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  1. J

    Tinnitus at 21 Years Old

    Hey Rick - My ears feel a little full or a feeling as if there is no life in the ear itself, a very stuffy feeling in my nasal area. Once the Otrivin nasal spray wears off, the stuffy feeling in my nasal area will return. But I can pop my ears using the Valsalva maneuver. I believe by yawning...
  2. J

    Tinnitus at 21 Years Old

    @Rick - Below is part of a convo you had with Mia regarding her ET. "BTW, are you sure you have ETD? Can you pop your ears by doing Valsalva maneuver? Do you have ear fullness with muffled hearing? Can you open your ET by yawning or chewing ? Do you have pressure equalizing issues with your...
  3. J

    Tinnitus at 21 Years Old

    Hello Rick - I have decided to wit out the 5 days use of the Otrivin and the schedule a visit to the ENT again - maybe for next week and see what he thinks about doing the Tympanogram to determine existence of negative pressure. The Otrivin works on creating a smooth flow when inhaling but...
  4. J

    Tinnitus at 21 Years Old

    Hello Rick Yes indeed my tinnitus is new. It will be difficult for me to confirm that my tinnitus was ETD 100% induced. You had visited I believe three ENT's before you narrowed down to your tinnitus cause. After explaining to the ENT of usual fullness in the ears during day, the situation of...
  5. J

    Tinnitus at 21 Years Old

    Thanks for the advice and the assurance of reaching out to you for information. At current I am on vacation from my studies which resumes in September this year. I am not sure yet if I can continue with the studies, but I will wait out the time and see if I can habituate within the next two plus...
  6. J

    Tinnitus at 21 Years Old

    @ Michael - Am currently reading your personal view on the tinnitus topic. For now my friend, I am stuck with what the ENT suspects an ETD. I explained to him the difficulty with the pressure I experienced as the plane reduced altitude. the fact that my voice sounds a bit weak while speaking...
  7. J

    Tinnitus at 21 Years Old

    Has anyone read the success story of Rick Garner - where he recovered from his tinnitus ETD caused. His recovery which was in this year at 100%. Can anyone relate?
  8. J

    Tinnitus at 21 Years Old

    Dear Michael Leigh - I've read your advices to Elbert and I do agree with you very much. To be honest I cannot even say if my tinnitus is high or low. It does not really prevent me from hearing convos clearly, but I do find that mines after being more to the right ear during the morning into...
  9. J

    Tinnitus at 21 Years Old

    That's the faith you have to place in your current situation - that it can go away. That faith in itself will by no doubt be connected directly to your anxiety. In other words, you will be anticipating - so you have to also be very patient and not let the anxiety get the better of you. As for me...
  10. J

    Tinnitus at 21 Years Old

    Stress, ETD, loud noises; just about anything seems to be able to trigger off this monster. I dont know what to say triggered mines, but I can narrow down and see that its somehow connected to my health. So it could be many health issues in my body that could have triggered my T. I realised that...
  11. J

    Tinnitus at 21 Years Old

    @Elbert - WEl I have read of one guy who claims his tinnitus (ETD caused) went away. Right not I feel like I have lost alot or almost everything. But I good and positive frame of mind is what we need to try deal with this devastating issue. You have to find positive things to do during the day -...
  12. J

    Tinnitus at 21 Years Old

    Hi Forum members ( GLynis and Elbert) My tinnitus started the morning of May 16th 2017. A visit to the ENT took him to the conclusion that I had a depressed middle ear. A second visit which was monday of this week, the ENT claims I have ETD. So as you can see am at least 5 wks into my...