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  • Users: Enid
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  1. Enid

    The Next Time Someone Doesn't Sympathize with Your Tinnitus Suffering, Maybe You Should Do This

    Whenever I mention my tinnitus its oh yes iv that too, its just the sound passing through eae hairs, you'll soon get used to it, play the radio on a static channel, nothing your gp can do, oh you should forget about it and think of something else. In actual fact my gp has been sympathetic even...
  2. Enid

    Poll: When You First Noticed Your Tinnitus Did You Wake Up from Sleep to It?

    Tinnitus wakes me up at night. Its worse mornings evenings and afternoons. There wasn't a definite start to it just a realisation of a buzz that was always there sometimes so quiet almost inaudible sometimes so loud blocks out all other sounds. Started after ear infection last...
  3. Enid

    MRI Results

    Firstly if your worried about having an MRI I would say don't be. Yes it is noisy but you have head phones, its comfortable as there is padding on the surface you lie on. I kept my eyes closed to prevent claustrophobia. But the purpose of my post is my results which are multiple high signal foci...