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  1. J

    Hey you okay?

    Hey you okay?
  2. J

    Mine have come and go so much the past 2 days that i dont even nothice when its gone and then i...

    Mine have come and go so much the past 2 days that i dont even nothice when its gone and then i do 5 minuts Later it comes back
  3. J

    Cosmetic Surgery: Lip Fillers

    i would try to ask in the doctor coner but i can´t see how that would make things worse :)
  4. J

    Will I Develop Hyperacusis?

    It is rare t get that bad 13-20% of all adults (in denmark) got constant tinnitus ore almost constant. Hell my dad even got it and and i know 2 more there also got it from my familey and 1 of my friends also got it so its pretty normal (its also pretty normal it goes away agin) so dont even...
  5. J

    Will I Develop Hyperacusis?

    Why that story even are posted i dont understand.
  6. J

    Will I Develop Hyperacusis?

    40% peapole with tinnitus got H to some degree i had it in the first 4 weeks and still got a tiny bit left but in moste cases H is not progressive and wil be really mild and will get better. But it can also be TTTS (Tonic Tensor Tympani Syndrome). With it casued by stress towards with the ear i...
  7. J

    Poll: Approximately How Often Do You Get Fleeting Tinnitus?

    gets its every morning when i wake up and holy shit it sometimes make me think i go deaf i can´t hear annything but that for minutes and its a new tone everyday today it was a dental drill yesterday it was a bell.
  8. J

    New Tinnitus Sufferer

    den først tid er ekstrem svær ( har haft det ca 6 uger) og jeg har noget gjort min situation lidt værre da jeg 3 gange har været ude for lidt for høj lyd side jeg fik det. jeg har mellem 1-3 toner. Men det bliver bedre jeg er allerede tæt på at vende mig til det (min krop er) mit nerve system er...
  9. J

    Any Correlation with the Weather?!

    mine dose that too
  10. J

    New Tinnitus Sufferer

    velkomme til jeg er også fra Danmark men skriver lige på engelsk så alle forstår hvad jeg skriver. am also new to this and i got mine from 5-6 weeks ago and the first weeks are the worst (i was also in a really dark place) at the beginning i had 4-6 differens sounds and now am down to 1...
  11. J

    Tinnitus Caused from Minor Whiplash — Does Tinnitus Only Get Worse?

    Does tinnitus only get worse? Mine is mild at the moment and have gotten better since I got it from 3 weeks ago. I got like 3 different tones but I don't hear them when I'm outside.
  12. J

    Tinnitus Caused by Neck Problem?

    i also got mine from laying in the bed with my laptop and looking down to much. i try a massage later in the week and see if that helps. i wil also try the thinks you do :)
  13. J

    Tinnitus Caused by Neck Problem?

    Has anyone got tinnitus from neck problems? And have it got better or worse? And have you got used to it?