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  1. S

    Questions for Those Who've Recovered from Hyperacusis

    Because it's really, really prevented me from enjoying music like I used to, which used to be one of my main enjoyments. It's been horrible going 2 years like this, and it still won't go go away. I also really, really do not want this to ever redevelop. If I could give a bit more detail where...
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    Questions for Those Who've Recovered from Hyperacusis

    I have barely used headphones in months. I tried them some weeks ago but realized I still couldn't handle them. What I am wondering is you think the persistence I've exhibited is abnormal, but it's been about the same time period as yours and with minimal therapy. Was it exactly 2 years in your...
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    Questions for Those Who've Recovered from Hyperacusis

    It took you 2 years for you to recover with therapy, while I have undergone little. I want to emphasize that in day-to-day life, hyperacusis affects me minimally and it's still only really things like headphones or certain artificial audio sources I have issues with. It's really a narrow scope...
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    Questions for Those Who've Recovered from Hyperacusis

    @Michael Leigh Yes, I have read your case multiple times in threads such as these. I do not feel there is any need to use noise generators at this point, and I don't think my case was ever as severe as yours, except for certain periods during the 6-month threshold increase. I really do not...
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    Questions for Those Who've Recovered from Hyperacusis

    I've made on and off threads about my struggle for over the past year with hyperacusis. It was around the middle of August in 2016 I first developed it, so it's been a little over 2 years since I acquired it. I really thought it would go away by then, but it hasn't. That isn't to say it for the...
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    Approaching Recovery (Supposedly) — Would Like Advice

    Wow, had no idea it was that bad. I googled around and saw scattered indications of it exacerbating such things, it happened but it didn't seem that common, and some would report it made things better. My doctor after I brought this up likewise wasn't familiar with it exacerbating hearing...
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    Approaching Recovery (Supposedly) — Would Like Advice

    I've made repeated threads here about aspects of my struggle with hyperacusis/tinnitus. Suffice to say, I feel like I for the most part am approaching recovery. I experienced a threshold increase later last year per a sort of parameter of how bad my hyperacusis is per someone that made it the...
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    Sleep Medication and Hyperacusis/Tinnitus

    I'd meant to write more a month ago, but I just lost interest and this whole thing has gotten me really down again. Since taking that amitriptyline (a 25 mg dose), I've regressed. When I improved a few months ago, I got to the point where I'd clearly attained a level of tolerance that I...
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    Sleep Medication and Hyperacusis/Tinnitus

    First off, since about the end of April/beginning of May, I have seen massive improvement in my hyperacusis/tinnitus. Ever since I went to a specialist over a month ago and they recommended I avoid wearing protection at all, simply refraining from wearing protection during periods I did...
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    Struggling with Hyperacusis/Tinnitus for Close to 2 Years, No End in Sight

    I meant new in the sense of I've never seen that suggested before. But I will look into it.
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    Struggling with Hyperacusis/Tinnitus for Close to 2 Years, No End in Sight

    Low level laser therapy, that's a new one. Seems to be something that a specialist must administer though. How might I be able to go about finding one who offers such therapy? I could say more later, but regarding diet, I have decided to refrain from coffee/caffeine altogether, as I've learned...
  12. S

    White or Pink Noise for Hyperacusis Treatment?

    Pink noise helped me for a time, but then it ended up making it worse. It might help, but even if it does, you could become accustomed or sensitized to it and it could genuinely exacerbate things. That's what happened to me. If you find your tinnitus (if you have it at all) spiking with it, or...
  13. S

    Severe Hyperacusis

    How long did you have hyperacusis the first time before it lapsed? Was it this severe? What did you do to overcome/alleviate it?
  14. S

    Really Struggling... New Here

    I have predominantly hyperacusis, but my tinnitus became noticeable and pervasive for the first time back in October. I have had for sometime very abnormal sleeping patterns and get to bed very late and often wake up between 11 am-12 pm. Things have been somewhat improving recently, but I have...
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    Struggling with Hyperacusis/Tinnitus for Close to 2 Years, No End in Sight

    I've posted my experiences on this board before, and I've posted about my recent experiences on another board, but not much has changed since I wrote what I last wrote. I made concentrated efforts to avoid using speakers and most artificial audio at home, and scheduled an appointment at the Mass...
  16. S

    Tinnitus Spiking with Pink Noise?

    Oh, that's really too bad. I was hoping for something wearable or to function as an alternative to wearable generators, assuming I can't get those for cheap or through insurance. If you or anyone else have any alternative suggestions, let me know.
  17. S

    Tinnitus Spiking with Pink Noise?

    I think I misunderstood your original post on this. Do you actually wear those, or are they stationary? If they're wearable, I think I'd go for those. Let me know more if you can, specifically which model.
  18. S

    Tinnitus Spiking with Pink Noise?

    Fascinating you got your white noise generators for free. How did that come about? Were you just diagnosed and tested for tinnitus and they gave them to you? I don't know if that's possible anywhere in the US. I'd love to try them, but the price is very offputting. Something like that might...
  19. S

    Tinnitus Spiking with Pink Noise?

