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  1. Jéssica Amorim

    Crazy Tinnitus Spikes: Some Days I Can Barely Hear People Talking

    Yes, the first one. Thanks!
  2. Jéssica Amorim

    Crazy Tinnitus Spikes: Some Days I Can Barely Hear People Talking

    Hi! No exposure to loud sounds and apparently no hearing loss but I will be taking an audiogram to make sure. Yes, various tones of whistles, whispers. There have been isolated days when it got really low. The last month was a real roller coaster ride with my tinnitus. Each day a new frequency...
  3. Jéssica Amorim

    Crazy Tinnitus Spikes: Some Days I Can Barely Hear People Talking

    Hi! After three years of successfully dealing with my tinnitus, my life has turned upside down. For a month now I have suffered from several spikes in volume and tones. Some days I can barely hear people talking. It feels like there's a radio tuner in my head that skips stations. Has anyone ever...
  4. Jéssica Amorim

    Hey! Tinnitus Increased a Month Ago — Original Cause Unknown (Noise/ETD/TMJ/Ototoxicity...)

    Hello from Brazil! I hope your tinnitus has returned to "normal". I am experiencing something similar, I have lived with tinnitus for three years. At first it was very difficult, I thought I was going to go crazy. Gradually I was adapting and things returned to normal. I have a tmj problem...
  5. Jéssica Amorim

    Ear Fullness After Taking Cyclobenzaprine

    I needed to take this medicine for my back pain and I have the same symptoms. Ear fullness feeling aerial and looks like I started to hear an echo in my left ear that had nothing before.
  6. Jéssica Amorim

    ASMR Can Cause Tinnitus?

    My audiogram did not show hearing loss.
  7. Jéssica Amorim

    ASMR Can Cause Tinnitus?

    I used rivotril only two weeks after my tinnitus started. Since it started last year I did not feel any improvement, on the contrary, I feel that the volume has been increasing gradually. I think using ear protectors in some situations can be a good way to prevent another peak in my tinnitus.
  8. Jéssica Amorim

    Poll: Has Your Tinnitus Increased Over Time?

    Loud noises exposure
  9. Jéssica Amorim

    Poll: Has Your Tinnitus Increased Over Time?

    For some time I have been living with the tinnitus. I can say that at first it affected me a lot but I learned to live with constant whistling. However, I have noticed a significant increase in volume, even avoiding loud music, which was the likely cause of my tinnitus. My question is: Has...
  10. Jéssica Amorim

    ASMR Can Cause Tinnitus?

    Olá! O meu zumbido aumentou de forma significativa desde que surgiu, em uma escala de 1 a 10, seria um 10. As primeiras semanas foram realmente difíceis, não conseguia dormir e me concentrar em nada. Fui atrás de vários especialistas e não obtive nenhuma resposta satisfatória. Tomei rivotril...
  11. Jéssica Amorim

    ASMR Can Cause Tinnitus?

    Hello! Ever since my tinnitus came on, I totally stopped using headphones. Even so, the volume has gradually increased. Now I can hear even in noisy environments, which caused me a lot of anxiety. I stopped with Rivotril because I was suffering a lot from the side effects. I am gradually...
  12. Jéssica Amorim

    Weather Changes Impacting Tinnitus Intensity?

    Thank you Michael.
  13. Jéssica Amorim

    Weather Changes Impacting Tinnitus Intensity?

    Hi Michael, The fact that my tinnitus is due to exposure to noise means that every time I have contact with a source of intense noise my T will get worse?
  14. Jéssica Amorim

    Weather Changes Impacting Tinnitus Intensity?

    Hi Elinor, I live in Brazil and we are in the middle of spring, however, last week the temperature dropped a lot and I noticed that my T got louder.
  15. Jéssica Amorim

    Weather Changes Impacting Tinnitus Intensity?

    Hello, I have noise-induced tinnitus but is it possible that it is affected by the weather? We had a sudden drop in temperature and realized that there was an increase in my tinnitus intensity.
  16. Jéssica Amorim


    I'm going through a very stressful time, my T is screaming in my head. So I think it might be related.
  17. Jéssica Amorim


    I'm feeling better today, dizziness has passed. I took the meniere drug for a few weeks, I think the doctor was testing to see what I had.
  18. Jéssica Amorim


    Hello, Today I'm feeling a little bit dizzy/lightheadedness, is that normal? Have you experienced anything like this?
  19. Jéssica Amorim

    Can Ibuprofen and Tylenol Make Tinnitus Worse?

    Can Ibuprofen and Tylenol make tinnitus worse?
  20. Jéssica Amorim

    Tinnitus Hit the Second Ear

    Hi Michael, Second night without taking clonazepam, I had a hard time falling asleep and slept very badly. In addition my tinnitus kept floating from ear to ear. This is normal? Anyway, I'm trying not to get so focused on the noise so I do not go crazy.
  21. Jéssica Amorim

    Tinnitus Hit the Second Ear

    Thank you for the support.
  22. Jéssica Amorim

    Tinnitus Hit the Second Ear

    I believe that it was due to exposure to loud music.
  23. Jéssica Amorim

    Tinnitus Hit the Second Ear

    I'll make an appointment as soon as possible. I'm not going to take clonazepam for now. Thanks for listening.
  24. Jéssica Amorim

    Tinnitus Hit the Second Ear

    Hello Michael. Since my tinnitus came I stopped completely with the headphones. However, the volume is increasing gradually every week, which automatically increases my stress. My ENT has indicated clonazepam to help me sleep and reduce anxiety. In the first two weeks it has helped a lot but...
  25. Jéssica Amorim

    Tinnitus Hit the Second Ear

    What I feared most happened, the tinnitus hit the second ear. I woke up early and was reading in bed when I started listening on the left side. I'm feeling desolate.
  26. Jéssica Amorim

    Clonazepam (Klonopin, Rivotril)

    Does anyone here use of clonazepam? Since I started taking the drug in order to reduce the anxiety caused by tinnitus, I have been very depressed, crying all the time and I have suicidal thoughts. I read that the drug can cause such reactions, did anyone experience something like that?
  27. Jéssica Amorim

    Really Scared — Tinnitus in Right Ear, Sometimes Starts in the Left Ear

    My tinnitus is in the right ear but in a few days, in a matter of seconds it starts in the left ear. When that happens I get paralyzed and the way it came, it's gone. It really scares me. Does anyone else have it?
  28. Jéssica Amorim

    ASMR Can Cause Tinnitus?

    Hello from Brazil! I always liked music and listened practically every day with my headphones at full volume. I work in a very stressful environment and was looking for relaxation videos, that's when I heard about ASMR. I put my headphones on and started listening at the minimum volume, I felt...