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  1. S

    In Loving Memory of Padraigh Griffin

    So incredibly sad to read this. My thoughts are with his wife and little boys. As many are saying on here, it is beyond frustrating that in 2022 we don’t have effective treatments for this dreadful life-altering condition. People have their own personal limitations that they reach and dear...
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    Tinnitus Absolutely Does Get Better — Most People Just Don't Come Back to Tell About It!

    I’ve had tinnitus since 2002 - there are ups and downs. To be honest with you, getting older with tinnitus, I’ve found it to be worse than what it was 20 years ago. Changing hormones and neck issues may not be helping but am not 100% sure on that. Yes, it can ‘get better’ for some but for...
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    My Tinnitus Has Significantly Changed in Character in the Past Weeks

    Given your tinnitus has just started in recent times - might it be due to the COVID-19 vaccinations? Tinnitus is a side effect and it’s not a ‘rare’ one.
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    HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy for Menopause) and Tinnitus

    Our age and hormones changing may be the cause of our worse tinnitus in recent times. It’s very frustrating - so many things can affect tinnitus! It’s like walking on egg shells.
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    HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy for Menopause) and Tinnitus

    This thread has been enlightening for me. I’m 49 years old and perimenopausal. My tinnitus has gotten worse this year and I’m now curious as to whether these hormonal changes may be the causation. I might go and get some blood tests done and also will check my B12 levels. My neck has a slight...
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    Friends, I am a 49-year-old woman who has lived with this condition for 20 years. It appeared to fire up after taking just a few antidepressants. Since then I have been incredibly gun shy taking any medications and also steered well clear of the COVID-19 "vaxx's" which I have no regrets about. I...
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    My Experience with Manual Ear Wax Removal — A Temporary Tinnitus Spike

    I've had tinnitus for 2 decades - I'm in my late 40s now. It has changed my life and I still wait patiently for effective treatments to actually get rid of the noise. Anyway, from time to time I have an audiologist gently and quietly manually remove ear wax. Four weeks ago I had this done and...
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    Will You Get Vaccinated for Coronavirus (COVID-19)? Can It Make Tinnitus or Hyperacusis Worse?

    The various Omicron variants circulating currently do not infect lung tissue like the original Wuhan strains / Delta did. It is upper respiratory - we aren’t dealing with the same situation now. The vaccines aren’t terribly effective anymore as they haven’t kept up. It appears the vaxed are the...
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    Will You Get Vaccinated for Coronavirus (COVID-19)? Can It Make Tinnitus or Hyperacusis Worse?

    1%??? Not sure where you get that data from but common sense would even tell you it’s far more than that.
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    Will You Get Vaccinated for Coronavirus (COVID-19)? Can It Make Tinnitus or Hyperacusis Worse?

    We are now seeing the damage these injections are doing to so many people as time moves along. Tinnitus is a known and common side effect particularly with the mRNA ones. Heart inflammation problems too. It’s everywhere but main stream media aren’t allowed to highlight this. Independent media...
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    Will You Get Vaccinated for Coronavirus (COVID-19)? Can It Make Tinnitus or Hyperacusis Worse?

    What’s the word about the Novavax shot? Anyone taken it on here?
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    Will You Get Vaccinated for Coronavirus (COVID-19)? Can It Make Tinnitus or Hyperacusis Worse?

    If you’ve had COVID-19, you will have a natural immunity - that’s what I am reading and that’s the best immunity there is. This mRNA stuff is risky - I reckon people will suffer long term with this in their bodies.
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    Will You Get Vaccinated for Coronavirus (COVID-19)? Can It Make Tinnitus or Hyperacusis Worse?

    It’s a classic example of being caught between a rock and a hard place.
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    Will You Get Vaccinated for Coronavirus (COVID-19)? Can It Make Tinnitus or Hyperacusis Worse?

    Believe it or not, I’d rather take my chances going about my life unvaccinated than risk any negative auditory changes. I believe my tinnitus journey started 19 years ago from taking just a few antidepressants - static. It has gotten worse over time probably due to the normal aging process. I...
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    Will You Get Vaccinated for Coronavirus (COVID-19)? Can It Make Tinnitus or Hyperacusis Worse?

