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  1. RedThinker

    It was a life changing event

    Welcome to T-talk WendyS Your story makes me really sad, I feel sorry for your situation, just not fair. On the bright side, this site is probably one of the first steps to make a progression, i'm confident that you will be able to learn tricks, tips and pure information about your condition...
  2. RedThinker

    The Positivity Thread

    That's great man, a little brightness here and there always helps! To be honest with you, every time I feel t can't hear my T, it kinda freaks me out. Huh, weird how something so annoying can become such a big part of you. I'll guess that only goes for me though xD
  3. RedThinker

    I Decided to Start Going Out Again

    Yea, I would have to find an audiologist, who can make the plugs for me and then insert the filters. But I find it rather hard to chose, cause i'm afraid of buying something useless...
  4. RedThinker

    I Decided to Start Going Out Again I have been looking at these for a while and they reduce to a maximum of 25 db, and has three different reduction levels. Would these be good?
  5. RedThinker

    I Decided to Start Going Out Again

    Hey everyone, thanks a lot for your answers, all of research to do now :) I still however curious on how much the earplugs should reduce, on a db scale?
  6. RedThinker

    I Decided to Start Going Out Again

    Hello there fellow T-talkers. After I got more effected by my T, I now feel confident to go out again. Of course this means, that there will be a lot of loud music for longer periods of time and I feel that I wont go out with out a nice good pair of earplugs. Do any of you have experiences...
  7. RedThinker

    I don't know what that exactly means, but yes, of course you are welcome ;)

    I don't know what that exactly means, but yes, of course you are welcome ;)
  8. RedThinker

    Some new experiences with tinnitus

    No pressure in my head but I have had alot more headaches since my new T has started, I have never really seen a doctor with my T cause I was young and stupid as i got it. Maybe I should see one now, I just realised that i sometimes feel a little pressure in my ear, at the end of a day:)
  9. RedThinker

    Some new experiences with tinnitus

    So lately, my T has gotten worse, but I've already adapted to my new level of T in one month, which kinda amazed me. Lately I experienced some new stuff, the clicking noise on my eardrum when I flex some sort of muscle in the jaw region has increased (I don't have clicking noise in my regular...
  10. RedThinker

    The Positivity Thread

    So I just got home from a very loud dinner party with around 15 participants in a small dining room. On the ride home my T was screaming but I was just so happy to be talking with all my friends and catch up on good memories that I simply didn't care. I am now ready to go to bed and have a nice...
  11. RedThinker

    Having an Awful Past Few Days

    Hey man. I'm 19 years old and I have suffered from T for almost 6 years now. Until today I have just lived with it, but two months ago my T was got a lot worse. In the beginning it also over deathend everything, music, tv and regular conversation which normally wasn't a problem. I was literally...
  12. RedThinker

    The Journey for My Own Tinnitus Cure

    So it has been 22 days since I have had time to write a little update. I have been stressed out from homework, school, my private life, my interest of politics and filosofie and trying to cure my self from T of course xD So the last few weeks has been weird: Week 2: Week two, a lot changed. I...
  13. RedThinker

    Tinnitus... Are We the Chosen Ones?

    Have to make a glossary then cause at the moment I am not really getting them xD. But cool, fun and little snacky picture there :)
  14. RedThinker

    How Old Were You When Your Tinnitus Started?

    July 2009 i was 14 i am now 19 :) Still going strong and trying to live life to its fullest.
  15. RedThinker

    Do you believe in the brain memorization hypothesis? Is tinnitus stuck in our brain?

    Hey everyone I hope you have been / or are enjoying your day, mine is about to run out. I was thinking about some stuff and I was wondering if anyone could answer me this: Do you think, if you have lived with T for a while that your brain has gotten so used to the sound, that even if there was...
  16. RedThinker

    The Journey for My Own Tinnitus Cure

    Okay time for my first update, even though nothing has really changed yet. Day 2: I decided to take a little run Sunday before I started in order to get my body ready to do some exercise. The run made me concerned about my shape, I was breathless after 10 min of short running, but I guess its...
  17. RedThinker

    I dropped out of University for this year

    Hey there Bella. Ugh, I am not happy to hear that T is effecting you this much... Personally I am trying to finish my education as good as I can, cause my T really disappears when I am reading and I am doing really good! In fact I think T has helped me out in a way, that in the beginning I as...
  18. RedThinker

    How Does Your Life Partner React to Your Tinnitus?

    My girlfriend is not really affected in anyway. If my T is really bad at night, we watch a TV-show to get my mind of it and she likes to watch TV to so that's amazing. In my everyday life the only way T is effecting me is by the means that I have to take more care of my ears, in terms of high...
  19. RedThinker

    I really need support now, I'm only 18!

    Hey Katriina! I have had T since i was 14 years old, I am 19 now and I enjoy life! :) and even though my T has gotten worse lately :) What I think is that (if you absolutely have to get T) its better to get it at young age, as you will find it easier to adept to the sounds, which are annoying. I...
  20. RedThinker

    The Journey for My Own Tinnitus Cure

    Guide to reading this wall of text :) An introduction of my self. My health situation as it stand now + Info about my Tinnitus. The theory i have been thinking of and how I got aware of this being a possibility. Step one of my journey: Physical Diet: Step two of my journey: Mentally...
  21. RedThinker

    Greetings from Denmark

    Hey Karen. Thanks for the introduction! I am sorry to hear that your T also have been better than it is now, it is never fun to think something is gone and it comes back worse... Ill hope you get by :) ! As to sounds I hear is pretty high pitched ringing and I can make my ears, klick all the...
  22. RedThinker

    Greetings from Denmark

    Hello all of you! So first day on this forum and i'm looking forward to meet everyone here :) My little journey with T: First of all, I am 19 years old and live in Denmark, i have suffered (rather "lived" i don't like the term suffer) from tinnitus for the past 5 years. I have been a drummer in...