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  1. florian_89

    its been 8 years now, dealing with the consequences of acustic shock on my left ear.

    its been 8 years now, dealing with the consequences of acustic shock on my left ear.
  2. florian_89

    Hyperacusis and the Dentist — Invisalign

    Best is double protection - earplugs and earmuffs - don't ever expose yourself to noise which is possibly bad. Best wishes.
  3. florian_89

    Pressure Feeling in Ears — How Can I Treat It?

    Hi, The pressure feeling in my ears causes me the most discomfort. I never have complete relief from it. I found that exercise/sports improves my blood circulation and provides slight relief and generally a better feeling. And hot/cold showers help a little bit. I had my acoustic shock 5...
  4. florian_89

    Are Hyperacusis and Trigeminal Neuralgia Connected?

    Hi, I just want to share my point of view. Since my acoustic shock, my left inner ear got injured and my TTM is always controlled to be in the pulling state. I have a theory: The trigeminal nerve is overwhelmed by signals coming from the damaged inner ear. The inflammation, which is caused by...
  5. florian_89

    Hyperacusis Research Annual Fundraiser: Which Type of Presenter Would Be Most Interesting to You?

    You know, my dad has prostate cancer, and he gathers information about that topic - understandable. So he and the rest is not really interested in research, they feel me, and I talk with them about my problem - but they have their own shit going on...
  6. florian_89

    Surgically Cutting the Tympanic Muscle in an Effort to Help Severe Noxacusis (Pain Hyperacusis)!

    Hi @grate_biff, What about injecting botox to the muscle? It has also been done before, and you will see an effect in a few days - maybe a help to make this difficult decisions about cutting the muscle. Botox will go off in about 3-4 months completely. All the best! Another thing do deal...
  7. florian_89

    enjoys as much as possible

    enjoys as much as possible
  8. florian_89

    Aural Fullness, Tinnitus, Hyperacusis — The Trifecta: Can I Fly?

    Dear Matt, This i a good question i tried to answer myself a lot of times. No ENT could give me the answer. I don't want to give any wrong informations out here but I want you to listen to this story and my assumptions - I am no doctor, just a patient. My story When I had my accident whit...
  9. florian_89

    Aural Fullness, Tinnitus, Hyperacusis — The Trifecta: Can I Fly?

    Dear Matt, I had an acoustic shock 4 years ago when hyperacusis with pain started. The accident only affected the left ear. In the beginning I thought my ear is just clogged. It tried to open it with closing my nose and push ear through the Eustachian tube. Well my eardrum goes off, but the...
  10. florian_89

    Blog: My Life with Hyperacusis

    Sorry to hear that you in this condition, I will reply tomorrow to you, here it's night. Have anyway a good as possible day. Think positive.
  11. florian_89

    Blog: My Life with Hyperacusis

    Only very minor, hearable in silence.
  12. florian_89

    Blog: My Life with Hyperacusis

    Hello Red, Thank you or should I say I'm sorry to hear that you found my blog and follow it. ;) Anyway thx. I feel very alone with my symptoms, I wan to know more about yours. I had the idea of making videos of me, when I am having a pain attack. Do you have stuff like that? Cheers Florian
  13. florian_89

    Blog: My Life with Hyperacusis

    Hello to everyone, 3 years ago I had a acustic accident at my home recording studio, since then I live with pain hyperacusis on my left ear. (n) I started to document my life since about 2 weeks, so I can people show what it is to deal with this condition. I also talk about adjustments to my...
  14. florian_89

    Burning Nerve Pain Near Cheek at Any Sound

    I was searching a bit, after reading your post, and found this two interesting pictures. One of these nerves must be irritated or somehow, since its sound related, and with no sound it goes back. Could it be that the cochlea is sending out signals to effect the nerve - or is the nerve blocked...
  15. florian_89

    Burning Nerve Pain Near Cheek at Any Sound

    Yes, thats true about the results. But I thought a nerve blockage would be seen somehow. I was doing cranial sacral theraphie for a half year, every week 1 hour. My therapist said that my left side is really thightned, and that could be the problem for the nerve pain. I have H. I experience...
  16. florian_89

    Burning Nerve Pain Near Cheek at Any Sound

    Hello Shellfront, I got the MRI results (it was loud, did a double protection with earplugs and muffs). After the MRI the area around the cheek was really cramped. The results show no abnormalties regading the radiologis, so no tumor. The neurologies didnt saw anything, and he said a trigeminal...
  17. florian_89

    When Everyday Sound Becomes Torture

    I totally agree with you, I am a sufferer myself. I have good and bad days, today is a better one with H. I guess the writer just wants a story people (normal people) are afraid of. The sufferers are seen as zombies. Same with some ENTs, they even think I am joking.
  18. florian_89

    Burning Nerve Pain Near Cheek at Any Sound

    Ah i have another symptom to add: My left side (the bad side) poops earlier then the right sight, maybe thats also a hind to TTTS?
  19. florian_89

    Burning Nerve Pain Near Cheek at Any Sound

    I was last week at a neurologist. He said a trigeminal neuralgia is not a permanent condition like mine. He couldnt diagnose anything, but he also requested the MRI scans,... maybe he can find a hind. Thanks anyway for your replies
  20. florian_89

    Burning Nerve Pain Near Cheek at Any Sound

    I have a MRI done next week, maybe something can be seen there. But its really weird. When I hear a sound the area around the ear starts to cramp, and the more sound the deeper is the cramp. And its purely sound related. There is a, i call it "standart-cramped-feeling" on my left side around the...
  21. florian_89

    Burning Nerve Pain Near Cheek at Any Sound

    Thank your for your answers. I went to ENT, I have a MRT in 2 weeks and I have a appointment with a neurologist too, but after that MRT. Then I should visit my ENT again, with the MRT pictures. I am doing craniosacrale therapie since 5 months every week one hour, which seems to press on this...
  22. florian_89

    Burning Nerve Pain Near Cheek at Any Sound

    Hi all, I want to describe my problem, which is sound related and called hyperacusis, but the form of it is very weird. Ok lets start... 3 years ago I had an acoustic shock on my left ear. I was a hobby music producer back then. I was sitting a too long in front of speakers and was listening...