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  1. AnnaMay1991

    Tensor Tympani Flutter/Twitch Reactive to Eye Movement — Tinnitus

    Hi Dana, Thank you for your reply. This is the first I've heard of it, I don't know how I'd find out the name of it? I've googled it so much. The professor I am due to see in May is a neurotologist, so hopefully I'm headed the right direction. It just seems so bizarre.
  2. AnnaMay1991

    Tensor Tympani Flutter/Twitch Reactive to Eye Movement — Tinnitus

    Hi All I've been put off posting on things like this until recently, my condition seems to be in its 5th consecutive year and I'm feeling like I really need some support. My main thing is I haven't spoken to a single person that relates to my condition in this way. I get a muscle...
  3. AnnaMay1991

    Looking for a Bit of Support and Possibly Someone Else with the Same Symptoms, Muscular/TTTS?

    Hi All On and off since 2015 i've had a strange low inconsistent popping/fluttering in my left ear. Sometimes it can last minutes, sometimes months (longest episode was 9 months.) After numerous Drs appointments being told I was suffering with fluid in the ear, I got referred to ENT in...