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  1. D

    Can Anyone Else Make Their Tinnitus Disappear by Listening to a Tone?

    Jomo - I just saw your post. I think I need to modify my forum settings so I get notified of new posts. Can you add that link to the tone you were talking about? You accidentally put a link to this thread. GregCA - I just read the abstract of that study. It looks like WWN had positive...
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    Can Anyone Else Make Their Tinnitus Disappear by Listening to a Tone?

    Huh. Thanks! That Windowed White Noise therapy makes some serious claims. Has anyone here tried that? I tried searching, and couldn’t find any threads on it in the post title.
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    Can Anyone Else Make Their Tinnitus Disappear by Listening to a Tone?

    Is this common? I’ve had tinnitus for about two months. It’s a constant high pitched ringing in my left ear. Early on, I came across this article, from a tinnitus sufferer: In it, he has a link to a...
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    Tinnitus Retraining Therapy

    I’m two months into my tinnitus nightmare... My otologist referred me to an audiologist, who I met yesterday. The audiologist recommended I do TRT. Can anyone who has been through TRT please help me make a decision? I’ve read most of the posts on this board about TRT, but I don’t see much in...
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    New to This, Any Advice Would Be Much Appreciated!

    Thanks for the responses, I really appreciate it! Michael - regarding using a hearing aid, not sure if it's relevant, but outside that narrow band around 4kHz, my hearing is excellent. I am usually the first person in a group of people to hear something others didn't hear, etc. But if a...
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    New to This, Any Advice Would Be Much Appreciated!

    I'm a 57 year old guy, and I've dealt with mild tinnitus since I could remember. I probably developed it from going to loud concerts back in my college days. My tinnitus (until recently) was only noticeable in a quiet room, kind of a low leaves rustling sound, with some high pitched overtones...