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  1. S

    Warning for People with Noxacusis: For the Love of God, Protect Your Ears!

    Never had pain since I got hyperacusis, just gradually more sensitivity. Everything sounds super loud and it keeps getting louder anytime I have a setback. I used to recover from setbacks but not anymore. I’m 30, I went back living with my parents. They live in a super quiet house. I work...
  2. S

    Warning for People with Noxacusis: For the Love of God, Protect Your Ears!

    Hi, I just read the story and I’m sorry you have to suffer thru this hell. I’m going to share my personal experience with hyperacusis. At the start of 2019 I started to notice that music I was playing in my headphones felt louder than usual. I did not think much of it as it was only transient...