    I went from purple noise to smoothed brown noise, and I've listened to that for several hours a day (brown and purple noise are as bad as pink noise for me). I also make sure to avoid using headphones for anything else and wear earplugs/coverage during the typical vulnerable periods, which now...
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    Tinnitus Spiking with Pink Noise?

    Is experiencing bits of discomfort and irritation/pain while listening normal or to be expected though? I had the same thing going on eventually with pink noise, and it all served to make things worse. I listened to several hours yesterday and it seemed to help. Is there really a set timeframe...
  21. S

    Tinnitus Spiking with Pink Noise?

    I've been trying out this deep purple noise recording at low volumes for a few hours now, and my tinnitus hasn't spiked at all: I'll try out other such recordings too, but I still feel bits of discomfort and irritation/pain while listening to this, that I don't readily experience in day to day...
  22. S

    Tinnitus Spiking with Pink Noise?

    White noise generators alone cost over $1,000, and the only specialist I'm aware of nearby that offers therapy combined with those would charge over $3,000. My only real hope seems to be whatever studies come up at the Mass Eye and Ear Infirmary, or engage in self-therapy with sound that doesn't...
  23. S

    Tinnitus Spiking with Pink Noise?

    What are some other noises should I consider for therapy? I'm guessing I should avoid any that could cause it to spike?
  24. S

    Tinnitus Spiking with Pink Noise?

    Well I've technically always had very mild tinnitus, and even though my primary issue is hyperacusis, tinnitus has been a component, and it became a prominent issue a few months ago when I exacerbated it with a threshold test. When I first started pink noise therapy a few months back it really...
  25. S

    Tinnitus Spiking with Pink Noise?

    I have hyperacusis, but a major feature of it (in recent months) has been tinnitus. I've attempted pink noise therapy with headphones on and off over the past few months, but I don't know if it's done much, atleast lately, because I've gotten in the habit of listening on my headphones for other...
  26. S

    Should I Stick with Pink Noise Therapy?

    I spoke to one of the specialists at the Mass Eye and Ear Infirmary today, and while they don't seem to offer any treatment for hyperacusis/tinnitus, they, in addition to soon beginning research, will likely soon begin multiple studies for hyperacusis/tinnitus that could offer something. So...
  27. S

    Should I Stick with Pink Noise Therapy?

    And yeah, through all this, as I wore the headphones, I got into the habit of using them not just to listen to music here and there, but other things. I did not listen to music often, but I would often use them to listen to other things. It's really hard to avoid when you're wearing them for...
  28. S

    Should I Stick with Pink Noise Therapy?

    Thanks for the reply. I went ahead and called the Otolerngology department at Mass Eye and Ear Infirmary again, and I get the impression they don't have much. A receptionist I spoke to said they've only just started the beginnings of research into hyperacusis at that center or something along...
  29. S

    Should I Stick with Pink Noise Therapy?

    Really should have replied back to this sooner. Not much has changed since I originally posted this. I forgot to mention I did ditch wearing earplugs for significant periods after my job finished, and I basically wear them only when I'm at the gym or in the shower (wear I'll use bundled tissue.)...
  30. S

    Should I Stick with Pink Noise Therapy?

    I've made a couple of threads on my hyperacusis before, but to summarize- I developed hyperacusis in August 2016 after listening to loud, often intense music on headphones with high-end audio equipment at high volumes regularly for a year straight. I've also always had a very minor case of...
  31. S

    Hyperacusis Since Aug 2016, Looking Into Possible Professional Treatment

    Thanks for the detailed reply, I'm sorry I haven't gotten back sooner, I've still been depressed and despondent about this and some other things. I have still yet to take any steps with treatment. There is as I mentioned only one specialist in my general area, and their services aren't covered...
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    Hyperacusis Since Aug 2016, Looking Into Possible Professional Treatment

    So since I last posted in here, about a week ago it seemed like this recent exacerbation was about to go away, but it didn't. I'm still finding this increased sensitivity throughout the day and have worn ear plugs throughout much of the day to avoid irritation, particularly things like creaking...
  33. S

    Earbuds/Plugs and Hyperacusis/Tinnitus

    Since I wrote the post I've decided that wearing yellow foam plus is the best choice, I'm not sure about when I go out (as they'll be noticeable and unsightly), but around the house and at the gym they're great. I still hear plenty and suffer few of the irritations I've had with this temporary...
  34. S

    Earbuds/Plugs and Hyperacusis/Tinnitus

    I developed a case of hyperacusis in August of last year due to excess listening to music loud music with high-end audio equipment on headphones. It's been mild most of the time, but very slow to improve, and I haven't really made any effort until recently to look into or attempt treatment. A...
  35. S

