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  • Users: Rog
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  1. Rog

    Can Acupuncture Help Tinnitus?

    It helps you and not only tinnitus. I get to see my acupuncturist once a week and always feel MUCH BETTER afterwards.
  2. Rog

    [Danny Boy Memorial Fund] In Loving Memory of Danny Boy

    Nothing more than PEACE to you Danny
  3. Rog

    DIY Low-Level Laser Therapy for Tinnitus on a Budget — LLLT Under 100,-

    GREAT contribution!!! Could you please again give the links of what to buy??? THANK YOU
  4. Rog

    Massive Improvement in Tinnitus Using Dr. Wilden's Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT)

    Congratulations!!! I can copy and paste this and say that it was exactly what happened to me. I can picture myself 100% almost 3 years ago just reading this. How do I know the prices for this product?
  5. Rog

    Retigabine (Trobalt, Potiga) — General Discussion

    I understand. I read here in this Forum that was possible to buy them without prescription. Please do your searching here with more details...
  6. Rog

    Retigabine (Trobalt, Potiga) — General Discussion

    Try Belgium and some pharmacy online with prescription.
  7. Rog

    Got Captured in Hospital

    You are just AWESOME @glynis :cat:
  8. Rog

    Video Series: Total Tinnitus Remission / Patient #1 / By Dr. Tanit Ganz Sanchez

    Hello everyone I'm from Brazil but live in NYC. Feb 2014 was when tinnitus hijacked my life. As many of you knows depression,anxiety and suicidal thoughts was in my mind 24/7. Couldn't find a doctor who would help me in the biggest capital of the whole world. All they said was that I had to get...
  9. Rog

    Spics Spacs and Brain Zaps

    I had this zapping too when i took Klonopin for the first time only.
  10. Rog

    Proposing a Phone Number System to Prevent People from Harming Themselves

    Why not BUDDY CHAT? Like when you need help online someone could have a private window on TT...Just an idea...
  11. Rog

    Retigabine (Trobalt, Potiga) — General Discussion

    buy from canada I did and it worked out fine with the prescription you have
  12. Rog

    Close To The Edge Again

    Hi @Sleep i am praying for you. Hang in there and just make it day by day and I'm sure you will get better.
  13. Rog

    Returning From Business Trip and...

    Flying does not make my T worse. I took several flights over 9 hours each with no increase...
  14. Rog

    My Life Is Ruined

    @Lilyboo I know you will be alright. Tinnitus robbed 5 months of my life with pure misery. But today I am back to my life more grateful then I ever been. Please be kind to yourself and the time you heal you... God bless!!
  15. Rog

    Retigabine (Trobalt, Potiga) — Petition to the ATA

    I will be in bed...
  16. Rog

    Clinic Specialized in Pulsatile Tinnitus

    Thought it would be interesting of sharing.
  17. Rog

    attheedgeofscience Is the First Member to Reach 2,000 Positive Ratings

    @attheedgeofscience you rock
  18. Rog

    Pulsatile Tinnitus Sounds Like Car Alarm

    :dunno:Same here :)
  19. Rog

    Prednisone and Fluticasone

    When i was on set was given full corse of prednisone. Didn't do much for my tinnitus but i believe it helped with some hearing loss had at the time. Hope you get better.
  20. Rog

    Retigabine (Trobalt, Potiga) — General Discussion

    @1MW @valeri check this link they ship worldwide
  21. Rog

    I Did Something Incredibly Stupid

    You are a brave man @RaZaH Things will calm down
  22. Rog


    @svintegrity Thank you for your response. I have two kinds of T... One is a beeeeee sound the other goes with my heart race.I am glad you didn't settle and found the root of the problem. Also i wish you a very good luck in your procedure.Please let us all know how it went. Thank you
  23. Rog


    HI @svintegrity. I too have the same car alarm sound T. I have done lots of treatments and exams ex: MRI, MRA and Angiogram and so on... Everything cameout fine. How did you get to know about the artery?? Thank you
  24. Rog

    My Tinnitus Has Changed ...

    Wishing a good and fast recovery @nagler
  25. Rog

    It Got Better for Me

    I wish to you a very positive and success with your treatment. God bless you too.
  26. Rog

    Retigabine (Trobalt, Potiga) — General Discussion

    I don't have much to say yet. But it seems to have a positive effect on my T. Especially when I have my head on the pillow and when I walk it changed the modulation as did for @locoyeti i recall. So far so good. Running out of supply once my doctor is in maternity.
  27. Rog

    I'm Losing My Battle...

    @Geo hang in there bud. I've gone trough a lot of mental pain with T but today I'm here offering my help when once I thought I would never be capable of. Things will be alright on the right time. I promise. God bless you and all of us!
  28. Rog

    Retigabine (Trobalt, Potiga) — General Discussion

    Thank you @Markku you're doing an increditable work here.
  29. Rog

    Brand New to This Nightmare... Perhaps Someone Can Share a Positive Outcome...

