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  1. Petersi1981

    New University of Michigan Tinnitus Discovery — Signal Timing

    I don't care how much it costs, where do I get one? After 20 years of this horror I'll pay anything to even get a 50% reduction. This is exactly my tinnitus, when I move my jaw my tinnitus changes pitch. Please when this is for sale contact me, price is not an problem.
  2. Petersi1981

    Is There Any Real Hope?

    I don't use headphones at all, I try to avoid loud music as it does irritate my tinnitus I noticed. My diet is not the best but i don't drink, smoke or do drugs...I went to get my blood test done and Potassium came out a bit high 5.4 (should be below 5.2) so we will see. I have to retake the...
  3. Petersi1981

    Is There Any Real Hope?

    Benzos are no help for my Tinntius, I only take them to sleep when I'm on the brink of going mad (max 2-3 times a month)...My tinntius is 24/7 super Loud, no fluctuations. As tinnitus levels increase over the years its becoming so hard to Habituate to every new level...This is so scary, if i...
  4. Petersi1981

    Has Anyone's Tinnitus Permanently Increased?

    My T increased permanently around 3-4 times over the last 20 years...This last time I'm having really hard time adjusting...its so loud...
  5. Petersi1981

    Can't Take It Anymore

    Sorry I just don't know. I got it in my teens, they give me an MRI to rule out a tumor and that's all she wrote. Doctors just said we don't know and you got to live with it...I've seen an ENT few years back they tested my hearing and said I have some hearing loss in the high frequencies but...
  6. Petersi1981

    Hi Fellow Sufferers

    I have no idea Vermillion...One day when i was in my teens it just showed up and never left. I never went to music concerts, never really exposed to loud hearing is fine as far as i can tell. I have some loss in the high frequencies but who knows. As far as this latest flyer up i...
  7. Petersi1981

    Can't Take It Anymore

    I'm sorry, this condition is so horrible. I had this for 20 years and its getting so loud...I'm losing my marbles as well. White noise doesn't help me any more as its so loud i need to crack it up to 9 volume level which is probably just damaging my ears...All i got left is sitting in a loud...
  8. Petersi1981

    Is There Any Real Hope?

    That's nice of you...And your the only one who has Tinnitus and back problems or any other condition? there are times I cant walk for 3 weeks because my back gives out. And you know what I would take my messed up back with all the pain medication million times over if I just didn't have this...
  9. Petersi1981

    Is There Any Real Hope?

    Yep I must fully agree as someone who had it at all levels, once you reach a certain T noise level point its a whole new beast. I hope I can adjust because there is only two ways out, you adjust or you lose your mind. Its very scary.
  10. Petersi1981

    Is There Any Real Hope?

    Well I don't think they know much more...I was on a board like this 15 years ago discussing exactly same treatments. So from my negative perceptive they don't know much at all...they have a lot of speculation.
  11. Petersi1981

    Is There Any Real Hope?

    After 20 years I can tell you i have no hope. Its just getting louder and louder...that's about it. Doctors are 100% useless. But cure will come along with nano technology, but not for at least another 25-40 years. Tinnitus is deep in the brain they cant do much with current technology. jmho
  12. Petersi1981

    Highest Tinnitus Pitch Possible?

    I was about to post that question as well. I have had tinnitus for around 20 years (36) now and it got really loud. The volume I started with was about same as yours. My tinnitus has increased around 3-4 times over the 20 years, I could not imagine its was possible to have constant screaming...
  13. Petersi1981

    Hi Fellow Sufferers

    I just want to introduce myself, I'm 36 and I have had tinnitus for over 20 years. Started sometime in my teens for unknown reason. Had MRI done and been told to live with it ever since. At the start I thought the only way out was to commit suicide as I didn't believe I could live with...