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  1. Rachael Houghton

    It’s Been a Long Journey

    Haven’t thought of that before. I will definitely watch this now and see what causes a spike! Didn’t think certain things may cause it to spike! Thank you again.
  2. Rachael Houghton

    It’s Been a Long Journey

    I really hope you get some cows soon! I know the pain. It’s not pleasant at all. There’s genes within the family and few cousins have hearing loss and one of my cousins was born deaf. But i don’t know if the tinnitus would relate to that either? I feel all over the place. Hopefully something...
  3. Rachael Houghton

    It’s Been a Long Journey

    Hi guys! I’ve had tinnitus for a couple of years now. Seems to be from a viral infection I had. Also i’m loosing my hearing in both ears and not sure if it will get worse as I get older or if it will remain at this level. Hopefully the latter. I have a hearing aid to help with the hearing loss...
  4. Rachael Houghton

    Tinnitus Week 2018 / Day 2: How Do You Manage Your Sleep with Tinnitus?

    Have valerian root but would have never thought about using it for tinnitus. Will start using it again
  5. Rachael Houghton

    Tinnitus Week 2018 / Day 2: How Do You Manage Your Sleep with Tinnitus?

    It seems to get louder for me at night. I tend to Listen to some music or a podcast but it doesn’t always help. I have a hearing aid as i’m looking my hearing and I find some days it can make the tinnitus worse than normal. It’s tough to balance but trying my best.
  6. Rachael Houghton

    New to This!

    Hi guys. I’m totally new to blogs and forums but I’ve been suffering with this tinnitus for over a year. I’ve recently got a hearing aid as it’s really affecting my hearing. I was advised that a hearing aid might cure tinnitus for good. This occurred from a viral infection and it just never...
  7. Rachael Houghton

    The frustration is real!

    The frustration is real!
  8. Rachael Houghton

