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  1. M

    Why Must Restaurants & Bars Raise the Music Volume?

    that's pretty hard for me to understand. I find it almost always VERY interesting to listen to conversations of other people, but it is almost never possible to hear what other people says. However, once I could hear two people talking over a beer as they were sitting outdoors on a quiet street...
  2. M

    How to Explain Weakness Associated with Tinnitus to Other People?

    I would not say I have tinnitus today. But I had tinnitus a few days ago. A tremendously annoying tinnitus. A new sound I have never heard before. Not sure how to explain that sound. Rather low-frequency with a regularity of about one or two minute interval when I heard something like...
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    The Big Confusion — The People Governing Tinnitus Research

    That's a good attitude. Science can develop only when people remain critical. The only thing that is certain is that nothing is certain.
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    The Big Confusion — The People Governing Tinnitus Research

    Correction: Expose the mice to a sound wave (pure tone) centered at a frequency f, with a short gap of silence. Mice who startle when they hear the sudden gap of silence do not have tinnitus at frequency f, while those who do not startle by the gap of silence are assumed to hear a tinnitus...
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    The Big Confusion — The People Governing Tinnitus Research

    Expose the mice to white noise with a short gap of silence. Mice who startle when they hear the sudden gap of silence do not have tinnitus, while those who do not react to the gap of silence are assumed to have tinnitus. See figure 1 in...
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    The Big Confusion — The People Governing Tinnitus Research

    I think a pill can cure tinnitus just as much as a pill can cure a broken leg. For the broken leg nobody objects to me when I say that it should be kept straight and not be exposed to any small twists or bending. For tinnitus NOBODY agrees with me when I say that this might be cured in exactly...
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    The Big Confusion — The People Governing Tinnitus Research

    This is exactly my point, and that is why these psychiatrists do so much harm when they spread their ideas all over the world, which makes any tinnitus sufferer look mentally weak to everyone.
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    The Big Confusion — The People Governing Tinnitus Research

    One gets tinnitus. May want to get rid of it. Eventually one may contact health care. But there what one learns it is completely harmless and nothing to bother about. If the message is not clear, one may be sent to psychiatrists explaining the same thing. Here on Tinnitus Talk, people may think...
  9. M

    Devils Everywhere — Nobody Understands the Importance of Silence

    From my own experiences fresh sound-induced tinnitus with a sudden onset may disappear after two weeks, exceptionally after three weeks. If that does not happen, then chances are not so bright. However, it depends on what you do. One time I got a heart-beat tinnitus sound caused by listening to...
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    Devils Everywhere — Nobody Understands the Importance of Silence

    My tinnitus has improved to the extent that it has more or less disappeared. However, that does not mean I can enjoy ordinary life. Actually today I heard some deep vibration sound caused by the noise exposure after having been out in the city, gone by subway and so on. I can not live an...
  11. M

    Devils Everywhere — Nobody Understands the Importance of Silence

    Nobody understands the importance of silence, regardless if you have tinnitus or not. Today I walked into an ordinary restaurant (not a pub) that played music. - Can you turn down the volume? - No, we cannot do that. Get out of here! I got a new job in an office that had a ventilation in the...
  12. M

    Talking Tinnitus — a U.K. Expo in Birmingham on Saturday, 15th September, 2018

    Dear Professor David Baguley, I would like to define tinnitus objectively as a sound one hears at a certain frequency and at a certain dB level that may or may not vary over time. If one wants to lower the tinnitus dB level, can this happen if one locks oneself inside a sound isolating chamber...
  13. M

    How to Deal with Noise at Work and Ignorance of People?

    First of all I shall stress very importantly that I do NOT have hyperacusis. I like and enjoy noise and have no difficulties whatsoever with exposing myself to noise in the following sense. I enjoy loud noise, if I forget about worrying about the effects it will have on me later as I get into a...
  14. M

    Bose QC35 II Requires to Download an App — Concerns Over Inadvertent Sudden Loud Signals

    Thanks a lot for the new input and potential help you provided. No, you see buying a smartphone would not help me as I then need to pay a monthly fee to use it, and furthermore, I need to educate myself how one uses a smartphone, what its proper name is, smartphone, iphone, mobile phone, or...
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    Bose QC35 II Requires to Download an App — Concerns Over Inadvertent Sudden Loud Signals

