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  1. sleepingsiren

    when i first got t I’d challenge myself to sit in silence with it, but to also have something to...

    when i first got t I’d challenge myself to sit in silence with it, but to also have something to distract me with. So I sat in silence in my room & distracted myself with social media. I needed music to fall asleep, now I can fall asleep just fine with ringing, even in silence. eventually it...
  2. sleepingsiren

    You can & WILL get better. I tried like crazy to make it go away, it didn’t for me, it might for...

    You can & WILL get better. I tried like crazy to make it go away, it didn’t for me, it might for you! Who knows. Regardless, you learn to live with what you cannot change. Good luck :-)
  3. sleepingsiren

    Just came on here to say I got t at 18, I’m 22 now. Totally habituated, it gets normal for you...

    Just came on here to say I got t at 18, I’m 22 now. Totally habituated, it gets normal for you. OCD is my problem, you too will overcome.
  4. sleepingsiren

    T seriously FEELS so loud

    T seriously FEELS so loud
  5. sleepingsiren

    no silence, only screeching

    no silence, only screeching
  6. sleepingsiren

    can anyone recommend soundproof earmuffs

    can anyone recommend soundproof earmuffs
  7. sleepingsiren

    she coughs as if she's choking and has woken me up twice, i honestly dont know which is worse of...

    she coughs as if she's choking and has woken me up twice, i honestly dont know which is worse of the two
  8. sleepingsiren

    my new neighbor below me is a smoker with a chronic cough and she wakes me at 2am how nice :)...

    my new neighbor below me is a smoker with a chronic cough and she wakes me at 2am how nice :) earplugs are my escape though
  9. sleepingsiren

    Muffled hearing went away?

    Muffled hearing went away?
  10. sleepingsiren

    crickets in both ears lol

    crickets in both ears lol
  11. sleepingsiren

    I work at leasing offices and I think it may have been the phones. Sometimes I get phone calls...

    I work at leasing offices and I think it may have been the phones. Sometimes I get phone calls where the person doesnt realize how loud they can be
  12. sleepingsiren

    @jazzy I had it for less than a week about six days I believe it was some sort of inflammation...

    @jazzy I had it for less than a week about six days I believe it was some sort of inflammation because I had constant aching pain too. I bought an otoscope at walmart and had my partner inspect my ear he said he saw redness at the back of my eardrum and a little wax thats too close to it.
  13. sleepingsiren

    Muffled hearing went away, so so thankful. I'll take t over muffled hearing any day.

    Muffled hearing went away, so so thankful. I'll take t over muffled hearing any day.
  14. sleepingsiren

    the horrific fact that it is infinite. the sound does not have a beginning nor end. it blows me...

    the horrific fact that it is infinite. the sound does not have a beginning nor end. it blows me away. scattered throughout my brain....
  15. sleepingsiren

    T is roaring, honestly dont care tho. Muffled hearing, and ear pain is getting the best of me...

    T is roaring, honestly dont care tho. Muffled hearing, and ear pain is getting the best of me this week. Dr's office tmrw if I don't p out.
  16. sleepingsiren

    I work in an office but I've decided I'm gonna start dropping calls if the other person is too...

    I work in an office but I've decided I'm gonna start dropping calls if the other person is too loud in my ear. Not worth the pain.
  17. sleepingsiren

    @Ilias T I'm also thinking otitis media........? I've had an infection before. Experiencing mild...

    @Ilias T I'm also thinking otitis media........? I've had an infection before. Experiencing mild pain here and there.
  18. sleepingsiren

    @Michael Leigh Thanks! I will. Even though doctors scare me, they don't consider ear problems as...

    @Michael Leigh Thanks! I will. Even though doctors scare me, they don't consider ear problems as an emergency. I'm afraid I will be dismissed without a proper assessment. :/
  19. sleepingsiren

    I hear this sound in my ear that sounds like a vibrating noise. Could the cause be that my ears...

    I hear this sound in my ear that sounds like a vibrating noise. Could the cause be that my ears are clogged?
  20. sleepingsiren

    My right ear is super clogged. Almost cant hear anything.

    My right ear is super clogged. Almost cant hear anything.
  21. sleepingsiren

    my ear pressure is fucked

    my ear pressure is fucked
  22. sleepingsiren

    Really don't understand why fluctuations are a thing. Makes me feel like a malfunctioning machine

    Really don't understand why fluctuations are a thing. Makes me feel like a malfunctioning machine
  23. sleepingsiren

    I will never get used to fluctuating T

    I will never get used to fluctuating T
  24. sleepingsiren

    have been offered a clerical position which i am so looking forward to. finally a job where...

    have been offered a clerical position which i am so looking forward to. finally a job where machines aren't blasting beside my ears
  25. sleepingsiren

    anxiety spirals with any small inconvenience that occurs with my ear, as if tinnitus wasn't enough!

    anxiety spirals with any small inconvenience that occurs with my ear, as if tinnitus wasn't enough!
  26. sleepingsiren

    Cleaned the inside of my ear with a towel now I have a crackling air-like popping sound that...

