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  1. K

    I Think This Is the End

    Listening to you whine about your mother like you're some 5 year old almost makes ME want to kill myself, jeeeeesus. Only 2 months with T-- and you're already planning to tap out? Waaaah, Bitch, get real- try 16 years. Screw your mother. Move to another town. And stop acting like your she is...
  2. K

    Cat Pictures!

    Here's Copper. He was a stray, just appeared in my garden one day and immediately went for multiple leg rubs the second we met. I was more of a dog person before, but once you have a cat you can't help but find them adorable after that.
  3. K

    Does Anyone Find That Exercise Actually Helps?

    It does nothing for the actual T but it has massive benefits in terms of the endorphin rush and having another goal in my life (getting a nice bod) and that in itself helps to stop me jumping out the window when I'm feeling down over this f*cking annoyance in my ears 24/7
  4. K

    Red Bull (Caffeine + Taurine + Guarana) DECREASES My Tinnitus

    I've been drinking Red Bull nearly every day for about 4 years and it (amongst other energy drinks) has done nothing to reduce my t. But, you know- like the other poster said, we all have random cures that work for one person and not for another.
  5. K

    I Miss My Normal Life

    ah don't worry you look pretty young, chances are they'll find a cure in 10-20 yrs, so hang on for that. Keep positive. You'll get mentally tougher as you get older.
  6. K

    My Dad Is Losing His Mind! Please Help.

    All I want to say is that even though you can't *see* his condition it's important as a family to realise that T is an extremely stress-inducing and life changing condition and you should support him by realising that and adapting your living environment accordingly by making sure that until he...
  7. K

    First Spike! Don't Know Why! Need Help!

    5 months in is still a little early to habituate entirely so you will likely still get the occasional day/week when it seems louder than usual. Don't focus on it, keep busy. Avoid quiet rooms. Etc, you heard it all before I'm sure. Definitely don't have any lazy days off doing nothing and not...
  8. K

    Would You Say That Having Tinnitus Has Made You a Stronger Person?

    Yes it converted my personality entirely. I used to be a chirpy, the fun guy always cracking jokes. Now I rarely smile and feel moody most days. But on the positive side it has made me far more tenacious in very aspect of my life, and the feeling I have that time is running out pushes me to...
  9. K


    Habituation doesn't mean it isn't present but rather your reaction to it is so little that your brain essentially stops seeing it as a threat and filters it out. It sounds to me like you have the same as me, mild T. You'll be good for years and then one day you'll have a spike and think the...
  10. K

    Any Online Game Players?

    I play The Last of Us Factions online a lot. 38 years old but still an avid gamer, lol. I sometimes feel the stress from gaming is what makes my tinnitus ramp up sometimes though, haha
  11. K

    Noticing a Trend in My Habituation...

    I'm so glad I found neuromod vids on YouTube. When my T is insane, I put on one of those ones like the Shower therapy one, and 99% of the time it alters the pitch of my T and makes it bearable. If you have nights like that, try one of those vids before you sleep. Works a charm.
  12. K

    The Positivity Thread

    lol at the T noobs giving positive messages. You guys got nothing to worry about- your T is only super loud now because you've only just gotten it. In 3 months time once you've habituated you won't even notice it, trust me.
  13. K

    Rant. Feel Free to Read If You Like.

    LOL, Yeah man, totally feeling it. Fucking T, FUCK THE T. All you can do is laugh about it at the end of the day, shit happens, you know...just play some online COD or something, kill and teabag a bunch of noobs, it'll cheer you up.
  14. K

    Giving Up Therapy/Acupuncture/Doctors

    Yep, best just to not to dwell on it. I've had T for 15 years, basically you're going to find after a while you stop focusing on it so much and you forget what your hearing was like before you had it, and then you'll habituate and while you may or may not stop hearing it entirely, you will find...
  15. K

    Tinnitus Poems & Writings

    Oh Blessed Silence, How I yearn for thee, To return and cast away, This eternal cacophany, Once quiet rest, Long buried in memory. Unwelcome guest From whom the mind can never flee Beat against the wall As you may, But this tenant will continue to stay Forgotten though once it may...
  16. K

    Some YouTube Videos That Have Helped My TInnitus

    Hi, so I'm not much of a poster on this forum, like most I like to pretend I don't have T because as you all know the more you dwell on it the higher the intensity, but I felt it was my duty to share some clips I found on YouTube that I have genuinely found to be effective for reducing and even...
  17. K

    Tinnitus Driving Me Mad

    Yep, it is hell in the beginning. But you will pull through, believe me. Besides, T might be only temporary for you; as you said you've been going through all types of stress, and this is well known as being a core factor in onset T for regular folks who don't usually suffer from it. But if...