    Indeed they don't, since the cancellation effect depends on the frequency of the sound wave. So it is not useful as a hearing protector in an arbitrary environment, however it may serve a function in cancelling out part of the jet engine sound, which a big deal when one shall be sitting in an...
  16. M

    Bose QC35 II Requires to Download an App — Concerns Over Inadvertent Sudden Loud Signals

    Then can you please tell me if this is Bose QC 35ii or Bose QC 25. The latter version has a female voice, and my question is what this female voice does. More details see my previous text. I would really appreciate if you can tell me the facts regarding this female voice.
  17. M

    Bose QC35 II Requires to Download an App — Concerns Over Inadvertent Sudden Loud Signals

    cancelling is indeed the correct term used by scientists for this phenomenon. It is to say that 1 cancels against 1 and this is represented as 1 - 1 = 0. No wave means no sound, perfect sound cancellation would be the ultimate hearing protector, but of course this is difficult to accomplish, but...
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    Bose QC35 II Requires to Download an App — Concerns Over Inadvertent Sudden Loud Signals

    I have learned that as long as a paired device is in the memory of Bose, it need not be able to actually pair with the smartphone anymore. The female voice will then say something like that my Bose could not connect with my smartphone, but it would not repeatedly say that I need to download an...
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    Bose QC35 II Requires to Download an App — Concerns Over Inadvertent Sudden Loud Signals

    This is completely wrong. Noice cancelling cancels out soundwaves from the jet engine to a great extent, and I experienced a huge difference when I flied here using noice cancelling and when I turned off noice cancelling. I sat on the plane and turned it on and off frequently as I am also...
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    Bose QC35 II Requires to Download an App — Concerns Over Inadvertent Sudden Loud Signals

    I never disagreed on that and I am not discussing this question at all. My question is what happens when the specific phone that I connect Bose with, is being used by accident. Note the unusual situation that I personally do not own any smartphone, so I should then ask another person X1. This...
  21. M

    Bose QC35 II Requires to Download an App — Concerns Over Inadvertent Sudden Loud Signals

    Seems to me the bluetooth range is less than 1000 meters, so moving away by ten hours in a jumbo jet from the bluetooth source should make me safe, no?
  22. M

    Bose QC35 II Requires to Download an App — Concerns Over Inadvertent Sudden Loud Signals

    I would need to find a random person in this country who downloads this app. Then I need to make sure to never be close to that person ever again in my entire life! Maybe I can offer some money as well to this random person to do me this favor?? I plan to move away from this country and never...
  23. M

    Bose QC35 II Requires to Download an App — Concerns Over Inadvertent Sudden Loud Signals

    the person will download this app will sit next to me in the airplane for ten hours. chances are she forgets her phone is connected to my headphones causing me troubles. better throw them away or try to get a refund.
  24. M

    Bose QC35 II Requires to Download an App — Concerns Over Inadvertent Sudden Loud Signals

    I bought Bose QC35ii and now a female voice very stubbornly insists that I shall download an App. I don t own any smartphone myself (I am not a very social person). So I am waiting for somebody who can download this App on HER smartphone for me. However, my worry is if that somebody downloads...
  25. M

    Noise-Induced Stress

    Tinnitus or not doesn't matter. Noise from ventilation causes heart attacks and early death. I can bet the following. I haven't checked though, but I am sure I am right. Among people who get more than 100 years old, more than 95 percent of those people live in a quiet place. It wouldn't...
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    Noise-Induced Stress

    We all know that we are happier when we sit in a nice cottage without electricity far from the city, traffic, cars and noise and just hear nothing except the natural sounds of the nature, which in general are very low, compared to the on-going white noise we hear near around cities and several...
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    Eremite Life

    Having lived a quiet eremite life for a bit over a year, I now have almost no tinnitus. Hence I proved the hypothesis that tinnitus is permanent after three months is completely wrong. What happens now is that I have gone back to washing the dishes without using hearing protectors and this does...
  28. M

    Tinnitus Cancelling Technology?

    That's interesting. If one can probe the tinnitus signal, there will be absolutely no problem canceling that signal by a canceling tone (delayed 180 degrees from the tinnitus signal). Question is how can we probe the tinnitus signal which exists only deep in our head? Of course it should be...
  29. M


    Can't ear plugs during take off and landing cause the ear drums to explode due to sudden pressure changes?
  30. M

    Poll: Noise-Cancelling Headphones — Do They Pose a Risk for Tinnitus?