    I’ll opt out of any vaccine for this year at least - given we don’t have 1 to 5 year safety data for any of these vaccines I’m not at all confident at this time.
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    Will You Get Vaccinated for Coronavirus (COVID-19)? Can It Make Tinnitus or Hyperacusis Worse?

    I won’t be taking the vaccine - many friends of ours are also not keen. It’s not mandatory - main stream news services are reluctant or told not to stray from the narrative but there are many experiencing problems since getting these shots - just dig deeper and you’ll find the evidence. As the...
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    Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19) and Tinnitus

    The infection rates are so high in Europe and the US - why haven’t state borders and country borders in Europe been closed to stop movement? It just doesn’t make any sense. Our state borders had been closed for weeks - at one stage here in Melbourne we couldn’t go 5 kilometers from our houses...
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    Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19) and Tinnitus

    I find it perplexing at the seemingly widespread non compliance attitude of folk in the US and UK. You wonder why you have such high number of cases? Melbourne (Australia) has had no community transmission for over 6 weeks now. We had a harsh lockdown - it was tough - but we thought of the...
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    Manual Ear Wax Removal — Afterwards Tinnitus Spiked

    I had a manual wax removal yesterday. Quiet and safe by a qualified ENT nurse. Fortunately the wax in both ears was positioned more near the entrance so no issues to remove. My issue is now a spike I have been experiencing since the procedure. I was surprised at the improvement in my hearing...
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    Tinnitus Worse After Endoscopic Surgery (Clearing Sinuses, Septoplasty, Turbinate Reduction)

    I would come off the sinus meds you are taking. They are spiking your tinnitus I would say.
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    Will You Get Vaccinated for Coronavirus (COVID-19)? Can It Make Tinnitus or Hyperacusis Worse?

    Deadly for some but for most people it’s not. Now if it was Ebola that would be different.
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    Will You Get Vaccinated for Coronavirus (COVID-19)? Can It Make Tinnitus or Hyperacusis Worse?

    Really? I’m only reading mostly overweight, elderly folk with other health issues are dying from COVID-19 (or with?) COVID-19.
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    Will You Get Vaccinated for Coronavirus (COVID-19)? Can It Make Tinnitus or Hyperacusis Worse?

    It’s a big risk to take - once it’s in your arm there is no turning back. Flu shots are known to cause SSHL in people too (search this site).
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    Will You Get Vaccinated for Coronavirus (COVID-19)? Can It Make Tinnitus or Hyperacusis Worse?

    Here in Australia over our winter we had very low rates of influenza given we were doing the COVID-19 safe thing with social distancing etc etc. A flu shot would have been particularly unnecessary to get this year.
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    Will You Get Vaccinated for Coronavirus (COVID-19)? Can It Make Tinnitus or Hyperacusis Worse?

    I do feel for you folk in the northern hemisphere - COVID-19 has really gotten away from you in Europe and the US. We are incredibly fortunate here in Australia. As for a vaccine I’m doubtful I’d be getting one - I don’t get an annual flu shot either. Mostly due to fear for my hearing...
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    Dangers of Microsuction to Remove Ear Wax — Awareness and Reporting

    I only ever get a manual clean for ear wax. Never will I have the microsuction procedure - I had it once and never again.
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    Head Hissing Tinnitus Potentially Somatic?

    I’ve had static / hissy / electrical sound tinnitus for 18 years now. In recent years it has become worse and I think part of the cause is muscular and then just the ageing process I guess. I have the good fortune to live in Australia (our COVID-19 infection rates are considerably low here...
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    A New Consistent High-Pitched Tinnitus Sound Started Out of Nowhere a Week Ago

    Hi, thanks for your replies. My left ear is a bit better. It kind of comes and goes that particular sound but my saving grace I think is that my anxiety is not taking over so that puts me in a position of strength.
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    Sudden Onset Tinnitus with Pre-Existing Bad Hyperacusis and Misophonia: Calcium Overdose? Stress?