    @Lever151 I had the same experience exactly a year ago. Funny enough was the Super Bowl night. Mine was ear infection plus a cold 3 weeks after.It took five months of my normal life.Quited my job and had suicidal thoughts every 5 seconds.I was miserable but there as a light...Today after the...
  30. Rog

    Retigabine (Trobalt, Potiga) — User Experiences

    New User Information Gender: Male Age: 36 How Long Have You Suffered From Tinnitus? (Date of Onset): Feb 3, 2014 How Did You Get Tinnitus?: Other (define below) Explain How You Got Tinnitus: ear infection plus a cold one month later Is Your Tinnitus in Which of the Following?: Both...
  31. Rog

    Retigabine (Trobalt, Potiga) — General Discussion

    @SoulStation Thank you. Question, how do I post on Users Expirience??
  32. Rog

    Retigabine (Trobalt, Potiga) — General Discussion

    Got my RTG 50mg today.(y) Does anyone drink alcohol while on this drug? By alcohol I mean one beer or or one scotch everyday:). Thank you Rog
  33. Rog

    Retigabine (Trobalt, Potiga) — General Discussion

    Thank you very much @SoulStation
  34. Rog

    Retigabine (Trobalt, Potiga) — General Discussion

    Can I use my prescription from here??Or no prescription? Thank you
  35. Rog

    Retigabine (Trobalt, Potiga) — General Discussion

    Hi everyone! I finally got a prescription for RTG 50mg. Can anyone tell me what's the best way to take it. Also my insurance doesn't cover it and I'll have to pay out of pocket. Anyone knows where's least expensive pharmacy where in NY I can buy it. I really appreciate any answer. Thank you.
  36. Rog

    Here Is How I Solved My Tinnitus — New Protocols and Supplements To Try

    @RaZaH How's your t now after trying RTG? Thank you Rog
  37. Rog

    Retigabine (Trobalt, Potiga) — General Discussion

    @Danny Boy boy had ear infection
  38. Rog

    Retigabine (Trobalt, Potiga) — General Discussion

    Does anyone know if Reigabine is available in Colombia?? Couldn't find an answer in the web. Thank you
  39. Rog

    Retigabine (Trobalt, Potiga) — Petition to the ATA

    @Markku you're a fine man :)
  40. Rog

    Squealing Ears When Doing Valsalva Maneuver?

    @RaZaH hope you're well. I'm trying to get my hands on Trobat. How are you feeling with the drug ? THank you
  41. Rog

    Tibetan Medicine Works for Tinnitus — Test This Supplement!

    Another place
  42. Rog

    Feeling Devastated... Need Some Support.

    I want to congratulate you for been brave all those years ! As someone mentioned above ... Take this decision as for now, not forever . Who knows one day you will be back on gigs again, huh? God knows! God bless you @SoulStation
  43. Rog

    Do You Think This Car I'm Buying Could Cause Hearing Loss Through Bone Conduction?

    Buy the car and listen to a nice music to mask your T. All set . 1 2 3 and 60 miles in 3 seconds...GO !!!!
  44. Rog

    6+ Months Pulsating. Help Needed!

    Hi @Karen . If haven't done the angiogram it would bug me . So decided to get it done . You know we try EVERYTHING and ANYTHING that could possibly help us with tinnitus . But after the angiogram done I don't think it was much of a help once I already had a lot of test/exams done. So I don't...
  45. Rog

    6+ Months Pulsating. Help Needed!

    Hi @adamj I have PT due ear infection ! Mine isn't to bad NOW( in the beginning i was in a very very bad shape emotionally ),but bothers me sometimes . I had all the exams you had plus angiogram . Everything came fine. Honestly i don't think you will find much doing angiogram once everything...
  46. Rog

    NeuroVascular Conflict

    Have you heard of Dr Shapiro from NYU ?? He's a great doctor ! Spent over am hour revising my exams and talking to me. I think I have pulsatile tinnitus too! Went to see him with all my exams but everything is fine , nothing to be found . Don't know where you leave but you can send him DVDs of...
  47. Rog

    Custom Earplugs (ACS, Elacin, Etymotic, Westone, etc.)

    @Cor hey bud . Would you mind giving us the link?? Best Rog
  48. Rog

    The Positivity Thread

    I'm happy for you @billie48 . Thank god the exams came out fine .
  49. Rog

    Autifony Therapeutics Phase I Study for AUT00063, for the Treatment of Hearing Loss and Tinnitus

    @dan Loved the update Dan . Thank you A lot . Rog
  50. Rog

    AM-101 TACTT1 Results Released

    @Bart Marien Thank you for the update Bart. I really hope it works soon or when you get the new injections . Rog
  51. Rog

    Who Said Our Life Is All About Tinnitus? I Share With You Some Pictures I Took After.

    I hope you enjoy you trip at least 99% like you did before:beeranimation:. Have a good time man.
  52. Rog

    AM-101 TACTT1 Results Released

    @Bart Marien hey Bart ! Hope you're doing well. Can you please give is any update of your trial ? Thank you ! Rog
  53. Rog

    Cochlear Nerve Section Cures Some People's Tinnitus

    @Molan Found this one from 2012;year=2012;volume=60;issue=5;spage=495;epage=497;aulast=Zhang
  54. Rog


    I am following your idea... 1 2 3 ,GOOOOOO!!
  55. Rog

    l Think I Have It All... (Tinnitus + Hyperacusis + TTS + ETD+ TMJ)

    Congratulation for your braveness !!!
  56. Rog

    Greatly Improved Story/Goodbye Message

    @cullenbohannon God bless you Cullen . You're in my prayers so is everyone on this board .
  57. Rog

    Post Your Favorite Songs

    Lou Reed . Pale blue eyes
  58. Rog

    Autifony Therapeutics Phase I Study for AUT00063, for the Treatment of Hearing Loss and Tinnitus

    Thank you very much for your reply @bill 112
  59. Rog

    Clinical Investigation on the Beneficial Effects of the Chinese Medicinal Herb Gushen Pian

    I do believe too!! One day they will discover a simple cure for tinnitus hidden in a forest ...
  60. Rog

    Autifony Therapeutics Phase I Study for AUT00063, for the Treatment of Hearing Loss and Tinnitus

    Hi guys . I have a question. If this drug really works and they find the cure. Will Autifony work on tinnitus from ear infection too??? Thank you. @dan @bill 112