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  1. O

    Please Help! Losing My Mind

    Not sure if this will help you or not but after 18 months of piercing T and a continuous pulsing, tension type headache, seeing every doctor you can think of and countless CTs, MRIs, x-rays and hearing tests, physical therapy etc., I finally found my source of T. Unfortunately, all the doctors...
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    The Positivity Thread

    In my case, the way to stop the night time clenching is by correcting the severe obstructive sleep apnea. Unfortunately, there aren't many options for correcting OSA. A CPAP is one choice but I've tried them and they don't work for me. To get past the obstruction of my tongue, the pressure gets...
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    The Positivity Thread

    My positive note is that after nearly 2 years of T that fluctuated from irritating to maddening 24/7, I finally found the root cause of my T, Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Clenching during REM sleep trying to open an airway causes muscle tightness and spasms in the head, neck and face that eventually...
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    Visit to ENT Tinnitus Doctor

    Found the root cause of my T! Well, obviously it's been a while since my last post. Since then I went thru a small hell on earth getting off the diazepam. Finding the Ashton Manual on line was a god send. Every cut I made in my taper resulted in an increased level of tinnitus for 2 to 3 weeks...
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    Visit to ENT Tinnitus Doctor

    I hope it turns out well for you. I felt like my first ENT tried to kill me. I woke up out of a dead sleep at 4:30 am with what seemed like a siren going off in my head! The ENT assumed my T was caused from a tumor so he placed me on 60 mg of prednisone for 9 days in a row and brought me off of...