    Hi Rosie - we are here for you, all over the world, anytime of day. I know how distressing this condition is and the mental anguish is excruciating I fully understand. Perhaps just now whilst your anxiety is very high keep some background noise going - whatever you like - so you aren’t in...
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    A New Consistent High-Pitched Tinnitus Sound Started Out of Nowhere a Week Ago

    Hi, Long term tinnitus sufferer here - here is a first for me in my long journey - my left ear has had a consistent high pitch for a week now. Started out of nowhere. Of course I’m hoping this is a temporary spike but I haven’t had a spike like this one before. It’s a ruthless, cruel...
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    How to Get Past the Fear of Tinnitus Getting Worse?

    I understand aot. It’s a tough mental condition this one - it causes no physical pain but much mental anguish. I started with tinnitus 18 years ago and it has changed my life. It’s a constant up and down. Right now my left ear is playing up - temporary spike I’m always hoping. I’m getting...
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    How to Deal with Vicious Cycle and Panic Reaction to Your Tinnitus — Personal Opinion

    I’ve been dealing with this thing for 18 years now and currently dealing with yet another spike - I hope it’s a spike and not a permanent change. One thing I’ve learnt over these years is that if you can keep your anxiety / panic levels in check this goes a long way in helping you cope. If you...
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    What Will an ENT Look for in a Tinnitus Patient? What Type of Earwax Removal to Ask for?

    Only ever get a manual clean if you have tinnitus and / or hearing loss. You just don’t want to risk it getting worse. You would never forgive yourself.
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    Confused and Concerned — Are My Symptoms Common with SSHL (Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss)?

    It sounds like it is noise induced. :( This is why we have to be constantly mindful of noise exposure. Problems like what you have been experiencing happen so suddenly that you aren’t mentally prepared for the impact.
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    Could My Low Humming Tinnitus Noise Be Related to Stress from Parents Dying?

    Hi Lily - I’m very sorry to read of the loss of your parents so recently. The NHS is in the UK right? It’s staggering the loss of lives to COVID-19 in the northern hemisphere. I can only imagine the stress you are under working amongst it. Living with tinnitus is hard - the low hum could be...
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    The Dentist

    I’ve had tinnitus for 18 years. Only get a manual clean - the ultrasonic cleaning tool is a nightmare. Don’t let them put that in your mouth ever!
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    (Manual) Wax Removal: Worth the Risk or Not? Can Wax Come Out on Its Own?

    A manual clean is a safe and quiet procedure. I never allow micro suction or syringing of my ears.
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    Tinnitus Doubled and Ears Blocked After Botox Injection for Migraines and Teeth Clenching

    Have you been to your doctor Sarah? I would get that checked out.
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    Bringing Up Children Whilst Having Tinnitus

    Yep I have had tinnitus since 2002 and had my son in 2009. There have been some really tough times and my kiddo was a real noisy one when he was little. My husband is very understanding to my hearing sensitivities and I feel for you that your wife is not the same. Tinnitus does appear to...
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    Tinnitus Had Been Pretty Much Gone Before Drinking Alcohol (A Whole Bottle of Jack Daniels)

    Cut back on the binge drinking, particularly of hard liquor. Bad for everything!
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    Antihistamines & Tinnitus and Ototoxicity — What Is Your Experience?

    I find garlic, horseradish & vitamin C tablets very helpful. Antihistamine tablets make my heart race for some reason. I avoid them.
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    Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19) and Tinnitus

    Australia has shut its borders. Today - 19 March - we have 565 ‘confirmed’ cases (populatio 25 million) and the only reason I’m worried about this virus is what effect it and the medications you would take in hospital would have on my ears !! That’s top of my mind.
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    Do You Really Habituate to 24/7 Tinnitus in the Years to Come?

    I’ve had tinnitus since 2002. It does change your life and how you go about things. I think mine has become a bit worse over the years due to just aging which none of us can stop. My neck and shoulders are often very tight too which doesn’t help. I’ve always said that if you are more anxious in...
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    Is Pain and Pressure in Ears Part of Tinnitus?

