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  1. cocobean

    Mobile Tinnitus Apps (for iOS, Android, Windows Phone, etc.)

    I am not a great sleeper and even worse when my husband has tinnitus spikes, many of which he had last week :sleep::sleep::sleep:. I digress, when I need to 'find' a way to get to sleep I listen to the Deep Sleep app by . It is fabulous. Yesterday he messaged...
  2. cocobean

    Tinnitus Spike and upset tummy

    I do the research for him and filter out the unnecessary stuff ! He found that 'google' and the likes were presenting worse case senarios to him when he was first diagnosed and so I offered to find the info for him and to present him with the necessary information and helpful stuff! I am very...
  3. cocobean

    Tinnitus Spike and upset tummy

    I have posted in the past about my husband and his diagnosis of Menieres. For the past 4-6 weeks he has had a few tinnitus spikes which have woken him up during the night. Last night he was awake for almost 3 hours with one. When we thought about triggers, we associated the spike with some chips...
  4. cocobean

    Hi from Ireland

    Good Evening It has been a while since I posted about my husband's tinnitus etc... and so tonight I thought I would attach an update on how things have been. In late August we set of on our journey of trying to find out what was wrong with him. He had significant hearing loss in his left ear...
  5. cocobean

    Tinnitus First Night without Sleep

    Thanks Karen...we may give it a try again!
  6. cocobean

    Tinnitus First Night without Sleep

    Thanks for this response Karen...I am only seeing it now! Yea, the ladies in the Health Shop suggested Magnesium. I think I may have given poor hubbie the full dose and it certainly had adverse affects on his digestive system!!! :meh: Perhaps we can try again but with a more gently gently...
  7. cocobean

    Teeth Clenching

    Mc Gee, from my personal knowledge, this can be a symptom of anxiety and probably as a direct result to what you are going through with your tinnitus the moment. My dentist suggested that I place my tongue between my front teeth when I am aware that I am doing it. It helps to relax the...
  8. cocobean

    Hi from Ireland

    Mc Gee, you are very kind to reply. I am a 'fix it' type of person. I suppose, Like most people, I don't like to see loved ones upset and in pain. It was/is better for me to research on his behalf. That way the negativity associated with the condition can be filtered to a sensible level. My...
  9. cocobean

    Hi from Ireland

    The relaxation element would be beneficial. Regarding the dizziness...thankfully he hasnt had a 'attack' since May. He 'just' has tinnitus at the moment :banghead:
  10. cocobean

    Hi from Ireland

    Thanks to everyone once again for your replies. Gary, I am working hard on understanding his situation. He is at his most fragile state at the moment but, thankfully last night he had a good sleep...woke up once or twice but managed to fall asleep very quickly with out the aid of masking...
  11. cocobean

    Tinnitus First Night without Sleep

    did anyone find that Magnesium supplement had side effects?
  12. cocobean

    Hi from Ireland

    Thank you for your replies. It is great to log on and see that people are supporting you. We were with the consultant today. He examined my husband, did a few tests and asked lots of questions. He then sent hubbie for a detailed hearing test which confirmed hearing difficulties at low tones (...
  13. cocobean

    Hi from Ireland

    MRI results came back clear this afternoon which in itself is a relief. Tomorrow we have an appointment to see an audiologist. Has anyone here ever been prescribed Betnasol steroid for the nose?
  14. cocobean

    Hi from Ireland

    Good Evening Thank you so much for taking the time to welcome me on board! Yes, both myself and my husband have decided that it might be better for him if I do the research because he started to stumble across 'scary' information courtesy of Google and really he does not need the stress. I...
  15. cocobean

    Hi from Ireland

    Good Evening I am a new member from Ireland. I am posting on behalf of my husband who has been struck down with tinnitus noises in his left ear in the past month. His gp tested his hearing this week and is experiencing significant hearing loss in that ear too. We are looking for support...