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  1. Brock WS

    Hyperacusis, As I See It

    I've definitely got hyperacusis or something adjacent to it (dysacusis is a term that seems to describe what I'm going through, but who knows). I've had hearing tests and examinations done by a neuro-otologist recently so it definitely isn't ETD; it might be a while before I can get TRT done but...
  2. Brock WS

    Hyperacusis, As I See It

    Sorry to bother again, Michael, but I had just one more question; this has been a confusion of mine in prior attempts I've made at sound enrichment. Would you recommend using a certain sound even if it comes out distorted/mixed with the tinnitus (potentially what people mean when they say they...
  3. Brock WS

    Hyperacusis, As I See It

    Hi @Michael Leigh I just had a quick question I find myself in this situation right now, I've completely acclimatized to my tinnitus but I'm still looking to iron out what could be described as reactive tinnitus, hyperacusis, dysacusis, sound distortion, etc. I just wanted to make sure of this...
  4. Brock WS

    Sound Therapy for Pain Hyperacusis — Can It Work?

    Hi @serendipity1996 We share several symptoms (TTTS, hyperacusis, tinging in forehead and scalp in reaction to noise, probably more) and I'm looking for some advice. I've had tinnitus and hyperacusis (or reactive tinnitus, dysacusis, whatever you would call sound being distorted) for well over...
  5. Brock WS

    "Reactive" Pulsatile Reverberating Tinnitus/Hyperacusis — Anyone Else Experienced These Symptoms?

    Thanks for the advice. I've been trying sound therapy on and off for the entirety of the time I've had tinnitus; my problem right now is that I hear the noises of distortion to some degree in all of it, and it seems to make things worse. My tinnitus isn't noise induced, it started when I was...
  6. Brock WS

    "Reactive" Pulsatile Reverberating Tinnitus/Hyperacusis — Anyone Else Experienced These Symptoms?

    Hi all In the year and a bit since I first contacted tinnitus I've failed to find anyone who has experienced these exact symptoms; I initially assumed they were a form of hyperacusis (which they may very well be), but it would be a relief if there were anyone who has experienced anything...
  7. Brock WS

    Do MRIs Identify TTTS?

    Thanks Is there a way of getting it diagnosed period?
  8. Brock WS

    Do MRIs Identify TTTS?

    Hi all I've been increasingly confident in the past few weeks that I've got TTTS to some degree. I have many of the typical symptoms (eardrum fluttering and spasms, fullness in ears, TMJ related ear popping and jaw cracking, occasional vertigo) in addition to tinnitus and dysacusis. However...
  9. Brock WS

    Habituation and Tinnitus Treatments

    Hi @Michael Leigh I seem to be unable to ask you a question via PM so I'm doing so here if that's alright. I've read a lot of your posts on here and recently bought the S-650-02 Oasis machine (my main goal is to try and combat my reactive tinnitus, or possible hyperacusis, which reacts to and...
  10. Brock WS

    After Blowing My Nose, Now Louder Tinnitus & Masking Sounds Have Distorted Fluttering Sound

    Hi I actually have been to the ENT, and he sent me in to get an MRI of which I haven't gotten the results back yet. He couldn't find anything wrong with my ears, but this could perhaps be different now. It probably would have been best to wait until I got the results back to post a thread...
  11. Brock WS

    After Blowing My Nose, Now Louder Tinnitus & Masking Sounds Have Distorted Fluttering Sound

    Hi everyone; I've been experiencing tinnitus and what could probably be described as hyperacusis or some sort of acoustic trauma since Feburary. I acquired it simply by blowing my nose, causing my ears to pop and the ringing to be there immediately afterward. Immediately I could tell I didn't...