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  1. Luke77

    If You Have Had Tinnitus Under Two Months Read This

    I know what I said isn't always true and it sometimes gets louder or changes for the worse, it's just that compared to other injuries/illnesses I've had this one does the least physical impedance and luckily in my case very little mental harm so far. The first few weeks were bad though...
  2. Luke77

    If You Have Had Tinnitus Under Two Months Read This

    Stop thinking about it. Stop thinking about everything. It is soon enough that it may go away for good. There are far worse things one could have. After 90 days you really get used to it and while it can be annoying, you're used to it. It's like a lame friend or relative. Always around not too...
  3. Luke77

    New and Very Scared

    If you can't sleep maybe talk to the doctor and temporarily take sleep aids? Or the herbal ones at most drugstores? The first little while is bad especially if you're stressed over it.
  4. Luke77

    Exercise and Tinnitus — Experiences

    How active you are Work out 6-7 days a week 30-90 minutes. Walk 3-5km a day sometimes extra. What sort of exercise you do Cycling, running, walking weight training, random sports. How loud your tinnitus is Usually 2/10 sometimes 4/10 How annoying your tinnitus is Minor/don't notice but...
  5. Luke77

    Hey There, High-Pitched Constant Ringing, Looking for Ideas

    Hey there :) I started noticing high pitched ringing in mid-2015 and it was on and off, finally always-on. Audiologist said I have early stage hearing loss and Tinnitus. Came here looking for any physical treatments or distracting sounds to help as sometimes it's impossible to focus on anything...