    Cleaned the inside of my ear with a towel now I have a crackling air-like popping sound that occurs with head movement how do I get rid kms
  27. sleepingsiren

    sometimes fear that T will drive me to a premature death. anyone else?

    sometimes fear that T will drive me to a premature death. anyone else?
  28. sleepingsiren

    really bothers me every night. eeee

    really bothers me every night. eeee
  29. sleepingsiren

    tmj is really bugging and the pain is radiating to my neck

    tmj is really bugging and the pain is radiating to my neck
  30. sleepingsiren

    thank you for your kind words by the way

    thank you for your kind words by the way
  31. sleepingsiren

    @just1morething i hear clicking in my nose some mornings. i think its my ET....? maybe a sinus...

    @just1morething i hear clicking in my nose some mornings. i think its my ET....? maybe a sinus thing.
  32. sleepingsiren

    a light hiss in my left, roaring t in my right, plus ear fluttering :(

    a light hiss in my left, roaring t in my right, plus ear fluttering :(
  33. sleepingsiren

    "Huh???" says me for the fourth time.

    "Huh???" says me for the fourth time.
  34. sleepingsiren

    sitting in "silence" inside my car at the moment teeeenitus.

    sitting in "silence" inside my car at the moment teeeenitus.
  35. sleepingsiren

    life before t, now its more life before covid and t :P

    life before t, now its more life before covid and t :P
  36. sleepingsiren

    Man, thankfully its tolerable. But it is rather annoying sitting in silence with this fuck in my...

    Man, thankfully its tolerable. But it is rather annoying sitting in silence with this fuck in my head
  37. sleepingsiren

    roaring t this morning

    roaring t this morning
  38. sleepingsiren

    crazy anxiety

    crazy anxiety
  39. sleepingsiren

    Mine is fuzzy when I wake up too. :)

    Mine is fuzzy when I wake up too. :)
  40. sleepingsiren

    Congrats on quitting

    Congrats on quitting
  41. sleepingsiren

    I remember my first, well and only MRI. I felt SUPER dizzy the first few minutes. I was in panic...

    I remember my first, well and only MRI. I felt SUPER dizzy the first few minutes. I was in panic and wanted to hit the emergency button.
  42. sleepingsiren

    Its been a long long while since I've had fluctuating t or heard a different tone.

    Its been a long long while since I've had fluctuating t or heard a different tone.
  43. sleepingsiren

    Plenty of people have some kind of tinnitus, we just have it louder than others. I have learned...

    Plenty of people have some kind of tinnitus, we just have it louder than others. I have learned to live with it, even in silence.
  44. sleepingsiren

    I thought I'd have vs only because I have tinnitus. I really think it is unlikely, I've asked my...

    I thought I'd have vs only because I have tinnitus. I really think it is unlikely, I've asked my doctor and optometrist about this.
  45. sleepingsiren

    Hope it goes away, most T sufferers get used to it meanwhile

    Hope it goes away, most T sufferers get used to it meanwhile
  46. sleepingsiren

    my body really sucks at sleeping

    my body really sucks at sleeping
  47. sleepingsiren

    Got two raises this same year at my job, I've been titled manager. + Been really struggling with...

    Got two raises this same year at my job, I've been titled manager. + Been really struggling with falling sleep.........grr
  48. sleepingsiren

    sleep anxiety is real

    sleep anxiety is real
  49. sleepingsiren

    Hey friend! T has been the same, but NOT any different or worse which I am extremely thankful...

    Hey friend! T has been the same, but NOT any different or worse which I am extremely thankful for. My education is on hold, I had one online math class last semester but thats about it. I'm not a fan of online classes and I never will be. But I'm glad you're still on this platform. I've learned...
  50. sleepingsiren

    More than a year ago I found myself hating life because of t. Today I find myself happily engaged!!!

    More than a year ago I found myself hating life because of t. Today I find myself happily engaged!!!
  51. sleepingsiren

    pretty much given up on t ever going away. been more than a year. never gonna get used to when...

    pretty much given up on t ever going away. been more than a year. never gonna get used to when im already stressed and it rages over it.
  52. sleepingsiren


  53. sleepingsiren

    t is god awful

    t is god awful
  54. sleepingsiren

    been reading, kind of my thing now.

    been reading, kind of my thing now.
  55. sleepingsiren

    so fucking loud. sometimes i cry about it

    so fucking loud. sometimes i cry about it
  56. sleepingsiren

    crying baby and barking dogs equals earplugs and a restless night

    crying baby and barking dogs equals earplugs and a restless night
  57. sleepingsiren

    haven't had ear pain

    haven't had ear pain
  58. sleepingsiren

    Mine last under a minute

    Mine last under a minute
  59. sleepingsiren

    Any treatment options?

    Any treatment options?
  60. sleepingsiren

    people i am close with now have tinnitus. shows their ignorance. i've warned them plenty

    people i am close with now have tinnitus. shows their ignorance. i've warned them plenty