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  1. swc5150

    Frequency Therapeutics — Hearing Loss Regeneration

    Just to add a positive thought... Perhaps FX-322 will help/cure tinnitus even if it's not a savior for hearing loss, being that audiograms don't need to be bad when someone has tinnitus. The hidden / unknown hearing loss aspect. Maybe FX-322 will knock that out regardless? Positive vibes to...
  2. swc5150

    Is There Any Scientific Evidence Showing How Long It Takes for Tinnitus / Hearing Issues to Recover?

    It would be interesting to know how many folks on this site end up abandoning after a period of time, which could potentially indicate their tinnitus improving. Ironically I was just about to post a success story. I hardly ever come here anymore, since my tinnitus and hyperacusis is...
  3. swc5150

    Frequency Therapeutics — Hearing Loss Regeneration

    I don't think Frequency Therapeutics care or think about hearing aid companies anymore than Henry Ford did buggy whip makers :)
  4. swc5150

    Otonomy OTO-313 — Treatment of Tinnitus

    I had cataract surgery last September. No shots at all, just lots of Valium and numbing drops in the eye. The surgery and recovery is a breeze, you have nothing to fear:)
  5. swc5150

    Frequency Therapeutics — Hearing Loss Regeneration

    But in the lab, didn't it just replace the dead cells, then stop? I didn't read anywhere that it continued to grow new cells uncontrollably, which is essentially what it would have to do to follow the "leading to cancer" argument. Or maybe you swallow some of it and it regenerates dead or...
  6. swc5150

    Why Is There No Cure for Tinnitus?

    I just don't think T has been taken seriously enough by the medical industry. Hell, look at how hearing loss is treated by those not it's our problem or we're faking it to some extent. I can't tell you how many times I've been accused of ignoring people, or selectively hearing...
  7. swc5150

    Frequency Therapeutics — Hearing Loss Regeneration

    No doubt, I've been trying to read back and figure that out too? They administered a single dose in a safety study, and people are thinking it's a failure because hearing wasn't restored? I could pop a single aspirin for a brutal hangover too, and it would do nothing, nor would it make me even...
  8. swc5150

    Frequency Therapeutics — Hearing Loss Regeneration

    Depending on the degree of hearing loss, 3 dB would be definitely be noticeable. 20 dB would be huge! I would love to add 3 dB to my hearing.
  9. swc5150

    A Couple of Noise Induced Success Stories for You All!

    Yes, Frequency's treatment will work for NIHL, at least mine. I know this because I went into a silent room, pooped in my buddy's hearing aids and my T went to zero in a matter of minutes. Hang tight, help is on the way!
  10. swc5150

    A Couple of Noise Induced Success Stories for You All!

    Not really. A loud car horn or train whistle still hurts, but nothing like before. H was like a drill going through my head.
  11. swc5150

    A Couple of Noise Induced Success Stories for You All!

    Yes, H is gone as well. Certain sounds really hurt, back to my motorcycle example. I'm still more sensitive to certain sounds than people with "normal" hearing, but I'd consider my H gone.
  12. swc5150

    A Couple of Noise Induced Success Stories for You All!

    When my T hit me hard in 2012, I would've preferred to be stone deaf than deal with the frequencies screaming in my head. A low-pitched hum in my left ear was unbearable if I was anywhere remotely quiet. I even remember thinking if it weren't for my family, I'd chose the afterlife over this...
  13. swc5150

    Frequency Therapeutics — Hearing Loss Regeneration

    There's real hope now everyone!!!
  14. swc5150

    Frequency Therapeutics — Hearing Loss Regeneration

    The Autifony trial had every super excited, then failed. But, that trial was based on a theory/assumption that needed to be tested, without hard evidence of anything. Obviously the same can be said here, but Frequency already proved they can generate new hair cells. I'm way over-simplifying...
  15. swc5150

