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  1. Nancyrob

    Ear Infection and Hissing Sound Since March

    Thank you Glynis, I was very confused by my ENT. He seemed to think m9one of it was related! I lnow alot of the time I,am plugged up in the morning if I blow my nose and get up and,get up and about it seem lower. Morning is my worst time of day and the loudest, not because its the quietest but...
  2. Nancyrob

    Ear Infection and Hissing Sound Since March

    I take meds for anxiety for the last 20 years and high cholesterol. I am not around loud sounds, never have been. I take a multivitamin I will try the others though. I no longer have meds for the sinus and ear. I have been taking claritin for allergies. Thank you for your response! Nancy
  3. Nancyrob

    Ear Infection and Hissing Sound Since March

    I started my journey with the hissing sound back in march. I woke with ear pain, pressure and hissing sound. I sought treatment at an urgent care who said I had fluid on my ear but no infection. I was prescribed flonase for the fluid. I got worse so went to my dr and she said I had a double...