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  1. M

    That is great man. Really 95% gone

    That is great man. Really 95% gone
  2. M

    My Tinnitus Is Gone! I Had It Since 2015 from Microsuction

    I could only wish. Was your tinnitus somatic at all? Could you make it louder by moving your neck or jaw?
  3. M

    My Tinnitus Is Gone! I Had It Since 2015 from Microsuction

    Wow amazing. Congrats. Can you hear no tinnitus at all or very very low?
  4. M

    Tinnitus Completely Gone

    Thank you so much. I’m so glad yours went away. So you hear absolutely no tinnitus or a very little bit?
  5. M

    Tinnitus Completely Gone

    Oh wow. So I have hope!! I’m at 1 year. Was yours somatic meaning could you change the sound by moving your neck or jaw? So you really feel the getting healthy helped it go away. That’s my last step.
  6. M

    Tinnitus Completely Gone

    Hey. So how long was it between when your tinnitus started and it going away?
  7. M

    Bad Tinnitus After Concussion — I Have One Silent Day Every Two Days

    When you say off do you mean complete silence?
  8. M

    Success: Noise-Induced Tinnitus and Hyperacusis 95% Gone

    What they are saying is 95% of the volume is gone. Tinnitus is all about volume. So yes if the volume is 95% lower then it’s the same as saying it’s 95% gone. If you have a bag of chips and eat 95% of that bag. Then it’s 95% gone even though you still have a bag of chips. Lol
  9. M

    Noise Induced Tinnitus Gone After 1 Month — Almost Ruined My Life

    Wow man. Congrats. You are so lucky. Protect your ears! Mine started almost 8 months ago and hasn’t stopped. Question, was yours somatic at all meaning could you increase the sound by moving your neck all the way left or right or opening your jaw wide? I don’t believe mine was noise induced...
  10. M

    Success — One Year After Getting Tinnitus — Habituated

    Hey. So did your tinnitus decrease at all or is it still at the same level? Also is your tinnitus somatic?
  11. M

    My Tinnitus Is Now Very Mild and Sometimes Gone

    I would seriously be so happy if mine came down to a .5 or 1 level. It's at an 8 for the last 8 months. I try so hard to ignore it and keeping going but it's so loud that it's just faking it. I hope I get there too.
  12. M

    My Tinnitus Is Now Very Mild and Sometimes Gone

    Did you do anything for the Bruxism that helped with tinnitus? Did you wear the mouth guard? I really hope mine reduces to that level as well. I'm 6 months in. When did yours started to lower to that level? You said you are 8 months in.
  13. M

    My Tinnitus Is Now Very Mild and Sometimes Gone

    Was your tinnitus somatic? Could you increase the sound by moving your neck all the way to the left or right or opening you jaw? What would you say your tinnitus is on a scale of 1 to 10 now? I'm so glad it's very mild now for you. I hope to get there. I'm 6 months in now. It hasn't seemed to...
  14. M

    Tinnitus with a Movement-Based Bonus Sound

    Mine is the same. Only 6 months in. It’s very somatic. Any head movement causes extra sounds. Even walking. It’s crazy.
  15. M

    My Success Story (So Far) — Tinnitus, Hyperacusis, TTTS

    @COYS Have you had any more lowering of your tinnitus? What would you say it is on a scale of 1 to 10?
  16. M

    Major Improvement After 1.5 Years

    @Davey998 Congrats. When you say it was an 8 and now is a one. Do you mean volume? Did the volume decrease to a 1? Was your tinnitus somatic?
  17. M

    For Those Who Are Fully Cured from Tinnitus, How Did It Happen?

    @Digital Doc wow so your went from an 8 to a 1. I would love for that to happen. I’m 5 months in but still feel it’s an 8. Mine is somatic. Is yours somatic?
  18. M

    Tinnitus Faded and Went Away After Four Weeks!