    Frequency Therapeutics — Hearing Loss Regeneration

    "This approach has been validated both in animal and human cell models as well as in a human clinical trial with the potential for broad application across many therapeutic areas." They're most definitely NOT talking about safety. Key words are obviously "validated" and "human clinical trial"...
  16. swc5150

    Frequency Therapeutics — Hearing Loss Regeneration

    If you're looking for national headline news, you'll be lucky to get more than handful even if this a total success. Think about this... have you ever heard of Kytruda? Did you know that lung cancer kills more people than any other type? This treatment is a huge breakthrough, with the...
  17. swc5150

    Frequency Therapeutics — Hearing Loss Regeneration

    Or they simply offered him a LOT of money for his services? I wouldn't read into it too much.
  18. swc5150

    Frequency Therapeutics — Hearing Loss Regeneration

    As a Master Mason myself, I love this post!
  19. swc5150

    Frequency Therapeutics — Hearing Loss Regeneration

    "Normally" phase 1 would be a safety and tolerance trial. Then 2+ for efficacy. I don't know why they're calling these phase 1/2 (I'm just a musician, not a scientist), but it doesn't really matter I think. They already tested for safety, and this trial will be testing for efficacy in the 24...
  20. swc5150

    Frequency Therapeutics — Hearing Loss Regeneration

    Investors are those who’ll provide the capital to bring the treatment to market, so I actually think it is great. We should be excited they could be looking for the financial backing to produce and deliver this product on a mass scale (assuming it works).
  21. swc5150

    Low Frequency Vibration

    I had the exact same thing happen. Left ear, low-pitched hum that I could make go away by moving my jaw, etc. one day in 2014, it just wouldn't go away. It was loud, and really affected my well being. Went to an ENT, who naturally didn't/couldn't do anything for me. Fast forward 3 years...
  22. swc5150

    Frequency Therapeutics — Hearing Loss Regeneration

    That was already confirmed with last year's trial... “This Phase 1/2 trial builds on the success of our first-in-human study completed last year, which showed FX-322 to be well-tolerated and validated the potential for cochlear penetration when delivered using a standard intratympanic injection...
  23. swc5150

    [Danny Boy Memorial Fund] In Loving Memory of Danny Boy

    RIP buddy, you'll be missed. Such awful news :(
  24. swc5150

    Inner Ear Hair Cell Regeneration — Maybe We Can Know More

    No business in their right mind is going to share their industry secret, otherwise what's the point of invention? Don't wait for a T cure to come out for the common good of society, versus profit motive. It'll never happen. I want the person who cures T and/or hearing loss to reap all the...
  25. swc5150

    Inner Ear Hair Cell Regeneration — Maybe We Can Know More

    Capitalism is what's driving these efforts. Whenever the profit incentive is missing, the probability that people’s wants can be safely ignored is the greatest. Thank goodness we have an environment where scientists can compete against each other. Competition brings out the best in people...
  26. swc5150

    Inner Ear Hair Cell Regeneration — Maybe We Can Know More

    They've been talked about quite a bit within a few threads. They have the "blast pill", which looks ready for phase 2. This is awesome news!!
  27. swc5150

    Frequency Therapeutics — Hearing Loss Regeneration

    I can tell from my career that jumping 10db's is a BIG difference in front of house volume. I'd be thrilled with a 10db improvement in my hearing.
  28. swc5150

    N-Acetylcysteine (NAC)

    I tried NAC and it just made my T worse while on it.
  29. swc5150

    University of Minnesota Tinnitus Research with Acoustic and Body Stimulation

    I live an hour away from U of M. I may try to get in on this one. Thanks for posting!
  30. swc5150

    A New Potential Drug to Prevent Cisplatin- or Noise-Induced Hearing Loss

    The article states "when delivered locally", which likely means a needle in the ear. I highly doubt people will go get shot in the ear before heading to a concert. As mentioned, the market for those who already have hearing loss is too huge to ignore. This med will stop nothing.
  31. swc5150

