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  1. S


    FWIW - I have had tinnitus for 2 yrs and 4 mos. After onset I was desperate to try anything (you know the feeling). After a cursory exam by an ENT who didn't know JACK about tinnitus I stumbled upon the tinnitus clinic at University of Iowa which is about 30 miles from my home. After an...
  2. S

    I'll Take Tinnitus, Thank You.

    Saying I would rather have my tinnitus than some other horrible disease is utter nonsense. It is just as nonsensical to say I would rather have 'X' disease than my tinnitus. Fact is, the tinnitus sufferer could have both. Then would he say I would rather have my tinnitus and lung cancer...
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    Well, Here We Go Again

    Lynnette - Yes, you do look happy in that pic. I am two years in with this #$%@ and still working toward that "mentally stable place".
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    Well, Here We Go Again

    Lynette, I don't want to be a drag but in your photo, is that a large speaker behind you in the background. If so then you have no problems with loud music or are you using ear plugs to dampen down the dbs?
  5. S

    Tinnitus and Suicide

    Tinnitus is a horrid affliction. I have had the T for over two years and I consider myself, not habituated, but more like recovering with hopes of getting to the point where tinnitus is no longer an issue in my life. I have met several individuals who have severe T. One is a lady who is...