own judgement as to whether it should receive the same or even a portion of the attention but my guess is a poll of 100 average people would say no (with results somewhere over the 90% mark). I think for most...
  32. Jptsr1

    Tinnitus Masker Troubleshooting

    Perhaps pressure on the case is messing with the connection. Take it back.
  33. Jptsr1

    Do I Have Tinnitus? Pressing on an Area by My Ear Quietens My Tinnitus?

    I can quiet my pulsatile T by doing the reverse of what most people do to clear their ears on a plane. My tone T can not be quieted in this way though.
  34. Jptsr1

    First Time Back at the Cinema

    I take plugs with me to the movies and church. My T is mostly in my left ear so I almost always pop a plug in that one. If things get too loud I'll put one in my right ear too just as a precaution.
  35. Jptsr1

    I Think My Tinnitus Is Fading!

    Good for you!!! Hope its gone completely soon.
  36. Jptsr1

    Are Forums Really Good or Bad for You? For New People with Tinnitus

    Thats the nature of an open forum. Take the positive with the negative and understand that people are at different points in their journeys. For me, just learning that I was not alone was/is help enough. My tool bar link to the forum is set to start me at "Success Stories". Sometimes a nice...
  37. Jptsr1

    Bad Tinnitus Spike, Can't Sleep

    No tips, just wanted to say hang in there man. I'm on the downside of a spike now and at its peak even my go-to (crickets) didn't help much. Hope relief comes for you soon.
  38. Jptsr1

    Open-Field Treatment of Hyperacusis

    I'm at work doing it right now.
  39. Jptsr1

    Purple Noise — Can It Make Tinnitus Worse?

    It is for me. My perceived volume and pitch always fluctuate with my anxiety level. The only time I feel I have an increase that is not stress or anxiety related is when I am in a very quiet environment.
  40. Jptsr1

    Purple Noise — Can It Make Tinnitus Worse?

    I try to set my mask just below the level that I perceive my T to be. Then after a couple minutes pass I can turn the mask down even further and still get relief. Some days I can get away with just doing one ear. Rain noise does best for me but not hard rain that sounds like white noise. The...
  41. Jptsr1

    Acoustic Sound Engineer Hanged Himself Fearing He Would Lose His Job When He Developed Tinnitus

    I agree. There seem to always be contributing factors that these stories either fail to highlight or intentionally omit. Very sad either way but I'd bet the T wasn't the only thing going on.
  42. Jptsr1

    I Don't Remember Not Having Tinnitus

    I'm pretty good about ear protection while shooting but every once in a while there's an idiot who sends one down range when it's supposed to be cold. I've had that guy in the next lane many many times. I got heavy into bass music in college. Always had 10 inch subs in my car and 15 inch towers...
  43. Jptsr1

    I Don't Remember Not Having Tinnitus

    I have not but I plan too soon. Up until recently I didn't think anything was "wrong". As a child i honestly thought everyone heard it. In my younger years it was never really troublesome enough to mention to my doctor. Before the pulsatile noise started just a few months ago I believe I may...
  44. Jptsr1

    I Don't Remember Not Having Tinnitus

    Greetings- I feel lucky to have stumbled upon this place. I put 2000 as the date my tinnitus started but honestly I don't ever remember not having it. I remember as a child having to try my hardest to separate the tones on hearing test in school from the tones I heard all the time. I honestly...