    Frequency Therapeutics — Hearing Loss Regeneration

    This sort of worry comes up a lot on this site. There's no chance HA makers can stop this...just like buggy whip makers couldn't stop Henry Ford. Or more recent, the eye glass industry could not stop lasik.
  32. swc5150

    Otonomy OTO-413 — Treatment of Hidden Hearing Loss

    That could be? My low pitched T, that started in the summer of 2014, suddenly went away a year ago. It was a brutal sound that lead me to this website. Whatever the case, it's been a blessing. I can deal with the high-pitched T I'm left with until a treatment comes out.
  33. swc5150

    Stem Cells' Effect on Synapses — Brain Circuits Thought Long Dead After Stroke Might Just Be Dormant

    There's a story somewhere on one these threads of a man who's severe T went away completely after a stroke.
  34. swc5150

    Inner Ear Hair Cell Regeneration — Maybe We Can Know More

    I am, yes. I do my best to avoid loud situations, but hearing loss is the opportunity cost of loving my job.
  35. swc5150

    Inner Ear Hair Cell Regeneration — Maybe We Can Know More

    That’s why I went into a silent room to test them. There was no input to amplify. I use in-ear monitors for a living, so I know how dangerous loud input directly into the ear is.
  36. swc5150

    Inner Ear Hair Cell Regeneration — Maybe We Can Know More

    If any of those working on this come through, I have a good feeling it'll cure my T. My hearing loss is between 10-20% in a few high frequencies, which explains my current high-pitched T. Sat night, just to see what would happen, I popped in my friends hearing aids (turned way down low), and...
  37. swc5150

    Inner Ear Hair Cell Regeneration — Maybe We Can Know More

    Agreed, beware of some "specialists"! My eye Dr told me nothing can be done about eye floaters too, completely unaware that there is a floater laser removal clinic two hours away from our town.
  38. swc5150

    Audion Therapeutics Trial

    Here's one more appropriate about little Torax Medical offering the Linx, which stops Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease? Eliminates the need to take heat burn meds in perpetuity. This is just one of many examples that blows a hole in the conspiracy theory thing, so fear not:) Anyway...
  39. swc5150

    Audion Therapeutics Trial

    Not a chance. The large pharma companies investing in hearing restoration are not interested in protecting the Starkeys of the world. They see huge profit potential, and will go after it. Eyeglasse and contact manufacturers couldn't shut down lasik, just like a buggy whip makers couldn't stop...
  40. swc5150

    Inner Ear Hair Cell Regeneration — Maybe We Can Know More

    It's only a single example, so hardly proof of concept, but my chief of road crew has bad T that COMPLETELY goes away when he puts in his hearing aids. So I'm assuming hearing regeneration is going to work for at least a subset. His hearing loss was noise induced.
  41. swc5150

    Frequency Therapeutics — Hearing Loss Regeneration

    The article makes it sound as though the race is on, and Dr. Karp intends on being first to the finish. Good stuff!!
  42. swc5150

    Inner Ear Hair Cell Regeneration — Maybe We Can Know More

    I would think the brain re-booting timeframe would depend on how severe the hearing loss? Like the blind person scenario, if you go from completely blind to sight, I have no doubt your brain would have to adapt. Being slightly farsighted, I can put on some reading glasses and my brain sees up...
  43. swc5150

    N-Acetylcysteine (NAC)

    I've done 2 separate 60 day experiments with NAC and it makes my T much louder and annoying.
  44. swc5150

    Frequency Therapeutics — Hearing Loss Regeneration

    There's lots of discussions on this throughout TT. Some have had success, and some not so much. I have a friend/employee, who has his T go away completely when wearing his hearing aids. His hearing loss was noise induced.
  45. swc5150

    ADEL Bubble — Stephen Ambrose (Inventor of In-Ear Monitors). This Just Blew My Mind.

