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  1. Will B

    Fifty Years with Tinnitus

    Thanks for your post! What is a sleep pillow?
  2. Will B

    Announcement Tinnitus Neuromodulator Sound Generator — Collaboration

    I did not find the noise helpful, either, and after I turned it off I noticed that my tinnitus had spiked significantly.
  3. Will B

    Fifty Years with Tinnitus

    Thanks for the suggestion! Amazon has one on sale today, and I may pick it up.
  4. Will B

    Fifty Years with Tinnitus

    You are certainly a good ambassador for the site and the cause! Thank you for this helpful advice. I will give them a try!
  5. Will B

    Fifty Years with Tinnitus

    Thanks for the affirmation! There are times when you feel like you are the only person in the world going thru this stuff, but then you run across a forum like this and are reminded that we are all in this together. :)
  6. Will B

    Fifty Years with Tinnitus

    Thank you for your post. I have been bothered by the tinnitus since it started, but I think that I am getting more sensitive to noise as I age and lose my hearing. I am hoping that a hearing aid with noise masking capabilities may help.
  7. Will B

    Fifty Years with Tinnitus

    Hello! My name is Will and I have had tinnitus since I was about eight years old and a firecracker detonated next to my right ear. I am now 58. I was born deaf in my left ear so the tinnitus is on top of all the noise I hear. It is a high pitched whine, like a cross between a dentist's drill and...