    Hyperacusis Since Aug 2016, Looking Into Possible Professional Treatment

    There are of course all sorts of generic plastic earplugs/earbuds, but I would again like to know what would be best for day-to-day coping for something like this. It's not just an issue of lessening the harm to my ears, it's just making things more comfortable and manageable. And I'd like to...
  36. S

    Hyperacusis Since Aug 2016, Looking Into Possible Professional Treatment

    I went back to the same ENT, though with a different specialist. Not a whole lot they could tell me; said my best bet would be to go to that center in Boston, but the person who gave me a hearing test was more helpful. They genuinely recommended musician ear plugs for day-to-day coping with this...
  37. S

    Hyperacusis Since Aug 2016, Looking Into Possible Professional Treatment

    I don't mean to keep bumping this thread, but until I go to another specialist, I would like advice on what more to expect and what this all means. I feel it has again gotten worse throughout the day, I have been showing apprehension and felt irritation towards all sorts of noises even more. The...
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    Hyperacusis Since Aug 2016, Looking Into Possible Professional Treatment

    Whoa, I didn't mean to give the impression this place was really getting to me. I altogether really haven't read much of this forum and have primarily stuck to this thread. I am absolutely not combing through it looking at other people's stories for any information I can or whatever. I've...
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    Hyperacusis Since Aug 2016, Looking Into Possible Professional Treatment

    A lot happened yesterday. Things were largely uneventful, I think, until the evening, particularly when I went to the gym. Before that, I'd find myself being variously in a way hyper-aware of various sounds, like they were really at this threshold/barrier I've felt before intolerability or...
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    Hyperacusis Since Aug 2016, Looking Into Possible Professional Treatment

    It wasn't the ENT exactly, it was another worked who conducts the hearing tests. They didn't specify this as tinnitus either though, they said something along the lines of this being something everyone gets at birth and compared the phenomenon to the noise you hear when you hold a sea shell to...
  41. S

    Hyperacusis Since Aug 2016, Looking Into Possible Professional Treatment

    One last update on my situation from today, but while it has again largely subsided, I do think there has been a genuine increase in this non-tinnitus ringing- I honestly don't know the name of it. It's not exactly ringing, it's that kind of tingling sound you'll usually notice when things are...
  42. S

    Hyperacusis Since Aug 2016, Looking Into Possible Professional Treatment

    I already saw an ENT, I detailed my most recent visit in the OP. Didn't refer to them as an ENT though. And the issue I got earlier has largely subsided, it will like I guessed be gone by morning if not earlier. It was the first time I've had anything approaching a generalized sense of...
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    Hyperacusis Since Aug 2016, Looking Into Possible Professional Treatment

    I will start Do you mean for what I just did or in general? This is something that will probably last no more than the rest of the day if that. If not, I don't see any reason to go to another ENT since it's doubtful much will have changed in just 2 months. But I will look into other treatment...
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    Hyperacusis Since Aug 2016, Looking Into Possible Professional Treatment

    Well again, what really did me in was the use of the Schiit audio equipment at high volume and high gain coupled with the headphones. In fact, the high gain I think was what really did it. The gain feature on that doubled the detail but also the loudness, and wasn't possible on the other two...
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    Hyperacusis Since Aug 2016, Looking Into Possible Professional Treatment

    Again, I assure you I've been avoiding headphones for months now. But do you think I should never touch them until it goes away? And that I really should potentially avoid them altogether even after I recover? Do you think it was a bad idea to wear them like I did later last year/earlier this...
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    Hyperacusis Since Aug 2016, Looking Into Possible Professional Treatment

    I do listen through speakers, but at low volumes. I can't really handle much more than that. Sound produced through speakers is really the biggest issue for me. And of course, listening to music like this is really unenjoyable. When you say going back to "healthy ears", do you speak of just...
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    Hyperacusis Since Aug 2016, Looking Into Possible Professional Treatment

    I've wondered if, when I recover, I'll have some kind of permanently induced sensitivity where things could return again or get worse. I don't know anything of the long-term effects. Earlier this year, when I was able to use headphones again for some extended periods (though not with heavy...
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    Hyperacusis Since Aug 2016, Looking Into Possible Professional Treatment

    There's only one MA specialist, but I'll check it out. How many years have you had it exactly? What caused it for you and how is it separate from your tinnitus? Yeah, none of those are bad for me at all. Never have been this entire time. Did you begin therapy immediately after it set in...
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    Hyperacusis Since Aug 2016, Looking Into Possible Professional Treatment

    Since I can't edit my post, a couple of other details: -Don't think I made this that explicit, but while only relatively loud/high pitched noises get to me (loud yelling, lawnmowers, loud vehicles etc.), I'd say the only thing that really gets me at lower frequencies (aside from sounds...
  50. S

    Hyperacusis Since Aug 2016, Looking Into Possible Professional Treatment

    I developed hyperacusis in August of last year. I'm currently 25 1/2, and for the most part, I've never really had any ear issues. Over the past several years, I've begun listening to music much more with headphones. In August of 2015, I began looking into amplifier equipment to complement a...