    I use 64Audio ears live. Remarkable difference from my older custom molds. Relatively no hearing fatigue after a show. I only wish I had these for the past 20 years. Perhaps my ears would be in better shape.
  46. swc5150

    Frequency Therapeutics — Hearing Loss Regeneration

    I've mentioned it as well. Our band's crew chief has pretty bad T, which goes to 0 when he puts in his hearing aids. His hearing loss came from a night we rented our PA to the 80's band Warrant, who ran their stage gear at 11.
  47. swc5150

    Breakthrough for DNA-Editing: US Team Discovers 'Holy Grail' to Fix Genes to Cure Incurable Diseases

    Just like the eyeglass / contact lens industry destroyed the Lasik surgery industry...oh wait! ;)
  48. swc5150

    Noise-Induced Hearing Loss Restored in Mice Through Increased NT3 Production

    Just so I understand, NGF has been helpful in reducing your T?
  49. swc5150

    Retigabine (Trobalt, Potiga) — General Discussion

    FYI, most floaters can be eliminated with laser surgery. There are only 3 doctors here in the US that I'm aware of that do it, but we have one here in my state, and the treatment works great.
  50. swc5150

    I Don't Know How to Continue

    Hang in there Emmi. The first few months are terrifying, but believe it or not, you will acclimate to it. There are lots of organizations working to treat hearing loss and T. I'm confident relief will come for us one day...hopefully soon.
  51. swc5150

    New Study in Mice Proposes the First Gene That Could Help Prevent Tinnitus

    I see the TV ads for the new Crohns treatment all the time since it came out. Can't wait to see the same for T:)
  52. swc5150

    Hearing Aids

    I mentioned it either in this thread or another, but one my PA production managers is getting complete relief from his T when he wears his hearing aids.
  53. swc5150

    AM-101 Clinical Trial — Participants Updates and Discussion

    I'm no expert either, by any means, but I agree with you. Solve the problem in the brain, and cure T whether you've had it for 10 years or 10 minutes. Just my guess of course.
  54. swc5150

    A Rant/Vent...

    That's the unfair pitfall of hearing issues. We fall into one of the only illness categories where we often receive anger instead of sympathy, or at least understanding. I have some hearing loss, and simply have a hard time hearing some people speak, or at least deciphering their words. It...
  55. swc5150

    Keyzilen (AM-101) Granted Fast Track Designation by the FDA

    Although I appreciate trial members reporting their results here, those reports likely don't reflect what the actual trial results are showing. AUT063 looked pretty good, if you just took TT member results.
  56. swc5150

    Keyzilen (AM-101) Granted Fast Track Designation by the FDA

    Some say yes, other things I've read on it is that it could potentially help chronic T in some people. It's intended for acute, of course, but probably worth a try if you're in the chronic stage.
  57. swc5150

    "It Could Take a Decade or More, but It's a Possibility"

    My father is alive today, due to cancer treatments not available even 5 years ago. There are breakthroughs for various medical conditions quite often, you just may not hear about them unless they directly affect you. Let's not lose sight of how many medical conditions CAN be treated in the day...
  58. swc5150

    Retigabine (Trobalt, Potiga) — General Discussion

    Floaters aren't permanent if you have laser surgery on them. There are only 3 clinics that perform this in the US though, and I have no clue how many worldwide. It's not even a widely known surgery. Sorry for the hijack, back to Trobalt...
  59. swc5150

    AM-101 Clinical Trial — Participants Updates and Discussion

    It's probably like the AUT trial, where a couple of members here had great results, but the trial was cancelled due to lack of efficacy. TT isn't a proper sample set it appears.
  60. swc5150

    Studies Confirm Tinnitus Improves Over Time

    I agree with this. 2 years ago, the low pitch T in my right ear was horrible. It's way quieter now, although my left ear is now the problem. I'm hoping in a couple of years it will quiet down too. I don't really remember what silence sounds like now. I can sort if imagine it, but it's hard...