    Hers unfortunately came back if you see her profile.
  19. M

    Mummy of Two and Tinnitus! Got a New Low Vibrating Hum Noise

    I have a 3 year old and a new born. It kills me and I’m very emotional that I’m like this now for them. I cry everyday still because I feel I’ll never be the father for them that I was just 5 months ago. It’s the saddest part of all this.
  20. M

    25 Days with Tinnitus (So Far)

    @Mathieulh Hey. Has it stayed loud or is it back down again?
  21. M

    25 Days with Tinnitus (So Far)

    @Mathieulh Is it still low or almost gone? I hope so.
  22. M

    25 Days with Tinnitus (So Far)

    Wow that is amazing. I really hope it last and it's gone for good. You are very lucky if it does. I'm 5 months in and it's still loud. Let us know how things continue. Was your tinnitus somatic in any way? Could you change it by moving your neck all the way left or right or by opening your jaw...
  23. M

    Finally Peace of Mind

    A 1 or a 2 level would be great. How long did it take to get that low from when you first got it? When you say that you have gone 5 months without thinking about it, does that mean you don't mask it at all or use any masking at night to sleep either? Tinnitus is just completely out of your mind?
  24. M

    Finally Peace of Mind

    That is great. How loud would you say it is on a scale of 1 to 10? Is yours somatic meaning you can increase the sound by moving your neck all the way left or right or by opening your jaw all the way?
  25. M

    Wow, the last three days my T has been a 10/10. I just don't understand what is going on. I...

    Wow, the last three days my T has been a 10/10. I just don't understand what is going on. I should be getting better not worse.
  26. M

    That awesome. I'm so glade for you. I really hope that I get there too. I got it around the same...

    That awesome. I'm so glade for you. I really hope that I get there too. I got it around the same as you but don't have luck on it getting better :( Its still an 8. Is yours somatic at all?
  27. M

    Hi, so your still improving? What level would you say it is from scale 1 out of 10?

    Hi, so your still improving? What level would you say it is from scale 1 out of 10?
  28. M

    Massive Improvement from Acoustic Trauma

    Congrats man. I wish I had very mild tinnitus. I'm at 5 months and it's still severe at about 8/10. Today it seems much worse for some reason. Mine wasn't even acoustical trauma. Just started one day while watching TV. No hearing loss either. I don't use headphones or go to concerts or clubs. I...
  29. M

    5th Year of Tinnitus and It Got a Lot Better

    Yeah me too. It has gotten a little better than when it started. It is also much lower in the morning as well and then gets louder throughout the day. I didn’t have an acoustic trauma, I’m guessing it's from stress. But I don't know. I don’t go to concerts or wear ear buds.
  30. M

    Am I Just Weak or Is My Tinnitus Too Loud? Struggling

    I'm almost 5 months in and unfortunately feel the same as you. You're not weak. Tinnitus is a monster.
  31. M

    5th Year of Tinnitus and It Got a Lot Better

    That’s awesome. I hope to get there. How long did it take before you noticed it starting to get better? I’m 5 months in and it’s only slightly better.
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    5th Year of Tinnitus and It Got a Lot Better

    @jjflyman Hi, how are you. I remember reading that your tinnitus has significantly faded. How is it now? Is it still fading? Is it very low? What would you say it is on a scale of 1 to 10?
  33. M

    4 Years of Tinnitus — Still Bugs Me, Yet Something Good and Interesting Has Come Out of It

    @coffee_girl I remember reading that your tinnitus is very low. Is that still the case? Has your tinnitus gotten better?
  34. M

    My Success Story (So Far) — Tinnitus, Hyperacusis, TTTS

    Nice. Congrats. Mine is still pretty bad but I am trying. How about the loudness of the ringing? Is it still low? What would you rate it on a scale of 1 out of 10?
  35. M

    Tinnitus Faded and Went Away After Four Weeks!

    That’s amazing. I’m so glad for you!!
  36. M

    Wow you did. That’s great How is it now?