    This sounds muscular related to me. Have you seen your doc about this? Or maybe see a physio ?
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    Astonished People Take Risks Post Tinnitus Remission

    The irony is our world is so loud yet most live so ignorantly to the dangers to their ‘hearing health’. People are more concerned with their vision than their hearing. It needs to be equal. I have been living with this condition since my late 20s and life has changed. I’m now mid 40s. If I...
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    Bad Cold, Ears Are Clogged & Ear Popped — Did I Damage My Ear?

    Hi Mike It takes time with a cold and ears can be the last to heal from it. My left ear took about a month to properly unblock after a head cold. Your ear with the popping you experienced won’t be damaged, it’s good it’s able to pop actually. If you can get your hands on garlic and horseradish...
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    Personality Changed After Tinnitus and Hearing Loss — Depressed, Isolated, Grieving

    Hi Dave, loads of hugs to you :huganimation:Your hearing loss along with the tinnitus must be very tough. I’ve had tinnitus for 16 years, I was only 28 when I started on this journey. It’s been up and down emotionally for me ever since. Did your hearing loss happen same time as your tinnitus...
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    Attention Christians!

    Standing with you John
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    Can You Have ETD without Fluid in Ear?

    Inner ear infection ? Blood pressure ? Have you had all this checked out ?
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    Can You Have ETD without Fluid in Ear?

    I was traumatised this time 2 years ago (our Spring) with my left ear full and weird for just over a month. I believe it kicked in after being heavily congested and then the drop coming down in an elevator from 20 floors stuffed my ET up. My left ear has played up a few times before after a cold...
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    Sky Diving and Tinnitus — Is It Safe?

    Apart from the loudness of the wind speed as you fall (!!) your vision is another concern as due to the severe inertia of the fall it greatly heightens the risk of a retinal detachment. I just wouldn’t go there
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    Woke Up at 2 am to a Very Loud Spike and I'm Scared

    I’m glad to read it went back down for you - good people on here to support you if you need it. You will be ok :huganimation:
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    Tinnitus So Loud Since Saturday — Without Known Reason? How to Cope?

    Hi Bob, it’s awful when these T increases come out of nowhere and you just aren’t mentally ready for it - but who really ever is I’ve had T for 16 years now and I’ve noticed an increase over the last couple of years but I’m managing. I’m starting to think if this is the aging process ? or...
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    Feeling About to Break Down After Getting Exposed to Loud Intercom

    :huganimation:Hi Red I strongly emphasise with you - living on the edge with noise, it’s life changing and the anxiety takes you to miserable depths. I’ve been there too many times to mention over the past 16 years. I wish we could press fast forward and get you out of this fearful space -...
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    Can Epilim (Sodium Valproate) Cause Visual Snow?

    Hey Deb, I’m in Melbourne too. Is there a VS specialist here? I also very occasionally experience migraine with aura and have read these can be linked.
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    Becoming Pregnant with Tinnitus

    I have had T since 2002 when I was 28. In that time since then, I married a wonderful, kind and understanding man. I had our one and only dynamo son 9 years ago when I was 36. There were times when our boy was a preschooler and very shrill and noisy that I battled but I got through. One child...
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    Awoken to a High-Pitch Tinnitus

    I’ve often woken up in the middle of the night to a new noise that’s freaked me out but I’m fairly certain it’s been the way my neck is when I’ve slept in a bad position. The new noise fades once I’ve been up for a while.
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    Snowy Vision?! Is This Related to Tinnitus?

    Yes I have visual snow too - it looks like my T sounds if that makes sense. I asked my husband if he had the static / snow vision when he’s in a darkened room and he says he does. It’s probably more common than we know.
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    What Pain Killers Can We Take?

    Paracetamol is safe. It’s the only pain killer I’ll use though.
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    Worst Setback Ever After Being Exposed to Ultrasonic Power Scaler at the Dentist — Please Help Me

    Please ask for a manual clean only and insist the dentist not use that ultrasonic cleaner. I did this at my last dentist visit a few months ago and my dentist was happy to oblige with a manual clean, it was quiet and effective in removing the plaque. I didn’t have a lot of plaque which helped...