    Sarah Stackpole, a New York ear, nose and throat doctor, speculates that the sound waves that cancel each other out may still transmit enough very low frequency vibrations to stimulate the balance receptors that are connected to the hearing hair cells in the inner ear. These vibrations are akin...
  31. M

    Poll: Noise-Cancelling Headphones — Do They Pose a Risk for Tinnitus?

    Right. Some negative pressure can of course be created as you say (a vacuum cleaner might be an example). Noise canceling headphones do not produce any overall pressure changes, but I tend to believe that ordinary sound waves can consist of both a rapidly oscillatory wave as well as a slowly...
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    Poll: Noise-Cancelling Headphones — Do They Pose a Risk for Tinnitus?

    Thanks a lot for the information. Yet I get the impression when searching the web that mostly women get nausea by noise cancelation. Hard to know how to judge that information on the web. Combining that with ONE research article based on ONE case, plus my own reasoning on how pressure can only...
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    Poll: Noise-Cancelling Headphones — Do They Pose a Risk for Tinnitus?

    Perhaps harmful. After having seen that people really get nausea, plus my worries about getting Menieres, I think I will stay away from noise cancelation on any flights I take.
  34. M

    Poll: Noise-Cancelling Headphones — Do They Pose a Risk for Tinnitus?

    Sound waves are roughly periodic compressions of air, but there are no decompression. Decompression means pressure would be lower than pressure without sound. This does not happen. Hence there are only positive contributions to the undeformed pressure (pressure in absence of sounds). Not...
  35. M

    Rumbling Tinnitus

    I made the test at and attach my result below. I put my laptop speaker volume at 16 and have no headphones. I calibrated by matching the calibration sound with the sound I hear from rubbing my own hands in front of my computer (not in front of my nose). This gives...
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    Rumbling Tinnitus

    OK, that is true, but does is all have to come at once? I guess Menier's could start out very mildly when treatment still can be successful, and only later develop with more severe symptoms.
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    Rumbling Tinnitus

    The medicine I was thinking on was
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    Rumbling Tinnitus

    I got rumbling very low frequency and rather quiet tinnitus sound that began last month. I hear it only when I lie down on my bed at night and everything is quiet. It wakes me up frequently and is there as I wake up in the morning. But it use to disappear after breakfast more or less. Or I don't...
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    Magnesium Could Offer Fresh Hope to Tinnitus Sufferers

    *the signal boost has been stored as a “memory” in the dorsal cochlear nucleus, a memory which is not easily forgotten. The consequences of this scenario is tinnitus, a false signal generation which is perceived in the absence of an external stimulus. In brief, we have shown that tinnitus is a...
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    What Are My Chances of Habituating Given My Circumstances?

    If there is the sound of a ventilation in the office where I am working, then I notice it immediately the first day on my new job. If I sit in that office for ten hours, I still notice it. If I work in that office for ten years, I still notice it and get constantly disturbed by the fan noise in...
  41. M


    Doctors know nothing about tinnitus. So why listen to them? I suggest listen to yourself instead.
  42. M

    Stress and Tinnitus, the Relation Derived

    10 000 years ago there were two 15 year old boys, named Ar and Arh, running and playing on the savanna. There were also two tigers, named Br and Brh on the savannah approaching the boys. Both Ar and Arh could hear tiger Br roaring. As a result, both boys got increased stress hormon levels. But...
  43. M

    Once You've Heard It — You Can't Unhear It. My Theory:
  44. M

    Once You've Heard It — You Can't Unhear It. My Theory:

    I remember very well when I watched this many years ago, First I got attracted and thought this man sits in some library and looks real intelligent. But then I realized what he said made no sense whatsoever. If he cured tinnitus, it was because he did his treatment in a quiet place. No...
  45. M

    Once You've Heard It — You Can't Unhear It. My Theory:

    Maybe you drove an old car away from the hospital playing Depeche Mode Enjoy the Silence at loudest volume as you felt angry at the unfairness that your best friend is so sick..? That too could be a trigger maybe?
  46. M

    Once You've Heard It — You Can't Unhear It. My Theory:

    I went to an ENT doctor in Asia saying I had tinnitus. He immediately replied: it is because of stress! I did not trust him at all of course. Just got angry and left the hospital ASAP. Seems to me that in Asia people do not *understand* what noise really is. Nothing is ever too loud for these...
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    Once You've Heard It — You Can't Unhear It. My Theory:

    I wonder what noise exposure you have been exposed to during your life? Nothing at all? Only stress? Stress could cause tinnitus? Are you sure you never listened to music during your entire life, never went to a party with loud music, nothing like that? You were just studying in a silent library...
  48. M

    Once You've Heard It — You Can't Unhear It. My Theory:

    Tinnitus can be caused by wear and tear during the course of many years. I listened to music nonstop for decades, never on a very loud volume. But I never gave my ears any rest. Music nonstop for decades broke down my ears. Then not much was needed to trigger tinnitus. A creek in the mountain...
  49. M

    Once You've Heard It — You Can't Unhear It. My Theory:

    I am a bit sceptic to all this. First time I got tinnitus I sat by a creek in the mountain and was very relaxed and happy. I went home listened to some quiet music, was very relaxed. The next morning I woke up with a terribly loud rumbling sound from the middle of my head. It lasted for two...
  50. M

    Going Under the Knife Tomorrow

    I suspect your t may go down by the silence caused by the bandage. If that is true, then I will be very interested to know! I have surgerically removed cholesteatoma three times and must visit ENT at least twice a year to clean up ear wax with microsuction. Cause me some dizziness. But I...
  51. M

    Advice Welcome!

    It sounds to me it was the pressure and not the sound in the plane that caused your problems? Could this be so? I am worried about flight since I am going to fly for ten hours or more nonstop soon.
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    Silence Versus Noise

    If I remain in silence 24/7 where no external noise I hear is louder than my own breathing sound, then after one week my tinnitus level is decreased from 100 percent to 99 percent. If I continue a second week it is reduced further to 98 percent. Then there are gaps, and one or more days more it...
  53. M

    Silence Versus Noise

    It is an experiment. Maybe everybody's tinnitus gets lower by perfect silence for two weeks, and then my idea is correct. Or else it does not apply to everyone, and then my idea is not quite correct. It works for me. Problem is I can not go to my employer and say that my doctor recommended me to...
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    Silence Versus Noise

    Is hyperacusis a problem if you can remain in perfect silence too? Can people WITHOUT tinnitus develop hyperacusis by exposing themselves to too much silence?
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    Silence Versus Noise

    The biggest challenge in carrying out this experiment is the construction of the sound isolating patient hotel. This has to be like a prison, walls covered with mattressses with no possibility to make a phone call or escape the room for two weeks. Food has to be served through a hole in the door...
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    Silence Versus Noise

    Here is my vision: the years -2098 to + 2098 will go to history as the years when doctors and people thought that tinnitus could be treated by noise. Year 2098 one autistic doctor will convincingly have carried out the simple experiment I have outlined, putting people with tinnitus in sound...
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    Silence Versus Noise

    The silence and hyperacusis that is required to cure my own low frequency rumbling tinnitus is such that swallowing sounds like a waterfall. This I induce by complete silence for a couple of days where I use hearing protectors to flush the toilet and otherwise read a book (though turn the pages...
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    International Tinnitus Journal, Vol. 14, No. 1, 37–41 (2008): Tinnitus — a Philosophical Problem

    I would like to carry this experiment one step further and take those tinnitus induced cats and expose them to the same sound background one week after. Would THAT help those cats recover tinnitus. Here I have big doubts. Sound background may be efficient just BEFORE you got tinnitus. But it...
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    International Tinnitus Journal, Vol. 14, No. 1, 37–41 (2008): Tinnitus — a Philosophical Problem

    I find it hard to believe that cats are humans though. Also this is not in agreement with my personal experienes. Can humans restore hearing by listening to moderate sounds? I find that very hard to believe, and I think one single experiment should be reproduced independently by many research...
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    International Tinnitus Journal, Vol. 14, No. 1, 37–41 (2008): Tinnitus — a Philosophical Problem

    Keeping cats, after noise trauma, in a high-frequencyenriched environment prevented tonotopic map reorganization and reduced the expected hearing loss due to the noise as contrasted with cats with the same exposure but kept in quiet. That is to say, high-frequency stimulation maintained normal...