    Wow you did. That’s great How is it now?
  37. M

    Tinnitus Is Gone After I Detected the Root Cause (Neck)

    @InDespair Oh good. So I will keep trying. How long did you do the exercises before you started to see relief?
  38. M

    Tinnitus Is Gone After I Detected the Root Cause (Neck)

    I have somatic tinnitus and wasn’t due to loud noise. I don't know where it came from. Every time I try and do exercises it seems to make it worse and louder? Does anyone who has somatic tinnitus get worse with neck exercises? I went to physiotherapy and had a loud spike for a week.
  39. M

    3 Month Update — Tinnitus Got Better

    @Deamon22 Even though your tinnitus is really low, is it still somatic? Can you still change the sound by moving your neck?
  40. M

    3 Month Update — Tinnitus Got Better

    Did the actual volume of your tinnitus reduce? About how much would you say it has reduced since the beginning? What would you say it is on a scale of 1 to 10?
  41. M

    3 Month Update — Tinnitus Got Better

    Congrats man. I am so happy for you. I pray that I get to that point as well. Some portions of the day it gets low and I feel like maybe I can deal with tinnitus but then it always gets bad again. I'm at 4 months and I know it's still early.
  42. M

    Tinnitus Is Gone After I Detected the Root Cause (Neck)

    Yes I believe mine is neck related as well. Your tinnitus is somatic I’m guessing? How long did you do the exercise before your tinnitus stopped?
  43. M

    That’s awesome. What would you say it is on a 1/10 scale?

    That’s awesome. What would you say it is on a 1/10 scale?
  44. M

    Increased Tinnitus After MRI

    @BrStan has your tinnitus lowered since the MRI?
  45. M

    Tinnitus/TMD Following Dental Work

    Has your tinnitus gotten any quieter at all in 6 months?
  46. M

    5th Year of Tinnitus and It Got a Lot Better

    How quiet is it on a scale of 1 to 10?
  47. M

    My Recovery from Hearing Loss, Tinnitus, & Eustachian Tube Dysfunction

    I'm so happy for you. So this reduction happened a week ago? Did your tinnitus lower at all during the first 8 months? Or did it just lower on the 8th month? Was your tinnitus somatic meaning, could you change the sound with neck and jaw movement?
  48. M

    My Tinnitus Is Going Away — Here Is My Story

    @acute are you doing better? Has it lowered for you a bit yet?
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    My Tinnitus Is Going Away — Here Is My Story

    @Gemxpert It definitely is great to hear success. How long did it take before you started to notice it got quieter? And what level is it at now on a 1 out of 10 scale? Can you only hear it in quiet rooms? Thanks.
  50. M

    Friend of Mine's Tinnitus Went Away After Two Months on Its Own

    That is great to hear! I'm at a little over 4 months with my tinnitus. Do you know if hers was somatic?
  51. M

    Did it get louder?

    Did it get louder?
  52. M

    Went to Chiropractor — C1, C2 and Jaw Off / Remeron Worsened Tinnitus / Anxiety

    @Tretred that's good your is a 3. Mine is still about an 8. Very hard to deal with. But I’m hoping with time it will reduce to a 3 which would be great. Does your chiro only do upper cervical adjustments or others as well?
  53. M

    Went to Chiropractor — C1, C2 and Jaw Off / Remeron Worsened Tinnitus / Anxiety

    @Tretred is your tinnitus still a hiss right now? Has it gotten better? How loud is it on a scale of 1 to 10? Is your tinnitus somatic?
  54. M

    Neck and Jaw Issues — Would Heat and Muscle Relaxers Be Helpful?

    @Mathew Gould is your tinnitus somatic? Has it gotten better since 2017? I’m 4 months in. I tried muscle relaxers but didn’t seem to work. I tried Ice on my neck and still no.
  55. M

    Having My First Tinnitus Spike — Could Use Positivity

    Check out @Emperor-Drax threads. His was a metal bar hitting the ground I believe. Similar to you kinda. He fully recovered.
  56. M

    It Does Get Better — Time Is Cure

    Congrats. I hope to get there. When you say silent days, do you mean that it's completely gone during that time or you just don't hear it because your brain ignores it?
  57. M

    Hi Everyone, Here Comes a French Fellow!

    Thanks for your response. I hope you have more silent times.
  58. M

    Hi Everyone, Here Comes a French Fellow!

    @Michael Leigh So how is your tinnitus? Has it gotten better in the 23 years or is it still severe? On a scale of 1 to 10?
  59. M

    So 1 out of 10 what would you say your T is? From when it started to now?

    So 1 out of 10 what would you say your T is? From when it started to now?
  60. M

    I started taking ACV recently. So you think it has helped you? I'm only on it a week.

    I started taking ACV recently. So you think it has helped you? I'm only on it a week.