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    Tinnitus from Getting Slapped in the Ear — ENT Said I Have Perforated Eardrum

    Yes, sounds like a boy thing...maybe let's not do that one again :) I would call your ENT as PP suggested, with a perforated eardrum maybe you cannot wear ear plugs. I do not have noise induced, but was told by my ENT, check the decibels where you are...if its overly loud you want to protect...

    Ear "Resets" with a Microsecond of NO Tinnitus... What Is It? Avenue for Research?

    Yes, I was in active daily 24/7 Tinnitus spike when it first came on in September; in November after 9 weeks of 24/7 T; I went to the ENT..I actually asked him, can you hear it when he had the stethoscope to my ear...he said, uhm, no... I don't know what has gone haywire, but I had dental...

    Tinnitus from Getting Slapped in the Ear — ENT Said I Have Perforated Eardrum

    I hope you are a short term T sufferer, 3 weeks is enough time to make you anxious for sure. I think it will pass. You take care of those ears more slapping your ear, whoever did that to you, rip them to shreds so they NEVER do it to anyone again. I developed T 5 1/2 months ago...

    Ear "Resets" with a Microsecond of NO Tinnitus... What Is It? Avenue for Research?

    The closest I have come to this is, as my tinnitus is only in the left ear - is my left ear would go completely deaf for several seconds, like someone covered my ear... and when my hearing would resume it was slightly distorted for a few minutes. I still get the mute/distortion...

    Wisdom Teeth Extraction — Experiences?

    @Karl28 I have the same experience after dental appointments, my T goes quiet, would also say 0 - 0.5/10. Maybe it was the novocaine..who knows..mine also comes back as well..but it was nice while it lasted..

    Wisdom Teeth Extraction — Experiences?

    I had my wisdom teeth removed 20 years ago, before tinnitus. I doubt it can make it worse. I have had many dental procedures since I developed tinnitus September 2019; 2 root canals and a crown and my tinnitus goes silent for 24-36 hours after every dental procedure and Novocaine. I relish the...

    Sitting in Dental Chair Makes My Tinnitus DIsappear for 36 Hours Afterwards — Why?

    I hope for all of us...its not something you pop an Advil for and can sort of get thru it..its always there whistling away... I have found that dehydration is a huge factor in a spike for me, as in after coffee, I will spike to 7/8-10 for hours, but coffee is not something I can give up, salt...

    Poll: When You First Noticed Your Tinnitus Did You Wake Up from Sleep to It?

    I woke up 9/16/19 to a tiny whistle in the left ear. I didn’t think ANYTHING of it. It’s happened before when I was about to get a cold or sinus infection. The whistle kept up - all day. All night for days. Never got a cold. Never got a sinus infection. At the one week mark of non stop tinnitus...

    Blood Type and/or Rh Factor Relationship with Tinnitus?

    I think those of us without noise induced tinnitus AND rh negative might be onto something with this GABA and glutamate business. I’m digesting all of this as we speak... googling my heart out...
  10. CHLOE_EE

    Blood Type and/or Rh Factor Relationship with Tinnitus?

    I’m O -, 49 y/o; have never been exposed to loud noise, no headphone use, no otoxic drugs. My mother and sister are O+ and do NOT have tinnitus. I’ve had tinnitus almost 5 months. Left ear only. This is interesting... I’ve always craved sugar — but have cut it out due to the tinnitus...
  11. CHLOE_EE

    Sitting in Dental Chair Makes My Tinnitus DIsappear for 36 Hours Afterwards — Why?

    Thank you Tybs, I have always thought it was something to do with my neck and the disc degeneration; also during this time I became anemic and have dealt with that issue and my iron levels are being restored. My hemoglobin was at it was very very B12 819 and folate good
  12. CHLOE_EE

    Sitting in Dental Chair Makes My Tinnitus DIsappear for 36 Hours Afterwards — Why?

    Yes, novocaine for all appointments...That makes sense because my T starts to fade after the novocaine shot and stays quiet for over 24 hours after the shot... I was hoping that the abscessed tooth, was causing the T but it is on my right side and is the furthest back molar on right (tooth...
  13. CHLOE_EE

    Sitting in Dental Chair Makes My Tinnitus DIsappear for 36 Hours Afterwards — Why?

    I am thankful for every moment I don't hear could be the last quiet I ever get..thank you!
  14. CHLOE_EE

    Sitting in Dental Chair Makes My Tinnitus DIsappear for 36 Hours Afterwards — Why?

    Thanks in advance to all and I post this to see if anyone else has been in the situation. My tinnitus showed up out of nowhere September 16, 2019. Left ear only. A Morse code, kettle whistle type. It’s not constant but can be. Sometimes if I press my head a certain way it stops. Then it’s...
  15. CHLOE_EE

    The Dentist

    I chipped a tooth 3 weeks ago and it turned into the worst case scenario ... where I was hoping for a simple bonding job - of course that was not to be - and I needed a two part root canal and have been to the endodontist twice and the dentist three times since I chipped the tooth. I will be...
  16. CHLOE_EE

    Can Tinnitus Affect Audiogram / Hearing Test Results?

    Yes, There is no possible way to have properly diagnosed my left ear as it whistled away... I have been to 4 specialist in the past 3 months to figure this out... I have been to the dentist, do not have TMJ BUT chew gum, often which has made the neck, jaw muscles tight - I am weaning that way...
  17. CHLOE_EE

    Can Tinnitus Affect Audiogram / Hearing Test Results?

    I had my first audiogram yesterday, and my T fluctuates in pitch and tone from high kettle whistle to Morse Code, and it's off and on, only left ear. I can have quiet all day, then spikes, then quiet all night, then the next day high kettle whitsle/Morse Code all day and all night. I have...