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  1. Tinnitus_2010

    Worst Tinnitus Spike — Caused by Doxycyclline or Sleeping Position?

    Hi @Steph1710, I have taken Doxycycline and tolerated it well. I had spikes which lasted a couple of weeks. My ENT said my spike could have been from grinding my teeth. I woke up with ear pain and full ear feeling which subsided the next morning. I don't know what else to believe at this...
  2. Tinnitus_2010

    Worst Tinnitus Spike — Caused by Doxycyclline or Sleeping Position?

    Thank you so much for the response. I believe it isn't the Doxycycline because i have taken it numerous times and didn't have any issues. However, I am not sure what caused my ears to have the full feeling which subsided the next day.
  3. Tinnitus_2010

    Worst Tinnitus Spike — Caused by Doxycyclline or Sleeping Position?

    I have had tinnitus since 2010. During this period I've had numerous spikes which have lasted for a week or two. I am not sure what triggered this one but it is worse than it was originally. I am able to sleep which is good but my anxiety is killing me. I've had two hearing tests and all...